blob: fb59515af6a87dba643aac5bbc660d98d9571355 [file] [log] [blame]
* SSL/TLS transport layer over SOCK_STREAM sockets
* Copyright (C) 2012 EXCELIANCE, Emeric Brun <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
* 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Acknowledgement:
* We'd like to specially thank the Stud project authors for a very clean
* and well documented code which helped us understand how the OpenSSL API
* ought to be used in non-blocking mode. This is one difficult part which
* is not easy to get from the OpenSSL doc, and reading the Stud code made
* it much more obvious than the examples in the OpenSSL package. Keep up
* the good works, guys !
* Stud is an extremely efficient and scalable SSL/TLS proxy which combines
* particularly well with haproxy. For more info about this project, visit :
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <common/buffer.h>
#include <common/compat.h>
#include <common/config.h>
#include <common/debug.h>
#include <common/errors.h>
#include <common/standard.h>
#include <common/ticks.h>
#include <common/time.h>
#include <ebsttree.h>
#include <types/global.h>
#include <types/ssl_sock.h>
#include <proto/acl.h>
#include <proto/arg.h>
#include <proto/connection.h>
#include <proto/fd.h>
#include <proto/freq_ctr.h>
#include <proto/frontend.h>
#include <proto/listener.h>
#include <proto/server.h>
#include <proto/log.h>
#include <proto/proxy.h>
#include <proto/shctx.h>
#include <proto/ssl_sock.h>
#include <proto/task.h>
#define SSL_SOCK_ST_FL_VERIFY_DONE 0x00000001
/* bits 0xFFFF0000 are reserved to store verify errors */
/* Verify errors macros */
#define SSL_SOCK_CA_ERROR_TO_ST(e) (((e > 63) ? 63 : e) << (16))
#define SSL_SOCK_CAEDEPTH_TO_ST(d) (((d > 15) ? 15 : d) << (6+16))
#define SSL_SOCK_CRTERROR_TO_ST(e) (((e > 63) ? 63 : e) << (4+6+16))
#define SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CA_ERROR(s) ((s >> (16)) & 63)
#define SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CAEDEPTH(s) ((s >> (6+16)) & 15)
#define SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CRTERROR(s) ((s >> (4+6+16)) & 63)
static int sslconns = 0;
void ssl_sock_infocbk(const SSL *ssl, int where, int ret)
struct connection *conn = (struct connection *)SSL_get_app_data(ssl);
(void)ret; /* shut gcc stupid warning */
/* Disable renegotiation (CVE-2009-3555) */
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_CONNECTED)
conn->flags |= CO_FL_ERROR;
/* Callback is called for each certificate of the chain during a verify
ok is set to 1 if preverify detect no error on current certificate.
Returns 0 to break the handshake, 1 otherwise. */
int ssl_sock_verifycbk(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *x_store)
SSL *ssl;
struct connection *conn;
int err, depth;
ssl = X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(x_store, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx());
conn = (struct connection *)SSL_get_app_data(ssl);
conn->xprt_st |= SSL_SOCK_ST_FL_VERIFY_DONE;
if (ok) /* no errors */
return ok;
depth = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(x_store);
err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(x_store);
/* check if CA error needs to be ignored */
if (depth > 0) {
if (!SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CA_ERROR(conn->xprt_st)) {
conn->xprt_st |= SSL_SOCK_CA_ERROR_TO_ST(err);
conn->xprt_st |= SSL_SOCK_CAEDEPTH_TO_ST(depth);
if (target_client(&conn->target)->bind_conf->ca_ignerr & (1ULL << err))
return 1;
return 0;
if (!SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CRTERROR(conn->xprt_st))
conn->xprt_st |= SSL_SOCK_CRTERROR_TO_ST(err);
/* check if certificate error needs to be ignored */
if (target_client(&conn->target)->bind_conf->crt_ignerr & (1ULL << err))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Sets the SSL ctx of <ssl> to match the advertised server name. Returns a
* warning when no match is found, which implies the default (first) cert
* will keep being used.
static int ssl_sock_switchctx_cbk(SSL *ssl, int *al, struct bind_conf *s)
const char *servername;
const char *wildp = NULL;
struct ebmb_node *node;
int i;
(void)al; /* shut gcc stupid warning */
servername = SSL_get_servername(ssl, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name);
if (!servername)
for (i = 0; i < trashlen; i++) {
if (!servername[i])
trash[i] = tolower(servername[i]);
if (!wildp && (trash[i] == '.'))
wildp = &trash[i];
trash[i] = 0;
/* lookup in full qualified names */
node = ebst_lookup(&s->sni_ctx, trash);
if (!node) {
if (!wildp)
/* lookup in full wildcards names */
node = ebst_lookup(&s->sni_w_ctx, wildp);
if (!node)
/* switch ctx */
SSL_set_SSL_CTX(ssl, container_of(node, struct sni_ctx, name)->ctx);
/* Loads Diffie-Hellman parameter from a file. Returns 1 if loaded, else -1
if an error occured, and 0 if parameter not found. */
int ssl_sock_load_dh_params(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file)
int ret = -1;
BIO *in;
DH *dh = NULL;
in = BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
if (in == NULL)
goto end;
if (BIO_read_filename(in, file) <= 0)
goto end;
dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(in, NULL, ctx->default_passwd_callback, ctx->default_passwd_callback_userdata);
if (dh) {
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh);
ret = 1;
goto end;
ret = 0; /* DH params not found */
if (dh)
if (in)
return ret;
/* Loads a certificate key and CA chain from a file. Returns 0 on error, -1 if
* an early error happens and the caller must call SSL_CTX_free() by itelf.
int ssl_sock_load_cert_chain_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, struct bind_conf *s)
BIO *in;
X509 *x = NULL, *ca;
int i, len, err;
int ret = -1;
int order = 0;
X509_NAME *xname;
char *str;
struct sni_ctx *sc;
in = BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
if (in == NULL)
goto end;
if (BIO_read_filename(in, file) <= 0)
goto end;
x = PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(in, NULL, ctx->default_passwd_callback, ctx->default_passwd_callback_userdata);
if (x == NULL)
goto end;
names = X509_get_ext_d2i(x, NID_subject_alt_name, NULL, NULL);
if (names) {
for (i = 0; i < sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(names); i++) {
GENERAL_NAME *name = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(names, i);
if (name->type == GEN_DNS) {
if (ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8((unsigned char **)&str, name->d.dNSName) >= 0) {
if ((len = strlen(str))) {
int j;
if (*str != '*') {
sc = malloc(sizeof(struct sni_ctx) + len + 1);
for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
sc->name.key[j] = tolower(str[j]);
sc->name.key[len] = 0;
sc->order = order++;
sc->ctx = ctx;
ebst_insert(&s->sni_ctx, &sc->name);
else {
sc = malloc(sizeof(struct sni_ctx) + len);
for (j = 1; j < len; j++)
sc->name.key[j-1] = tolower(str[j]);
sc->name.key[len-1] = 0;
sc->order = order++;
sc->ctx = ctx;
ebst_insert(&s->sni_w_ctx, &sc->name);
sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(names, GENERAL_NAME_free);
xname = X509_get_subject_name(x);
i = -1;
while ((i = X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(xname, NID_commonName, i)) != -1) {
X509_NAME_ENTRY *entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(xname, i);
if (ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8((unsigned char **)&str, entry->value) >= 0) {
if ((len = strlen(str))) {
int j;
if (*str != '*') {
sc = malloc(sizeof(struct sni_ctx) + len + 1);
for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
sc->name.key[j] = tolower(str[j]);
sc->name.key[len] = 0;
sc->order = order++;
sc->ctx = ctx;
ebst_insert(&s->sni_ctx, &sc->name);
else {
sc = malloc(sizeof(struct sni_ctx) + len);
for (j = 1; j < len; j++)
sc->name.key[j-1] = tolower(str[j]);
sc->name.key[len-1] = 0;
sc->order = order++;
sc->ctx = ctx;
ebst_insert(&s->sni_w_ctx, &sc->name);
ret = 0; /* the caller must not free the SSL_CTX argument anymore */
if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx, x))
goto end;
if (ctx->extra_certs != NULL) {
sk_X509_pop_free(ctx->extra_certs, X509_free);
ctx->extra_certs = NULL;
while ((ca = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, ctx->default_passwd_callback, ctx->default_passwd_callback_userdata))) {
if (!SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ctx, ca)) {
goto end;
err = ERR_get_error();
if (!err || (ERR_GET_LIB(err) == ERR_LIB_PEM && ERR_GET_REASON(err) == PEM_R_NO_START_LINE)) {
/* we successfully reached the last cert in the file */
ret = 1;
if (x)
if (in)
return ret;
static int ssl_sock_load_cert_file(const char *path, struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct proxy *curproxy, char **err)
int ret;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
if (!ctx) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to allocate SSL context for cert '%s'.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path);
return 1;
if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, path, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to load SSL private key from PEM file '%s'.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path);
return 1;
ret = ssl_sock_load_cert_chain_file(ctx, path, bind_conf);
if (ret <= 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to load SSL certificate from PEM file '%s'.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path);
if (ret < 0) /* serious error, must do that ourselves */
return 1;
/* we must not free the SSL_CTX anymore below, since it's already in
* the tree, so it will be discovered and cleaned in time.
ret = ssl_sock_load_dh_params(ctx, path);
if (ret < 0) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "%sunable to load DH parameters from file '%s'.\n",
*err ? *err : "", path);
return 1;
if (bind_conf->default_ctx) {
memprintf(err, "%sthis version of openssl cannot load multiple SSL certificates.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "");
return 1;
if (!bind_conf->default_ctx)
bind_conf->default_ctx = ctx;
return 0;
int ssl_sock_load_cert(char *path, struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct proxy *curproxy, char **err)
struct dirent *de;
DIR *dir;
struct stat buf;
int pathlen = 0;
char *end, *fp;
int cfgerr = 0;
if (!(dir = opendir(path)))
return ssl_sock_load_cert_file(path, bind_conf, curproxy, err);
/* strip trailing slashes, including first one */
for (end = path + strlen(path) - 1; end >= path && *end == '/'; end--)
*end = 0;
if (end >= path)
pathlen = end + 1 - path;
fp = malloc(pathlen + 1 + NAME_MAX + 1);
while ((de = readdir(dir))) {
snprintf(fp, pathlen + 1 + NAME_MAX + 1, "%s/%s", path, de->d_name);
if (stat(fp, &buf) != 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to stat SSL certificate from file '%s' : %s.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", fp, strerror(errno));
if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
cfgerr += ssl_sock_load_cert_file(fp, bind_conf, curproxy, err);
return cfgerr;
#ifndef SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE /* needs OpenSSL >= 0.9.7 */
#ifndef SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE /* needs OpenSSL >= 0.9.8 */
#ifndef SSL_OP_NO_TICKET /* needs OpenSSL >= 0.9.8 */
#define SSL_OP_NO_TICKET 0
#ifndef SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION /* needs OpenSSL >= 0.9.9 */
#ifndef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 /* needs OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 */
#define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 0
#ifndef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 /* needs OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 */
#define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 0
#ifndef SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE /* needs OpenSSL >= 0.9.6 */
#ifndef SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE /* needs OpenSSL >= 1.0.0 */
#ifndef SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS /* needs OpenSSL >= 1.0.0 */
int ssl_sock_prepare_ctx(struct bind_conf *bind_conf, SSL_CTX *ctx, struct proxy *curproxy)
int cfgerr = 0;
int ssloptions =
SSL_OP_ALL | /* all known workarounds for bugs */
int sslmode =
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_NO_SSLV3)
ssloptions |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3;
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_NO_TLSV10)
ssloptions |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1;
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_NO_TLSV11)
ssloptions |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1;
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_NO_TLSV12)
ssloptions |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2;
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_NO_TLS_TICKETS)
ssloptions |= SSL_OP_NO_TICKET;
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_USE_SSLV3)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(ctx, SSLv3_server_method());
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_USE_TLSV10)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(ctx, TLSv1_server_method());
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_USE_TLSV11)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(ctx, TLSv1_1_server_method());
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
if (bind_conf->ssl_options & BC_SSL_O_USE_TLSV12)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(ctx, TLSv1_2_server_method());
SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, ssloptions);
SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx, sslmode);
SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, bind_conf->verify ? bind_conf->verify : SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ssl_sock_verifycbk);
if (bind_conf->verify & SSL_VERIFY_PEER) {
if (bind_conf->ca_file) {
/* load CAfile to verify */
if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, bind_conf->ca_file, NULL)) {
Alert("Proxy '%s': unable to load CA file '%s' for bind '%s' at [%s:%d].\n",
curproxy->id, bind_conf->ca_file, bind_conf->arg, bind_conf->file, bind_conf->line);
/* set CA names fo client cert request, function returns void */
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(ctx, SSL_load_client_CA_file(bind_conf->ca_file));
#ifdef X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK
if (bind_conf->crl_file) {
X509_STORE *store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx);
if (!store || !X509_STORE_load_locations(store, bind_conf->crl_file, NULL)) {
Alert("Proxy '%s': unable to configure CRL file '%s' for bind '%s' at [%s:%d].\n",
curproxy->id, bind_conf->ca_file, bind_conf->arg, bind_conf->file, bind_conf->line);
else {
X509_STORE_set_flags(store, X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK|X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL);
if (bind_conf->ciphers &&
!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, bind_conf->ciphers)) {
Alert("Proxy '%s': unable to set SSL cipher list to '%s' for bind '%s' at [%s:%d].\n",
curproxy->id, bind_conf->ciphers, bind_conf->arg, bind_conf->file, bind_conf->line);
SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx, ssl_sock_infocbk);
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(ctx, ssl_sock_switchctx_cbk);
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(ctx, bind_conf);
#if defined(SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ECDH)
if (bind_conf->ecdhe) {
int i;
EC_KEY *ecdh;
i = OBJ_sn2nid(bind_conf->ecdhe);
if (!i || ((ecdh = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(i)) == NULL)) {
Alert("Proxy '%s': unable to set elliptic named curve to '%s' for bind '%s' at [%s:%d].\n",
curproxy->id, bind_conf->ecdhe, bind_conf->arg, bind_conf->file, bind_conf->line);
else {
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(ctx, ecdh);
return cfgerr;
/* prepare ssl context from servers options. Returns an error count */
int ssl_sock_prepare_srv_ctx(struct server *srv, struct proxy *curproxy)
int cfgerr = 0;
int options =
SSL_OP_ALL | /* all known workarounds for bugs */
int mode =
/* Initiate SSL context for current server */
srv->ssl_ctx.reused_sess = NULL;
if (srv->use_ssl)
srv->xprt = &ssl_sock;
if (srv->check.use_ssl)
srv->check.xprt = &ssl_sock;
srv->ssl_ctx.ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
if (!srv->ssl_ctx.ctx) {
Alert("config : %s '%s', server '%s': unable to allocate ssl context.\n",
proxy_type_str(curproxy), curproxy->id,
return cfgerr;
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_NO_SSLV3)
options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3;
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLSV10)
options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1;
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLSV11)
options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1;
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLSV12)
options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2;
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLS_TICKETS)
options |= SSL_OP_NO_TICKET;
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_USE_SSLV3)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, SSLv3_client_method());
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_USE_TLSV10)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, TLSv1_client_method());
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_USE_TLSV11)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, TLSv1_1_client_method());
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
if (srv->ssl_ctx.options & SRV_SSL_O_USE_TLSV12)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, TLSv1_2_client_method());
SSL_CTX_set_options(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, options);
SSL_CTX_set_mode(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, mode);
SSL_CTX_set_verify(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF);
if (srv->ssl_ctx.ciphers &&
!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(srv->ssl_ctx.ctx, srv->ssl_ctx.ciphers)) {
Alert("Proxy '%s', server '%s' [%s:%d] : unable to set SSL cipher list to '%s'.\n",
curproxy->id, srv->id,
srv->conf.file, srv->conf.line, srv->ssl_ctx.ciphers);
return cfgerr;
/* Walks down the two trees in bind_conf and prepares all certs. The pointer may
* be NULL, in which case nothing is done. Returns the number of errors
* encountered.
int ssl_sock_prepare_all_ctx(struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct proxy *px)
struct ebmb_node *node;
struct sni_ctx *sni;
int err = 0;
if (!bind_conf || !bind_conf->is_ssl)
return 0;
node = ebmb_first(&bind_conf->sni_ctx);
while (node) {
sni = ebmb_entry(node, struct sni_ctx, name);
if (!sni->order) /* only initialize the CTX on its first occurrence */
err += ssl_sock_prepare_ctx(bind_conf, sni->ctx, px);
node = ebmb_next(node);
node = ebmb_first(&bind_conf->sni_w_ctx);
while (node) {
sni = ebmb_entry(node, struct sni_ctx, name);
if (!sni->order) /* only initialize the CTX on its first occurrence */
err += ssl_sock_prepare_ctx(bind_conf, sni->ctx, px);
node = ebmb_next(node);
return err;
/* Walks down the two trees in bind_conf and frees all the certs. The pointer may
* be NULL, in which case nothing is done. The default_ctx is nullified too.
void ssl_sock_free_all_ctx(struct bind_conf *bind_conf)
struct ebmb_node *node, *back;
struct sni_ctx *sni;
if (!bind_conf || !bind_conf->is_ssl)
node = ebmb_first(&bind_conf->sni_ctx);
while (node) {
sni = ebmb_entry(node, struct sni_ctx, name);
back = ebmb_next(node);
if (!sni->order) /* only free the CTX on its first occurrence */
node = back;
node = ebmb_first(&bind_conf->sni_w_ctx);
while (node) {
sni = ebmb_entry(node, struct sni_ctx, name);
back = ebmb_next(node);
if (!sni->order) /* only free the CTX on its first occurrence */
node = back;
bind_conf->default_ctx = NULL;
* This function is called if SSL * context is not yet allocated. The function
* is designed to be called before any other data-layer operation and sets the
* handshake flag on the connection. It is safe to call it multiple times.
* It returns 0 on success and -1 in error case.
static int ssl_sock_init(struct connection *conn)
/* already initialized */
if (conn->xprt_ctx)
return 0;
if (global.maxsslconn && sslconns >= global.maxsslconn)
return -1;
/* If it is in client mode initiate SSL session
in connect state otherwise accept state */
if (target_srv(&conn->target)) {
/* Alloc a new SSL session ctx */
conn->xprt_ctx = SSL_new(target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.ctx);
if (!conn->xprt_ctx)
return -1;
if (target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.reused_sess)
SSL_set_session(conn->xprt_ctx, target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.reused_sess);
/* set fd on SSL session context */
SSL_set_fd(conn->xprt_ctx, conn->t.sock.fd);
/* leave init state and start handshake */
conn->flags |= CO_FL_SSL_WAIT_HS | CO_FL_WAIT_L6_CONN;
return 0;
else if (target_client(&conn->target)) {
/* Alloc a new SSL session ctx */
conn->xprt_ctx = SSL_new(target_client(&conn->target)->bind_conf->default_ctx);
if (!conn->xprt_ctx)
return -1;
/* set fd on SSL session context */
SSL_set_fd(conn->xprt_ctx, conn->t.sock.fd);
/* set connection pointer */
SSL_set_app_data(conn->xprt_ctx, conn);
/* leave init state and start handshake */
conn->flags |= CO_FL_SSL_WAIT_HS | CO_FL_WAIT_L6_CONN;
return 0;
/* don't know how to handle such a target */
return -1;
/* This is the callback which is used when an SSL handshake is pending. It
* updates the FD status if it wants some polling before being called again.
* It returns 0 if it fails in a fatal way or needs to poll to go further,
* otherwise it returns non-zero and removes itself from the connection's
* flags (the bit is provided in <flag> by the caller).
int ssl_sock_handshake(struct connection *conn, unsigned int flag)
int ret;
if (!conn->xprt_ctx)
goto out_error;
ret = SSL_do_handshake(conn->xprt_ctx);
if (ret != 1) {
/* handshake did not complete, let's find why */
ret = SSL_get_error(conn->xprt_ctx, ret);
if (ret == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
/* SSL handshake needs to write, L4 connection may not be ready */
return 0;
else if (ret == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
/* SSL handshake needs to read, L4 connection is ready */
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_WAIT_L4_CONN)
conn->flags &= ~CO_FL_WAIT_L4_CONN;
return 0;
else if (ret == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL) {
/* if errno is null, then connection was successfully established */
if (!errno && conn->flags & CO_FL_WAIT_L4_CONN)
conn->flags &= ~CO_FL_WAIT_L4_CONN;
goto out_error;
else {
/* Fail on all other handshake errors */
goto out_error;
/* Handshake succeeded */
if (target_srv(&conn->target)) {
if (!SSL_session_reused(conn->xprt_ctx)) {
/* check if session was reused, if not store current session on server for reuse */
if (target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.reused_sess)
target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.reused_sess = SSL_get1_session(conn->xprt_ctx);
/* The connection is now established at both layers, it's time to leave */
conn->flags &= ~(flag | CO_FL_WAIT_L4_CONN | CO_FL_WAIT_L6_CONN);
return 1;
/* free resumed session if exists */
if (target_srv(&conn->target) && target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.reused_sess) {
target_srv(&conn->target)->ssl_ctx.reused_sess = NULL;
/* Fail on all other handshake errors */
conn->flags |= CO_FL_ERROR;
conn->flags &= ~flag;
return 0;
/* Receive up to <count> bytes from connection <conn>'s socket and store them
* into buffer <buf>. The caller must ensure that <count> is always smaller
* than the buffer's size. Only one call to recv() is performed, unless the
* buffer wraps, in which case a second call may be performed. The connection's
* flags are updated with whatever special event is detected (error, read0,
* empty). The caller is responsible for taking care of those events and
* avoiding the call if inappropriate. The function does not call the
* connection's polling update function, so the caller is responsible for this.
static int ssl_sock_to_buf(struct connection *conn, struct buffer *buf, int count)
int ret, done = 0;
int try = count;
if (!conn->xprt_ctx)
goto out_error;
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_HANDSHAKE)
/* a handshake was requested */
return 0;
/* compute the maximum block size we can read at once. */
if (buffer_empty(buf)) {
/* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */
buf->p = buf->data;
else if (buf->data + buf->o < buf->p &&
buf->p + buf->i < buf->data + buf->size) {
/* remaining space wraps at the end, with a moving limit */
if (try > buf->data + buf->size - (buf->p + buf->i))
try = buf->data + buf->size - (buf->p + buf->i);
/* read the largest possible block. For this, we perform only one call
* to recv() unless the buffer wraps and we exactly fill the first hunk,
* in which case we accept to do it once again. A new attempt is made on
* EINTR too.
while (try) {
ret = SSL_read(conn->xprt_ctx, bi_end(buf), try);
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) {
/* CO_FL_ERROR may be set by ssl_sock_infocbk */
if (ret > 0) {
buf->i += ret;
done += ret;
if (ret < try)
count -= ret;
try = count;
else if (ret == 0) {
goto read0;
else {
ret = SSL_get_error(conn->xprt_ctx, ret);
if (ret == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
/* handshake is running, and it needs to poll for a write event */
conn->flags |= CO_FL_SSL_WAIT_HS;
else if (ret == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
/* we need to poll for retry a read later */
/* otherwise it's a real error */
goto out_error;
return done;
return done;
conn->flags |= CO_FL_ERROR;
return done;
/* Send all pending bytes from buffer <buf> to connection <conn>'s socket.
* <flags> may contain MSG_MORE to make the system hold on without sending
* data too fast, but this flag is ignored at the moment.
* Only one call to send() is performed, unless the buffer wraps, in which case
* a second call may be performed. The connection's flags are updated with
* whatever special event is detected (error, empty). The caller is responsible
* for taking care of those events and avoiding the call if inappropriate. The
* function does not call the connection's polling update function, so the caller
* is responsible for this.
static int ssl_sock_from_buf(struct connection *conn, struct buffer *buf, int flags)
int ret, try, done;
done = 0;
if (!conn->xprt_ctx)
goto out_error;
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_HANDSHAKE)
/* a handshake was requested */
return 0;
/* send the largest possible block. For this we perform only one call
* to send() unless the buffer wraps and we exactly fill the first hunk,
* in which case we accept to do it once again.
while (buf->o) {
try = buf->o;
/* outgoing data may wrap at the end */
if (buf->data + try > buf->p)
try = buf->data + try - buf->p;
ret = SSL_write(conn->xprt_ctx, bo_ptr(buf), try);
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) {
/* CO_FL_ERROR may be set by ssl_sock_infocbk */
if (ret > 0) {
buf->o -= ret;
done += ret;
if (likely(!buffer_len(buf)))
/* optimize data alignment in the buffer */
buf->p = buf->data;
/* if the system buffer is full, don't insist */
if (ret < try)
else {
ret = SSL_get_error(conn->xprt_ctx, ret);
if (ret == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
/* we need to poll to retry a write later */
else if (ret == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
/* handshake is running, and
it needs to poll for a read event,
write polling must be disabled cause
we are sure we can't write anything more
before handshake re-performed */
conn->flags |= CO_FL_SSL_WAIT_HS;
goto out_error;
return done;
conn->flags |= CO_FL_ERROR;
return done;
static void ssl_sock_close(struct connection *conn) {
if (conn->xprt_ctx) {
conn->xprt_ctx = NULL;
/* This function tries to perform a clean shutdown on an SSL connection, and in
* any case, flags the connection as reusable if no handshake was in progress.
static void ssl_sock_shutw(struct connection *conn, int clean)
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_HANDSHAKE)
/* no handshake was in progress, try a clean ssl shutdown */
if (clean)
/* force flag on ssl to keep session in cache regardless shutdown result */
SSL_set_shutdown(conn->xprt_ctx, SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN);
/***** Below are some sample fetching functions for ACL/patterns *****/
/* boolean, returns true if client cert was present */
static int
smp_fetch_client_crt(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
if (!l4 || l4->si[0].conn.xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
if (!(l4->si[0].conn.flags & CO_FL_CONNECTED)) {
smp->flags |= SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE;
return 0;
smp->flags = 0;
smp->type = SMP_T_BOOL;
smp->data.uint = SSL_SOCK_ST_FL_VERIFY_DONE & l4->si[0].conn.xprt_st ? 1 : 0;
return 1;
/* boolean, returns true if transport layer is SSL */
static int
smp_fetch_is_ssl(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
smp->type = SMP_T_BOOL;
smp->data.uint = (l4->si[0].conn.xprt == &ssl_sock);
return 1;
/* boolean, returns true if transport layer is SSL */
static int
smp_fetch_has_sni(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
smp->type = SMP_T_BOOL;
smp->data.uint = (l4->si[0].conn.xprt == &ssl_sock) &&
l4->si[0].conn.xprt_ctx &&
SSL_get_servername(l4->si[0].conn.xprt_ctx, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name) != NULL;
return 1;
return 0;
static int
smp_fetch_ssl_sni(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
smp->flags = 0;
smp->type = SMP_T_CSTR;
if (!l4 || !l4->si[0].conn.xprt_ctx || l4->si[0].conn.xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
smp->data.str.str = (char *)SSL_get_servername(l4->si[0].conn.xprt_ctx, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name);
if (!smp->data.str.str)
return 0;
smp->data.str.len = strlen(smp->data.str.str);
return 1;
return 0;
/* integer, returns the first verify error ID in CA */
static int
smp_fetch_verify_caerr(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
if (!l4 || l4->si[0].conn.xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
if (!(l4->si[0].conn.flags & CO_FL_CONNECTED)) {
smp->flags = SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE;
return 0;
smp->type = SMP_T_UINT;
smp->data.uint = (unsigned int)SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CA_ERROR(l4->si[0].conn.xprt_st);
smp->flags = 0;
return 1;
/* integer, returns the depth of the first verify error in CA */
static int
smp_fetch_verify_caerr_depth(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
if (!l4 || l4->si[0].conn.xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
if (!(l4->si[0].conn.flags & CO_FL_CONNECTED)) {
smp->flags = SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE;
return 0;
smp->type = SMP_T_UINT;
smp->data.uint = (unsigned int)SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CAEDEPTH(l4->si[0].conn.xprt_st);
smp->flags = 0;
return 1;
/* integer, returns the depth of the first verify error in CA */
static int
smp_fetch_verify_crterr(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
if (!l4 || l4->si[0].conn.xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
if (!(l4->si[0].conn.flags & CO_FL_CONNECTED)) {
smp->flags = SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE;
return 0;
smp->type = SMP_T_UINT;
smp->data.uint = (unsigned int)SSL_SOCK_ST_TO_CRTERROR(l4->si[0].conn.xprt_st);
smp->flags = 0;
return 1;
/* integer, returns the verify result */
static int
smp_fetch_verify_result(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, unsigned int opt,
const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp)
if (!l4 || l4->si[0].conn.xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
if (!(l4->si[0].conn.flags & CO_FL_CONNECTED)) {
smp->flags = SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE;
return 0;
if (!l4->si[0].conn.xprt_ctx)
return 0;
smp->type = SMP_T_UINT;
smp->data.uint = (unsigned int)SSL_get_verify_result(l4->si[0].conn.xprt_ctx);
smp->flags = 0;
return 1;
/* parse the "ca-file" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_ca_file(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing CAfile path", args[cur_arg]);
if ((*args[cur_arg + 1] != '/') && global.ca_base) {
conf->ca_file = malloc(strlen(global.ca_base) + 1 + strlen(args[cur_arg + 1]) + 1);
if (conf->ca_file)
sprintf(conf->ca_file, "%s/%s", global.ca_base, args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
conf->ca_file = strdup(args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
/* parse the "ciphers" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_ciphers(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing cipher suite", args[cur_arg]);
conf->ciphers = strdup(args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
/* parse the "crt" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_crt(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
char path[PATH_MAX];
if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing certificate location", args[cur_arg]);
if ((*args[cur_arg + 1] != '/' ) && global.crt_base) {
if ((strlen(global.crt_base) + 1 + strlen(args[cur_arg + 1]) + 1) > PATH_MAX) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' : path too long", args[cur_arg]);
sprintf(path, "%s/%s", global.crt_base, args[cur_arg + 1]);
if (ssl_sock_load_cert(path, conf, px, err) > 0)
return 0;
if (ssl_sock_load_cert(args[cur_arg + 1], conf, px, err) > 0)
return 0;
/* parse the "crl-file" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_crl_file(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
#ifndef X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support CRL verify", args[cur_arg]);
if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing CRLfile path", args[cur_arg]);
if ((*args[cur_arg + 1] != '/') && global.ca_base) {
conf->crl_file = malloc(strlen(global.ca_base) + 1 + strlen(args[cur_arg + 1]) + 1);
if (conf->crl_file)
sprintf(conf->crl_file, "%s/%s", global.ca_base, args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
conf->crl_file = strdup(args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
/* parse the "ecdhe" bind keyword keywords */
static int bind_parse_ecdhe(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (too old)", args[cur_arg]);
#elif defined(OPENSSL_NO_ECDH)
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (disabled via OPENSSL_NO_ECDH)", args[cur_arg]);
if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing named curve", args[cur_arg]);
conf->ecdhe = strdup(args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
/* parse the "crt_ignerr" and "ca_ignerr" bind keywords */
static int bind_parse_ignore_err(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
int code;
char *p = args[cur_arg + 1];
unsigned long long *ignerr = &conf->crt_ignerr;
if (!*p) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing error IDs list", args[cur_arg]);
if (strcmp(args[cur_arg], "ca-ignore-err") == 0)
ignerr = &conf->ca_ignerr;
if (strcmp(p, "all") == 0) {
*ignerr = ~0ULL;
return 0;
while (p) {
code = atoi(p);
if ((code <= 0) || (code > 63)) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : ID '%d' out of range (1..63) in error IDs list '%s'",
args[cur_arg], code, args[cur_arg + 1]);
*ignerr |= 1ULL << code;
p = strchr(p, ',');
if (p)
return 0;
/* parse the "force-sslv3" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_force_sslv3(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_USE_SSLV3;
return 0;
/* parse the "force-tlsv10" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_force_tlsv10(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_USE_TLSV10;
return 0;
/* parse the "force-tlsv11" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_force_tlsv11(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_USE_TLSV11;
return 0;
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support protocol TLSv1.1", args[cur_arg]);
/* parse the "force-tlsv12" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_force_tlsv12(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_USE_TLSV12;
return 0;
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support protocol TLSv1.2", args[cur_arg]);
/* parse the "no-tls-tickets" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_no_tls_tickets(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_NO_TLS_TICKETS;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-sslv3" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_no_sslv3(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_NO_SSLV3;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tlsv10" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_no_tlsv10(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_NO_TLSV10;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tlsv11" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_no_tlsv11(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_NO_TLSV11;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tlsv12" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_no_tlsv12(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
conf->ssl_options |= BC_SSL_O_NO_TLSV12;
return 0;
/* parse the "ssl" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_ssl(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
struct listener *l;
conf->is_ssl = 1;
if (global.listen_default_ciphers && !conf->ciphers)
conf->ciphers = strdup(global.listen_default_ciphers);
list_for_each_entry(l, &conf->listeners, by_bind)
l->xprt = &ssl_sock;
return 0;
/* parse the "verify" bind keyword */
static int bind_parse_verify(char **args, int cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct bind_conf *conf, char **err)
if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing verify method", args[cur_arg]);
if (strcmp(args[cur_arg + 1], "none") == 0)
conf->verify = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
else if (strcmp(args[cur_arg + 1], "optional") == 0)
conf->verify = SSL_VERIFY_PEER;
else if (strcmp(args[cur_arg + 1], "required") == 0)
else {
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : unknown verify method '%s', only 'none', 'optional', and 'required' are supported\n",
args[cur_arg], args[cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
/************** "server" keywords ****************/
/* parse the "check-ssl" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_check_ssl(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->check.use_ssl = 1;
if (global.connect_default_ciphers && !newsrv->ssl_ctx.ciphers)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.ciphers = strdup(global.connect_default_ciphers);
return 0;
/* parse the "ciphers" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_ciphers(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
if (!*args[*cur_arg + 1]) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' : missing cipher suite", args[*cur_arg]);
newsrv->ssl_ctx.ciphers = strdup(args[*cur_arg + 1]);
return 0;
/* parse the "force-sslv3" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_force_sslv3(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_USE_SSLV3;
return 0;
/* parse the "force-tlsv10" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_force_tlsv10(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_USE_TLSV10;
return 0;
/* parse the "force-tlsv11" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_force_tlsv11(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_USE_TLSV11;
return 0;
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support protocol TLSv1.1", args[*cur_arg]);
/* parse the "force-tlsv12" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_force_tlsv12(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
#if SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_USE_TLSV12;
return 0;
if (err)
memprintf(err, "'%s' : library does not support protocol TLSv1.2", args[*cur_arg]);
/* parse the "no-sslv3" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_no_sslv3(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_NO_SSLV3;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tlsv10" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_no_tlsv10(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLSV10;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tlsv11" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_no_tlsv11(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLSV11;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tlsv12" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_no_tlsv12(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLSV12;
return 0;
/* parse the "no-tls-tickets" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_no_tls_tickets(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.options |= SRV_SSL_O_NO_TLS_TICKETS;
return 0;
/* parse the "ssl" server keyword */
static int srv_parse_ssl(char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct server *newsrv, char **err)
newsrv->use_ssl = 1;
if (global.connect_default_ciphers && !newsrv->ssl_ctx.ciphers)
newsrv->ssl_ctx.ciphers = strdup(global.connect_default_ciphers);
return 0;
/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten.
* Please take care of keeping this list alphabetically sorted.
static struct sample_fetch_kw_list sample_fetch_keywords = {{ },{
{ "client_crt", smp_fetch_client_crt, 0, NULL, SMP_T_BOOL, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "is_ssl", smp_fetch_is_ssl, 0, NULL, SMP_T_BOOL, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "ssl_has_sni", smp_fetch_has_sni, 0, NULL, SMP_T_BOOL, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "ssl_sni", smp_fetch_ssl_sni, 0, NULL, SMP_T_CSTR, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "ssl_verify_caerr", smp_fetch_verify_caerr, 0, NULL, SMP_T_UINT, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "ssl_verify_caerr_depth", smp_fetch_verify_caerr_depth, 0, NULL, SMP_T_UINT, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "ssl_verify_crterr", smp_fetch_verify_crterr, 0, NULL, SMP_T_UINT, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ "ssl_verify_result", smp_fetch_verify_result, 0, NULL, SMP_T_UINT, SMP_CAP_REQ|SMP_CAP_RES },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten.
* Please take care of keeping this list alphabetically sorted.
static struct acl_kw_list acl_kws = {{ },{
{ "client_crt", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_client_crt, acl_match_nothing, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "is_ssl", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_is_ssl, acl_match_nothing, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_has_sni", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_has_sni, acl_match_nothing, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT, 0 },
{ "ssl_sni", acl_parse_str, smp_fetch_ssl_sni, acl_match_str, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_sni_end", acl_parse_str, smp_fetch_ssl_sni, acl_match_end, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_sni_reg", acl_parse_str, smp_fetch_ssl_sni, acl_match_reg, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_verify_caerr", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_verify_caerr, acl_match_int, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_verify_caerr_depth", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_verify_caerr_depth, acl_match_int, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_verify_crterr", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_verify_crterr, acl_match_int, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
{ "ssl_verify_result", acl_parse_int, smp_fetch_verify_result, acl_match_int, ACL_USE_L6REQ_PERMANENT|ACL_MAY_LOOKUP, 0 },
/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten.
* Please take care of keeping this list alphabetically sorted, doing so helps
* all code contributors.
* Optional keywords are also declared with a NULL ->parse() function so that
* the config parser can report an appropriate error when a known keyword was
* not enabled.
static struct bind_kw_list bind_kws = { "SSL", { }, {
{ "ca-file", bind_parse_ca_file, 1 }, /* set CAfile to process verify on client cert */
{ "ca-ignore-err", bind_parse_ignore_err, 1 }, /* set error IDs to ignore on verify depth > 0 */
{ "ciphers", bind_parse_ciphers, 1 }, /* set SSL cipher suite */
{ "crl-file", bind_parse_crl_file, 1 }, /* set certificat revocation list file use on client cert verify */
{ "crt", bind_parse_crt, 1 }, /* load SSL certificates from this location */
{ "crt-ignore-err", bind_parse_ignore_err, 1 }, /* set error IDs to ingore on verify depth == 0 */
{ "ecdhe", bind_parse_ecdhe, 1 }, /* defines named curve for elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman */
{ "force-sslv3", bind_parse_force_sslv3, 0 }, /* force SSLv3 */
{ "force-tlsv10", bind_parse_force_tlsv10, 0 }, /* force TLSv10 */
{ "force-tlsv11", bind_parse_force_tlsv11, 0 }, /* force TLSv11 */
{ "force-tlsv12", bind_parse_force_tlsv12, 0 }, /* force TLSv12 */
{ "no-sslv3", bind_parse_no_sslv3, 0 }, /* disable SSLv3 */
{ "no-tlsv10", bind_parse_no_tlsv10, 0 }, /* disable TLSv10 */
{ "no-tlsv11", bind_parse_no_tlsv11, 0 }, /* disable TLSv11 */
{ "no-tlsv12", bind_parse_no_tlsv12, 0 }, /* disable TLSv12 */
{ "no-tls-tickets", bind_parse_no_tls_tickets, 0 }, /* disable session resumption tickets */
{ "ssl", bind_parse_ssl, 0 }, /* enable SSL processing */
{ "verify", bind_parse_verify, 1 }, /* set SSL verify method */
{ NULL, NULL, 0 },
/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten.
* Please take care of keeping this list alphabetically sorted, doing so helps
* all code contributors.
* Optional keywords are also declared with a NULL ->parse() function so that
* the config parser can report an appropriate error when a known keyword was
* not enabled.
static struct srv_kw_list srv_kws = { "SSL", { }, {
{ "check-ssl", srv_parse_check_ssl, 0, 0 }, /* enable SSL for health checks */
{ "ciphers", srv_parse_ciphers, 1, 0 }, /* select the cipher suite */
{ "force-sslv3", srv_parse_force_sslv3, 0, 0 }, /* force SSLv3 */
{ "force-tlsv10", srv_parse_force_tlsv10, 0, 0 }, /* force TLSv10 */
{ "force-tlsv11", srv_parse_force_tlsv11, 0, 0 }, /* force TLSv11 */
{ "force-tlsv12", srv_parse_force_tlsv12, 0, 0 }, /* force TLSv12 */
{ "no-sslv3", srv_parse_no_sslv3, 0, 0 }, /* disable SSLv3 */
{ "no-tlsv10", srv_parse_no_tlsv10, 0, 0 }, /* disable TLSv10 */
{ "no-tlsv11", srv_parse_no_tlsv11, 0, 0 }, /* disable TLSv11 */
{ "no-tlsv12", srv_parse_no_tlsv12, 0, 0 }, /* disable TLSv12 */
{ "no-tls-tickets", srv_parse_no_tls_tickets, 0, 0 }, /* disable session resumption tickets */
{ "ssl", srv_parse_ssl, 0, 0 }, /* enable SSL processing */
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0 },
/* transport-layer operations for SSL sockets */
struct xprt_ops ssl_sock = {
.snd_buf = ssl_sock_from_buf,
.rcv_buf = ssl_sock_to_buf,
.rcv_pipe = NULL,
.snd_pipe = NULL,
.shutr = NULL,
.shutw = ssl_sock_shutw,
.close = ssl_sock_close,
.init = ssl_sock_init,
static void __ssl_sock_init(void)
cm = SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods();
* Local variables:
* c-indent-level: 8
* c-basic-offset: 8
* End: