blob: 443f006eb8b784aa4753e68c8cac0edec7ae40c9 [file] [log] [blame]
From 019d55137b9c3a0c033675f55cc098bb472d677c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Allen.Ye" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 15:22:24 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] HAL: refactor set and get radius server functions
source/wifi/wifi_hal.c | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 127 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/source/wifi/wifi_hal.c b/source/wifi/wifi_hal.c
index 7a137f7..6c00ceb 100644
--- a/source/wifi/wifi_hal.c
+++ b/source/wifi/wifi_hal.c
@@ -5624,35 +5624,152 @@ INT wifi_setApSecurityReset(INT apIndex)
//The IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise).
INT wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer(INT apIndex, CHAR *IP_output, UINT *Port_output, CHAR *RadiusSecret_output)
+ char config_file[64] = {0};
+ char buf[64] = {0};
+ char cmd[256] = {0};
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Inside %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
if(!IP_output || !Port_output || !RadiusSecret_output)
return RETURN_ERR;
- snprintf(IP_output, 64, "");
- *Port_output = 123;
- snprintf(RadiusSecret_output, 64, "12345678");
+ // Read the first matched config
+ snprintf(config_file, sizeof(config_file), "%s%d.conf", CONFIG_PREFIX, apIndex);
+ sprintf(cmd, "cat %s | grep \"^auth_server_addr=\" | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 | head -n1 | tr -d \"\\n\"", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ strncpy(IP_output, buf, 64);
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ sprintf(cmd, "cat %s | grep \"^auth_server_port=\" | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 | head -n1 | tr -d \"\\n\"", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ *Port_output = atoi(buf);
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ sprintf(cmd, "cat %s | grep \"^auth_server_shared_secret=\" | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 | head -n1 | tr -d \"\\n\"", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ strncpy(RadiusSecret_output, buf, 64);
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Exiting %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
return RETURN_OK;
INT wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer(INT apIndex, CHAR *IPAddress, UINT port, CHAR *RadiusSecret)
- //store the paramters, and apply instantly
- return RETURN_ERR;
+ char config_file[64] = {0};
+ char port_str[8] = {0};
+ char cmd[256] = {0};
+ char buf[128] = {0};
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Inside %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
+ snprintf(config_file, sizeof(config_file), "%s%d.conf", CONFIG_PREFIX, apIndex);
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cat %s | grep '# radius 1'", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ snprintf(port_str, sizeof(port_str), "%d", port);
+ if (strlen(buf) == 0)
+ // Append
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo -e '# radius 1\\n"
+ "auth_server_addr=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_port=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_shared_secret=%s' >> %s", IPAddress, port_str, RadiusSecret, config_file);
+ else {
+ // Delete the three lines setting after the "# radius 1" comment
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "sed -i '/# radius 1/{n;N;N;d}' %s", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ // Use "# radius 1" comment to find the location to insert the radius setting
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "sed -i 's/# radius 1/"
+ "# radius 1\\n"
+ "auth_server_addr=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_port=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_shared_secret=%s/' %s", IPAddress, port_str, RadiusSecret, config_file);
+ }
+ if(_syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
+ wifi_dbg_printf("%s: command failed, cmd: %s\n", __func__, cmd);
+ return RETURN_ERR;
+ }
+ wifi_reloadAp(apIndex);
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Exiting %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
+ return RETURN_OK;
INT wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer(INT apIndex, CHAR *IP_output, UINT *Port_output, CHAR *RadiusSecret_output)
+ char config_file[64] = {0};
+ char buf[64] = {0};
+ char cmd[256] = {0};
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Inside %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
if(!IP_output || !Port_output || !RadiusSecret_output)
return RETURN_ERR;
- snprintf(IP_output, 64, "");
- *Port_output = 123;
- snprintf(RadiusSecret_output, 64, "12345678");
+ // Read the second matched config
+ snprintf(config_file, sizeof(config_file), "%s%d.conf", CONFIG_PREFIX, apIndex);
+ sprintf(cmd, "cat %s | grep \"^auth_server_addr=\" | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 | tail -n +2 | head -n1 | tr -d \"\\n\"", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ strncpy(IP_output, buf, 64);
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ sprintf(cmd, "cat %s | grep \"^auth_server_port=\" | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 | tail -n +2 | head -n1 | tr -d \"\\n\"", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ *Port_output = atoi(buf);
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ sprintf(cmd, "cat %s | grep \"^auth_server_shared_secret=\" | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 | tail -n +2 | head -n1 | tr -d \"\\n\"", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ strncpy(RadiusSecret_output, buf, 64);
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Exiting %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
return RETURN_OK;
INT wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer(INT apIndex, CHAR *IPAddress, UINT port, CHAR *RadiusSecret)
- //store the paramters, and apply instantly
- return RETURN_ERR;
+ char config_file[64] = {0};
+ char port_str[8] = {0};
+ char cmd[256] = {0};
+ char buf[128] = {0};
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Inside %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
+ snprintf(config_file, sizeof(config_file), "%s%d.conf", CONFIG_PREFIX, apIndex);
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cat %s | grep '# radius 2'", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ snprintf(port_str, sizeof(port_str), "%d", port);
+ if (strlen(buf) == 0)
+ // Append
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo -e '# radius 2\\n"
+ "auth_server_addr=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_port=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_shared_secret=%s' >> %s", IPAddress, port_str, RadiusSecret, config_file);
+ else {
+ // Delete the three lines setting after the "# radius 2" comment
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "sed -i '/# radius 2/{n;N;N;d}' %s", config_file);
+ _syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ // Use "# radius 2" comment to find the location to insert the radius setting
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "sed -i 's/# radius 2/"
+ "# radius 2\\n"
+ "auth_server_addr=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_port=%s\\n"
+ "auth_server_shared_secret=%s/' %s", IPAddress, port_str, RadiusSecret, config_file);
+ }
+ if(_syscmd(cmd, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
+ wifi_dbg_printf("%s: command failed, cmd: %s\n", __func__, cmd);
+ return RETURN_ERR;
+ }
+ wifi_reloadAp(apIndex);
+ WIFI_ENTRY_EXIT_DEBUG("Exiting %s:%d\n",__func__, __LINE__);
+ return RETURN_OK;