blob: 8f1642cfe218cfa44e72696d050c39a20aa3b728 [file] [log] [blame]
* Functions operating on SOCK_STREAM and buffers.
* Copyright 2000-2006 Willy Tarreau <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
* 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <common/compat.h>
#include <common/config.h>
#include <common/time.h>
#include <types/backend.h>
#include <types/buffers.h>
#include <types/global.h>
#include <types/httperr.h>
#include <types/polling.h>
#include <types/proxy.h>
#include <types/server.h>
#include <types/session.h>
#include <proto/client.h>
#include <proto/fd.h>
#include <proto/log.h>
#include <proto/proto_http.h>
#include <proto/stream_sock.h>
#include <proto/task.h>
* this function is called on a read event from a client socket.
* It returns 0.
int event_cli_read(int fd) {
struct task *t = fdtab[fd].owner;
struct buffer *b = fdtab[fd].cb[DIR_RD].b;
struct session *s = t->context;
int ret, max;
fprintf(stderr,"event_cli_read : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s);
if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) {
while (1)
if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */
b->r = b->w = b->h = b->lr = b->data;
max = b->rlim - b->data;
else if (b->r > b->w) {
max = b->rlim - b->r;
else {
max = b->w - b->r;
/* FIXME: theorically, if w>0, we shouldn't have rlim < data+size anymore
* since it means that the rewrite protection has been removed. This
* implies that the if statement can be removed.
if (max > b->rlim - b->data)
max = b->rlim - b->data;
if (max == 0) { /* not anymore room to store data */
FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent);
int skerr;
socklen_t lskerr = sizeof(skerr);
getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
if (skerr)
ret = -1;
ret = recv(fd, b->r, max, 0);
ret = recv(fd, b->r, max, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (ret > 0) {
b->r += ret;
b->l += ret;
b->flags |= BF_PARTIAL_READ;
if (b->r == b->data + BUFSIZE) {
b->r = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */
b->total += ret;
/* we hope to read more data or to get a close on next round */
else if (ret == 0) {
b->flags |= BF_READ_NULL;
else if (errno == EAGAIN) {/* ignore EAGAIN */
else {
b->flags |= BF_READ_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
} /* while(1) */
while (0);
else {
b->flags |= BF_READ_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
if (b->flags & BF_READ_STATUS) {
if (s->proxy->clitimeout && FD_ISSET(fd, StaticReadEvent))
tv_delayfrom(&s->crexpire, &now, s->proxy->clitimeout);
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
return 0;
* this function is called on a write event from a client socket.
* It returns 0.
int event_cli_write(int fd) {
struct task *t = fdtab[fd].owner;
struct buffer *b = fdtab[fd].cb[DIR_WR].b;
struct session *s = t->context;
int ret, max;
fprintf(stderr,"event_cli_write : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s);
if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */
b->r = b->w = b->h = b->lr = b->data;
// max = BUFSIZE; BUG !!!!
max = 0;
else if (b->r > b->w) {
max = b->r - b->w;
max = b->data + BUFSIZE - b->w;
if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) {
if (max == 0) {
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_NULL;
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent);
return 0;
int skerr;
socklen_t lskerr = sizeof(skerr);
getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
if (skerr)
ret = -1;
ret = send(fd, b->w, max, MSG_DONTWAIT);
ret = send(fd, b->w, max, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (ret > 0) {
b->l -= ret;
b->w += ret;
b->flags |= BF_PARTIAL_WRITE;
if (b->w == b->data + BUFSIZE) {
b->w = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */
else if (ret == 0) {
/* nothing written, just make as if we were never called */
// b->flags |= BF_WRITE_NULL;
return 0;
else if (errno == EAGAIN) /* ignore EAGAIN */
return 0;
else {
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
else {
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
if (s->proxy->clitimeout) {
tv_delayfrom(&s->cwexpire, &now, s->proxy->clitimeout);
/* FIXME: to prevent the client from expiring read timeouts during writes,
* we refresh it. A solution would be to merge read+write timeouts into a
* unique one, although that needs some study particularly on full-duplex
* TCP connections. */
s->crexpire = s->cwexpire;
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
return 0;
* this function is called on a read event from a server socket.
* It returns 0.
int event_srv_read(int fd) {
struct task *t = fdtab[fd].owner;
struct buffer *b = fdtab[fd].cb[DIR_RD].b;
struct session *s = t->context;
int ret, max;
fprintf(stderr,"event_srv_read : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s);
if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) {
while (1)
if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */
b->r = b->w = b->h = b->lr = b->data;
max = b->rlim - b->data;
else if (b->r > b->w) {
max = b->rlim - b->r;
else {
max = b->w - b->r;
/* FIXME: theorically, if w>0, we shouldn't have rlim < data+size anymore
* since it means that the rewrite protection has been removed. This
* implies that the if statement can be removed.
if (max > b->rlim - b->data)
max = b->rlim - b->data;
if (max == 0) { /* not anymore room to store data */
FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent);
int skerr;
socklen_t lskerr = sizeof(skerr);
getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
if (skerr)
ret = -1;
ret = recv(fd, b->r, max, 0);
ret = recv(fd, b->r, max, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (ret > 0) {
b->r += ret;
b->l += ret;
b->flags |= BF_PARTIAL_READ;
if (b->r == b->data + BUFSIZE) {
b->r = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */
b->total += ret;
/* we hope to read more data or to get a close on next round */
else if (ret == 0) {
b->flags |= BF_READ_NULL;
else if (errno == EAGAIN) {/* ignore EAGAIN */
else {
b->flags |= BF_READ_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
} /* while(1) */
while (0);
else {
b->flags |= BF_READ_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
if (b->flags & BF_READ_STATUS) {
if (s->proxy->srvtimeout && FD_ISSET(fd, StaticReadEvent))
tv_delayfrom(&s->srexpire, &now, s->proxy->srvtimeout);
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
return 0;
* this function is called on a write event from a server socket.
* It returns 0.
int event_srv_write(int fd) {
struct task *t = fdtab[fd].owner;
struct buffer *b = fdtab[fd].cb[DIR_WR].b;
struct session *s = t->context;
int ret, max;
fprintf(stderr,"event_srv_write : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s);
if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */
b->r = b->w = b->h = b->lr = b->data;
// max = BUFSIZE; BUG !!!!
max = 0;
else if (b->r > b->w) {
max = b->r - b->w;
max = b->data + BUFSIZE - b->w;
if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) {
if (max == 0) {
/* may be we have received a connection acknowledgement in TCP mode without data */
if (s->srv_state == SV_STCONN) {
int skerr;
socklen_t lskerr = sizeof(skerr);
getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
if (skerr) {
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent);
return 0;
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_NULL;
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STREADY;
FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent);
return 0;
int skerr;
socklen_t lskerr = sizeof(skerr);
getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
if (skerr)
ret = -1;
ret = send(fd, b->w, max, MSG_DONTWAIT);
ret = send(fd, b->w, max, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STREADY;
if (ret > 0) {
b->l -= ret;
b->w += ret;
b->flags |= BF_PARTIAL_WRITE;
if (b->w == b->data + BUFSIZE) {
b->w = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */
else if (ret == 0) {
/* nothing written, just make as if we were never called */
// b->flags |= BF_WRITE_NULL;
return 0;
else if (errno == EAGAIN) /* ignore EAGAIN */
return 0;
else {
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
else {
b->flags |= BF_WRITE_ERROR;
fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR;
/* We don't want to re-arm read/write timeouts if we're trying to connect,
* otherwise it could loop indefinitely !
if (s->srv_state != SV_STCONN) {
if (s->proxy->srvtimeout) {
tv_delayfrom(&s->swexpire, &now, s->proxy->srvtimeout);
/* FIXME: to prevent the server from expiring read timeouts during writes,
* we refresh it. A solution would be to merge read+write+connect timeouts
* into a unique one since we don't mind expiring on read or write, and none
* of them is enabled while waiting for connect(), although that needs some
* study particularly on full-duplex TCP connections. */
s->srexpire = s->swexpire;
task_wakeup(&rq, t);
return 0;
* Local variables:
* c-indent-level: 8
* c-basic-offset: 8
* End: