| varnishtest "cook sample fetch Test" |
| |
| feature ignore_unknown_macro |
| |
| server s1 { |
| rxreq |
| txresp |
| } -start |
| |
| haproxy h1 -conf { |
| defaults |
| mode http |
| |
| frontend fe |
| bind "fd@${fe}" |
| http-request set-var(txn.count) req.cook_cnt() |
| http-request set-var(txn.val) req.cook_val() |
| http-request set-var(txn.val_cook2) req.cook_val(cook2) |
| http-response set-header count %[var(txn.count)] |
| http-response set-header val %[var(txn.val)] |
| http-response set-header val_cook2 %[var(txn.val_cook2)] |
| |
| default_backend be |
| |
| backend be |
| server srv1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port} |
| } -start |
| |
| client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { |
| txreq -url "/" \ |
| -hdr "cookie: cook1=0; cook2=123; cook3=22" |
| rxresp |
| expect resp.status == 200 |
| expect resp.http.count == "3" |
| expect resp.http.val == "0" |
| expect resp.http.val_cook2 == "123" |
| } -run |