| #!/bin/sh |
| echo "clone.........." |
| git clone --branch master https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/openwrt/lede mac80211_package |
| git clone --branch master https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/openwrt/feeds/mtk_openwrt_feeds |
| git clone --branch master https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/gateway/autobuild_v5 |
| git clone --branch master https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/gateway/big_sw |
| git clone https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/gateway/rdk-b/meta-filogic-logan |
| git clone https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/gateway/rdk-b/meta-filogic |
| |
| |
| echo "sync hostapd patch from openWrt" |
| #remove old patch |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hostapd/files/patches |
| |
| #copy new patch from openwrt |
| mkdir -p meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hostapd/files/patches |
| cp -f autobuild_v5/mt7988-mt7990-BE19000/package/network/services/hostapd/patches/* meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hostapd/files/patches/ |
| |
| |
| echo "sync wifi profile from openWrt" |
| #remove old profile |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/wireless/mediatek |
| |
| #copy new profile from openwrt |
| mkdir -p meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/wireless/mediatek |
| cp -f big_sw/mtk/drivers/wifi-profile/files/mt7990/* meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/wireless/mediatek |
| |
| |
| echo "sync wifi config from openWrt" |
| #remove old config |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config |
| |
| #copy new config from openwrt |
| mkdir -p meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config |
| #copy origin openwrt config |
| cp -f autobuild_v5/mt7988-mt7990-BE19000/.config meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config/openwrt_mt7990-be19000_config |
| cp -f autobuild_v5/mt7988-mt7992-BE7200/.config meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config/openwrt_mt7992-be7200_config |
| cp meta-cmf-filogic/mtk_scripts/rdkb_logan_config_helper meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config |
| cp meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/make-l1profile.py meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config |
| #gen wifi config and l1 profile by different openwrt config |
| cd meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/mt-wifi7/files/config |
| ./rdkb_logan_config_helper openwrt_mt7990-be19000_config mt7990-be19000 |
| ./rdkb_logan_config_helper openwrt_mt7992-be7200_config mt7992-be7200 |
| python make-l1profile.py openwrt_mt7990-be19000_config mt7990-be19000.dat |
| python make-l1profile.py openwrt_mt7992-be7200_config mt7992-be7200.dat |
| #remove script |
| rm -f rdkb_logan_config_helper |
| rm -f make-l1profile.py |
| |
| cd - |
| |
| echo "GEN iw patches.........." |
| cp meta-cmf-filogic/mtk_scripts/rdkb_inc_helper mac80211_package/package/network/utils/iw |
| cd mac80211_package/package/network/utils/iw |
| #remove patches not work for wifi hal |
| rm -rf patches/200-reduce_size.patch |
| |
| ./rdkb_inc_helper patches |
| mv patches.inc patches |
| |
| cd - |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/iw/patches |
| cp -rf mac80211_package/package/network/utils/iw/patches meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/iw |
| ver=`grep "PKG_VERSION:=" mac80211_package/package/network/utils/iw/Makefile | cut -c 14-` |
| newbb=iw_${ver}.bb |
| cd meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/iw/ |
| oldbb=`ls *.bb` |
| echo "Update iw bb file name.........." |
| mv ${oldbb} ${newbb} |
| cd - |
| |
| echo "Update iw bb hash .........." |
| hash1=`grep "PKG_HASH" mac80211_package/package/network/utils/iw/Makefile | cut -c 11-` |
| sed -i 's/SRC_URI\[sha256sum\].*/SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "'${hash1}'"/g' meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/iw/${newbb} |
| |
| |
| |
| echo "Update libubox version.........." |
| ver=`grep "PKG_SOURCE_VERSION" mac80211_package/package/libs/libubox/Makefile | cut -c 21-` |
| sed -i 's/SRCREV =.*/SRCREV = "'$ver'"/g' meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/libubox/libubox_git.bbappend |
| |
| echo "Update ubus version.........." |
| ver=`grep "PKG_SOURCE_VERSION" mac80211_package/package/system/ubus/Makefile | cut -c 21-` |
| sed -i 's/SRCREV =.*/SRCREV = "'$ver'"/g' meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/ubus/ubus_git.bb |
| |
| echo "Update libnl-tiny version.........." |
| ver=`grep "PKG_SOURCE_VERSION" mac80211_package/package/libs/libnl-tiny/Makefile | cut -c 21-` |
| sed -i 's/SRCREV =.*/SRCREV = "'$ver'"/g' meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/libnl-tiny/libnl-tiny_git.bb |
| |
| echo "Update iwinfo version.........." |
| ver=`grep "PKG_SOURCE_VERSION" mac80211_package/package/network/utils/iwinfo/Makefile | cut -c 21-` |
| sed -i 's/SRCREV =.*/SRCREV = "'$ver'"/g' meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/iwinfo/iwinfo_git.bb |
| |
| echo "sync ccsp hal wifi-test-tool from meta-filogic" |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/ccsp |
| cp -rf meta-filogic/recipes-wifi/ccsp meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/ccsp |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hal/files meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hal/halinterface.bbappend |
| cp -rf meta-filogic/recipes-wifi/hal/files meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hal/files |
| cp -f meta-filogic/recipes-wifi/hal/halinterface.bbappend meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/hal/halinterface.bbappend |
| rm -rf meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool |
| cp -rf meta-filogic/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool meta-filogic-logan/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool |
| echo "Sync from OpenWRT done , ready to commit meta-filogic-logan!!!" |