| varnishtest "mqtt converters Test" |
| |
| feature ignore_unknown_macro |
| |
| server s1 { |
| # MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet (id: test_subaaaaaa... [len = 200]) |
| recv 215 |
| sendhex "20020000" |
| close |
| |
| # MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet (id: <empty> - username: test - passwd: passwd) |
| accept |
| recv 28 |
| sendhex "20020000" |
| close |
| |
| # MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub - username: test - passwd: passwd - will_topic: willtopic - will_payload: willpayload) |
| accept |
| recv 60 |
| sendhex "20020000" |
| close |
| |
| # MQTT 5.0 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub) |
| accept |
| recv 26 |
| sendhex "200600000322000a" |
| |
| # MQTT 5.0 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub - username: test - passwd: passwd) |
| accept |
| recv 40 |
| sendhex "200600000322000a" |
| |
| # MQTT 5.0 complex CONNECT/CONNACK packet |
| accept |
| recv 128 |
| sendhex "20250000221100000078217fff24012501270000ffff22000a2600016100016226000163000164" |
| close |
| |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNACK packet with invalid flags (!= 0x00) |
| accept |
| recv 22 |
| sendhex "21020000" |
| expect_close |
| } -start |
| |
| server s2 { |
| # MQTT 5.0 complex CONNECT packet |
| recv 128 |
| sendhex "20250000221100000078217fff24012501270000ffff22000a2600016100016226000163000164" |
| } -start |
| |
| haproxy h1 -conf { |
| defaults |
| mode tcp |
| timeout connect 1s |
| timeout client 1s |
| timeout server 1s |
| |
| frontend fe1 |
| bind "fd@${fe1}" |
| tcp-request inspect-delay 1s |
| tcp-request content reject unless { req.payload(0,0),mqtt_is_valid } |
| default_backend be1 |
| |
| frontend fe2 |
| bind "fd@${fe2}" |
| tcp-request inspect-delay 1s |
| tcp-request content reject unless { req.payload(0,0),mqtt_is_valid } |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.flags) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,flags) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.protoname) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,protocol_name) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.protovsn) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,protocol_version) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.clientid) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,client_identifier) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.willtopic) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,will_topic) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.willbody) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,will_payload) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.user) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,username) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.pass) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,password) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.maxpktsz) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,39) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.reqpbinfo) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,23) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.ctype) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,3) |
| tcp-request content set-var(req.willrsptopic) req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,8) |
| tcp-request content reject if ! { var(req.protoname) -m str "MQTT" } || ! { var(req.protovsn) -m str "5" } |
| tcp-request content reject if ! { var(req.flags) -m str "238" } || ! { var(req.clientid) -m str "test_sub" } |
| tcp-request content reject if ! { var(req.user) -m str "test" } || ! { var(req.pass) -m str "passwd" } |
| tcp-request content reject if ! { var(req.willtopic) -m str "willtopic" } || ! { var(req.willbody) -m str "willpayload" } |
| tcp-request content reject if ! { var(req.maxpktsz) -m str "20" } || ! { var(req.reqpbinfo) -m str "1" } |
| tcp-request content reject if ! { var(req.ctype) -m str "text/plain" } || ! { var(req.willrsptopic) -m str "willrsptopic" } |
| default_backend be2 |
| |
| backend be1 |
| server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port} |
| tcp-response inspect-delay 1s |
| tcp-response content reject unless { res.payload(0,0),mqtt_is_valid } |
| |
| backend be2 |
| server s2 ${s2_addr}:${s2_port} |
| tcp-response inspect-delay 1s |
| tcp-response content reject unless { res.payload(0,0),mqtt_is_valid } |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.flags) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,flags) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.protovsn) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,protocol_version) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.rcode) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,reason_code) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.sessexpint) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,17) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.recvmax) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,33) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.maxqos) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,36) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.retainavail) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,37) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.maxpktsz) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,39) |
| tcp-response content set-var(res.topicaliasmax) res.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connack,34) |
| tcp-response content reject if ! { var(res.protovsn) -m str "5" } || ! { var(res.flags) -m str "0" } |
| tcp-response content reject if ! { var(res.rcode) -m str "0" } || ! { var(res.sessexpint) -m str "120" } |
| tcp-response content reject if ! { var(res.recvmax) -m str "32767" } || ! { var(res.maxqos) -m str "1" } |
| tcp-response content reject if ! { var(res.retainavail) -m str "1" } || ! { var(res.maxpktsz) -m str "65535" } |
| tcp-response content reject if ! { var(res.topicaliasmax) -m str "10" } |
| } -start |
| |
| client c1_311_1 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Valid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub) |
| sendhex "10d40100044d5154540402003c00c8746573745f737562616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161" |
| recv 4 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c1_311_2 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Valid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet (id: <empty> - username: test - passwd: passwd) |
| sendhex "101a00044d51545404c2003c00000004746573740006706173737764" |
| recv 4 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c1_311_3 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Valid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub - username: test - passwd: passwd - will_topic: willtopic - will_payload: willpayload) |
| sendhex "103a00044d51545404ee003c0008746573745f737562000977696c6c746f706963000b77696c6c7061796c6f61640004746573740006706173737764" |
| recv 4 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c1_50_1 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Valid MQTT 5.0 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub) |
| sendhex "101800044d5154540502003c032100140008746573745f737562" |
| recv 8 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c1_50_2 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Valid MQTT 5.0 CONNECT packet (id: test_sub - username: test - passwd: passwd) |
| sendhex "102600044d51545405c2003c032100140008746573745f7375620004746573740006706173737764" |
| recv 8 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c1_50_3 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Valid MQTT 5.0 complex CONNECT/CONNACK packet |
| sendhex "107e00044d51545405ee003c182700000014170126000161000162260001630001642100140008746573745f7375622a03000a746578742f706c61696e08000c77696c6c727370746f7069632600016500016626000167000168000977696c6c746f706963000b77696c6c7061796c6f61640004746573740006706173737764" |
| recv 39 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c2_311_1 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 PINREQ |
| sendhex "d000" |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c2_311_2 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT packet with invalid flags (!= 0x00) |
| sendhex "111400044d5154540402003c0008746573745f737562" |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c2_311_3 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNACK packet with invalid flags (!= 0x00) |
| sendhex "101400044d5154540402003c0008746573745f737562" |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c2_311_4 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT with too long remaing_length ( > 4 bytes) |
| sendhex "10ffffffff1400044d5154540402003c0008746573745f737562" |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c2_311_4 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT with not matching ( 0x13 != 0x14) |
| sendhex "101300044d5154540402003c000874657374a5f737562" |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| client c2_311_4 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} { |
| # Invalid MQTT 3.1.1 CONNECT with not matching ( 0x18 != 0x14) |
| sendhex "101800044d5154540402003c000874657374a5f737562ffffffff" |
| expect_close |
| } -run |
| |
| |
| client c2_50_1 -connect ${h1_fe2_sock} { |
| # complex MQTT 5.0 CONNECT/CONNACK packet |
| # - CONNECT : |
| # client-id : test_sub |
| # username : test |
| # password : passwd |
| # will-topic : willtopic |
| # will-payload: willpayload |
| # connect props: |
| # maximum-packet-size : 20 |
| # request-problem-information: 1 |
| # user-property : name=a value=b |
| # user-property : name=c value=d |
| # will props: |
| # content-type : text/plain |
| # response-topic: willrsptopic |
| # user-property : name=e value=f |
| # user-property : name=g value=h |
| # - CONNACK : |
| # flags : 0x00 |
| # reason-code: 0x00 |
| # connack props: |
| # session-Expiry-interval: 120 |
| # receive-maximum : 32767 |
| # maximum-qos : 1 |
| # retain-available : 1 |
| # maximum-packet-size : 65535 |
| # topic-alias-maximum : 10 |
| # user-property : name=a value=b |
| # user-property : name=c value=d |
| sendhex "107e00044d51545405ee003c182700000014170126000161000162260001630001642100140008746573745f7375622a03000a746578742f706c61696e08000c77696c6c727370746f7069632600016500016626000167000168000977696c6c746f706963000b77696c6c7061796c6f61640004746573740006706173737764" |
| recv 39 |
| expect_close |
| } -run |