blob: e98121ce69e7e5538b326f09443b7d33b8d6a2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
varnishtest "Show info of process 3"
feature ignore_unknown_macro
# Do nothing. Is there only to create s1_* macros
server s1 {
} -start
haproxy h1 -W -S -conf {
nbproc 4
mode http
timeout connect 1s
timeout client 1s
timeout server 1s
frontend myfrontend
bind "fd@${my_fe}"
default_backend test
backend test
server www1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
} -start
haproxy h1 -mcli {
send "@3 show info"
expect ~ ".*\nProcess_num: 3\n.*"
} -wait