blob: 7b92d71462f9c74a38f5b0062491117ad0403ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
varnishtest "Delete server via cli"
feature ignore_unknown_macro
# static server
server s1 -repeat 3 {
txresp \
-body "resp from s1"
} -start
# use as a dynamic server, added then deleted via CLI
server s2 -repeat 3 {
txresp \
-body "resp from s2"
} -start
haproxy h1 -conf {
mode http
timeout connect 1s
timeout client 1s
timeout server 1s
frontend fe
bind "fd@${feS}"
default_backend test
backend test
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
} -start
# add a new dynamic server to be able to delete it then
haproxy h1 -cli {
# add a dynamic server and enable it
send "experimental-mode on; add server test/s2 ${s2_addr}:${s2_port}"
expect ~ "New server registered."
send "enable server test/s2"
expect ~ ".*"
haproxy h1 -cli {
# experimental mode disabled
send "del server test/s1"
expect ~ "This command is restricted to experimental mode only."
# non existent backend
send "experimental-mode on; del server foo/s1"
expect ~ "No such backend."
# non existent server
send "experimental-mode on; del server test/other"
expect ~ "No such server."
# static server
send "experimental-mode on; del server test/s1"
expect ~ "Only servers added at runtime via <add server> CLI cmd can be deleted."
# first check that both servers are active
client c1 -connect ${h1_feS_sock} {
expect resp.body == "resp from s1"
expect resp.body == "resp from s2"
} -run
# delete the dynamic server
haproxy h1 -cli {
# server not in maintenance mode
send "experimental-mode on; del server test/s2"
expect ~ "Only servers in maintenance mode can be deleted."
send "disable server test/s2"
expect ~ ".*"
# valid command
send "experimental-mode on; del server test/s2"
expect ~ "Server deleted."
# now check that only the first server is used
client c2 -connect ${h1_feS_sock} {
expect resp.body == "resp from s1"
expect resp.body == "resp from s1"
} -run