| * Paolo Scaffardi, AIRVENT SAM s.p.a - RIMINI(ITALY), arsenio@tin.it |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ |
| U-Boot MPC8xx video controller driver |
| ====================================== |
| The driver has been tested with the following configurations: |
| - MPC823FADS with AD7176 on a PAL TV (YCbYCr) - arsenio@tin.it |
| "video-mode" environment variable |
| =============================== |
| The 'video-mode' environment variable can be used to enable and configure |
| some video drivers. The format matches the video= command-line option used |
| video-mode=<driver>:<xres>x<yres>-<depth>@<freq><,option=string> |
| <driver> The video driver name, ignored by U-Boot |
| <xres> The X resolution (in pixels) to use. |
| <yres> The Y resolution (in pixels) to use. |
| <depth> The color depth (in bits) to use. |
| <freq> The frequency (in Hz) to use. |
| <options> A comma-separated list of device-specific options |
| Example: video-mode=fslfb:1280x1024-32@60,monitor=dvi |