| # |
| # NOTE! Don't add files that are generated in specific |
| # subdirectories here. Add them in the ".gitignore" file |
| # in that subdirectory instead. |
| # |
| # Normal rules (sorted alphabetically) |
| # |
| .* |
| !.checkpatch.conf |
| *.a |
| *.asn1.[ch] |
| *.bin |
| *.bin[_.]* |
| *.cfgout |
| *.cover |
| *.dtb |
| *.dtbo |
| *.dtb.S |
| *.elf |
| *.exe |
| *.fit |
| *.gcda |
| *.gcno |
| *.i |
| *.img |
| *.itb |
| *.lex.c |
| *.lst |
| *.map |
| *.mod.c |
| *.mbx |
| *.o |
| *.o.* |
| *.order |
| *.patch |
| *.pem |
| *.s |
| *.su |
| *.swp |
| *.tab.[ch] |
| *.ti-* |
| # Build tree |
| /build* |
| |
| # |
| # Top-level generic files |
| # |
| fit-dtb.blob* |
| /MLO* |
| /SPL* |
| /System.map |
| /boards.cfg |
| /mkimage-in-simple-bin* |
| /simple-bin* |
| /u-boot* |
| /*.log |
| |
| # |
| # git files that we don't want to ignore even it they are dot-files |
| # |
| !.gitignore |
| !.mailmap |
| !.get_maintainer.* |
| |
| # |
| # Generated files |
| # |
| /spl/ |
| /tpl/ |
| /defconfig |
| /generated_defconfig |
| /Test* |
| /capsule.*.efi-capsule |
| /capsule*.map |
| |
| # |
| # Generated include files |
| # |
| /include/autoconf.mk* |
| /include/config.h |
| /include/config/ |
| /include/generated/ |
| |
| # stgit generated dirs |
| patches-* |
| .stgit-edit.txt |
| |
| # quilt's files |
| patches |
| series |
| |
| # gdb files |
| .gdb_history |
| |
| # cscope files |
| cscope.* |
| |
| # tags files |
| /tags |
| /ctags |
| /etags |
| |
| # gnu global files |
| |
| *.orig |
| *~ |
| \#*# |
| |
| # Python cache |
| __pycache__ |
| |
| # Python code coverage output (python3-coverage html) |
| /htmlcov/ |
| |
| # pylint files |
| /pylint.cur |
| /pylint.out/ |
| |
| # qconfig database |
| /qconfig.db |
| |
| # Clang's compilation database file |
| /compile_commands.json |