Clone this repo:


  1. e1abe90 Merge "[rdkb][common][app][Fix 2024q1 version build fail issue]" by developer · 10 hours ago master
  2. 07d9738 [rdkb][common][app][Fix 2024q1 version build fail issue] by developer · 10 hours ago
  3. bc656ac [[RDKB]Support eagle mp3, kite mp1, eagle mp4, kite mp2 in RDKB] by developer · 2 days ago
  4. 5ee7f52 [[RDKB]Support eagle mp3, kite mp1, eagle mp4, kite mp2 in RDKB] by developer · 8 days ago
  5. 9c488d7 Revert "[rdkb][common][app][Fix ccsp-eth-agent build error]" by developer · 4 weeks ago


External layer for turris omnia

Quick Build steps

Follow this build steps to generate RDKB image and assuming that yocto environment setting is already done.

$ mkdir <workspace dir> 
$ cd <workspace dir> 

$ repo init -u -m rdkb-turris-extsrc.xml -b rdk-next
$ repo init -u -m rdkb-turris-nosrc.xml -b rdk-next

$ repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle 
$ MACHINE=turris source meta-turris/setup-environment
$ bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image