* Code cleanup, mostly for GCC-3.3.x

* Cleanup confusing use of CONFIG_ETH*ADDR - ust his only to
  pre-define a MAC address; use CONFIG_HAS_ETH* to enable support for
  additional ethernet addresses.

* Cleanup drivers/i82365.c - avoid duplication of code

* Fix bogus "cannot span across banks" flash error message

* Add support for CompactFlash for the CPC45 Board.
diff --git a/board/cpc45/Makefile b/board/cpc45/Makefile
index db5a83b..ccb811b 100644
--- a/board/cpc45/Makefile
+++ b/board/cpc45/Makefile
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
-OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o plx9030.o
+OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o plx9030.o pd67290.o
 $(LIB):	.depend $(OBJS)
 	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)