blob: f1968f63fcc02a50f17358d5931b7cb04a3ceb0c [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <uci.h>
#include "wifi-test-tool.h"
void set_channel(wifi_radio_param *radio_param, char *channel)
if (strcmp(channel, "auto") != 0) {
radio_param->auto_channel = FALSE;
radio_param->channel = atoi(channel);
void set_country(wifi_radio_param *radio_param, char *country)
strcpy(radio_param->country, country);
void set_band(wifi_radio_param *radio_param, char *band)
strcpy(radio_param->band, band);
void set_hwmode(wifi_radio_param *radio_param, char *hwmode)
if (strncmp(hwmode, "11a", 3) == 0)
strcpy(radio_param->hwmode, "a");
if (strncmp(hwmode, "11b", 3) == 0)
strcpy(radio_param->hwmode, "b");
if (strncmp(hwmode, "11g", 3) == 0)
strcpy(radio_param->hwmode, "g");
void set_htmode(wifi_radio_param *radio_param, char *htmode)
char tmp[16] = {0};
char *ptr = htmode;
ULONG bandwidth = 0;
radio_param->bandwidth = 20;
while (*ptr) {
if (isdigit(*ptr)) {
bandwidth = strtoul(ptr, NULL, 10);
radio_param->bandwidth = bandwidth;
// HT40 -> 11NGHT40PLUS
// VHT40+ -> 11ACVHT40PLUS
// HE80 -> 11AXHE80
if (strstr(htmode, "+") != NULL) {
strncpy(tmp, htmode, strlen(htmode) - 1);
strcat(tmp, "PLUS");
} else if (strstr(htmode, "-") != NULL) {
strncpy(tmp, htmode, strlen(htmode) - 1);
strcat(tmp, "MINUS");
} else
strcpy(tmp, htmode);
if (strstr(htmode, "VHT") != NULL) {
snprintf(radio_param->htmode, sizeof(radio_param->htmode), "11AC%s", tmp);
} else if (strstr(htmode, "HT") != NULL && strstr(htmode, "NO") == NULL) {
snprintf(radio_param->htmode, sizeof(radio_param->htmode), "11NG%s", tmp);
} else if (strstr(htmode, "HE") != NULL) {
snprintf(radio_param->htmode, sizeof(radio_param->htmode), "11AX%s", tmp);
} else { // NOHT or NONE should be parsed with the band, so just fill the original string.
strcpy(radio_param->htmode, tmp);
void set_disable(wifi_radio_param *radio_param, char *disable)
if (strcmp(disable, "1") == 0)
radio_param->disabled = TRUE;
radio_param->disabled = FALSE;
void set_radionum(wifi_ap_param *ap_param, char *radio_name)
int radio_num;
char *ptr = radio_name;
while (*ptr) {
if (isdigit(*ptr)) {
radio_num = strtoul(ptr, NULL, 10);
ap_param->radio_index = radio_num;
void set_ssid(wifi_ap_param *ap_param, char *ssid)
strncpy(ap_param->ssid, ssid, 32);
void set_encryption(wifi_ap_param *ap_param, char *encryption_mode)
if (strstr(encryption_mode, "3") != NULL) {
strcpy(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "WPA3-");
} else if (strstr(encryption_mode, "2") != NULL) {
strcpy(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "WPA2-");
} else if (strstr(encryption_mode, "1") != NULL) {
strcpy(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "WPA-");
} else if (strstr(encryption_mode, "mix") != NULL) {
strcpy(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "WPA-WPA2-");
if (strstr(encryption_mode, "psk") != NULL) {
strcat(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "Personal");
} else if (strstr(encryption_mode, "wpa") != NULL) {
strcat(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "Enterprise");
if (strcmp(encryption_mode, "none") == 0) {
strcpy(ap_param->enctyption_mode, "None");
void set_key(wifi_ap_param *ap_param, char *key)
strncpy(ap_param->password, key, 64);
void set_radio_param(wifi_radio_param radio_parameter)
BOOL enable;
BOOL current;
char config_file[64] = {0};
int ret = 0;
struct params param;
fprintf(stderr, "Start setting radio\n");
sprintf(config_file, "/nvram/hostapd%d.conf", radio_parameter.radio_index);
// Call hal to set in this function
// Channel
fprintf(stderr, "Set channel: %d, bandwidth: %d\n",, radio_parameter.bandwidth);
if (radio_parameter.auto_channel == TRUE) {
ret = wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable(radio_parameter.radio_index, TRUE);
} else {
// wifi_setRadioChannel(radio_parameter.radio_index,;
ret = wifi_pushRadioChannel2(radio_parameter.radio_index,, radio_parameter.bandwidth, 30);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set channel failed!!!]\n");
ret = 0;
// Country
fprintf(stderr, "Set Country: %s\n",;
ret = wifi_setRadioCountryCode(radio_parameter.radio_index,;
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set Country failed!!!]\n");
ret = 0;
// hwmode
fprintf(stderr, "Set hwmode: %s\n", radio_parameter.hwmode);
ret = wifi_setRadioHwMode(radio_parameter.radio_index, radio_parameter.hwmode);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set hwmode failed!!!]\n");
ret = 0;
// htmode
wifi_ieee80211_Mode pure_mode;
if (strcmp(, "2g") == 0) {
pure_mode |= WIFI_MODE_B | WIFI_MODE_G;
if (strcmp(radio_parameter.htmode, "NOHT") == 0 || strcmp(radio_parameter.htmode, "NONE") == 0)
strcpy(radio_parameter.htmode, "11G");
} else if (strcmp(, "5g") == 0) {
pure_mode |= WIFI_MODE_A;
if (strcmp(radio_parameter.htmode, "NOHT") == 0 || strcmp(radio_parameter.htmode, "NONE") == 0)
strcpy(radio_parameter.htmode, "11A");
if (strstr(radio_parameter.htmode, "VHT") != NULL)
pure_mode |= WIFI_MODE_N | WIFI_MODE_AC;
else if (strstr(radio_parameter.htmode, "HT") != NULL && strstr(radio_parameter.htmode, "NO") == NULL)
pure_mode |= WIFI_MODE_N;
else if (strstr(radio_parameter.htmode, "HE") != NULL)
radio_parameter.pure_mode = (int)pure_mode;
fprintf(stderr, "Set htmode: %s, puremode: %d\n", radio_parameter.htmode, radio_parameter.pure_mode);
ret = wifi_setRadioMode(radio_parameter.radio_index, radio_parameter.htmode, radio_parameter.pure_mode);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set htmode failed!!!]\n");
ret = 0;
// disabled
if (radio_parameter.disabled == FALSE)
enable = TRUE;
ret = wifi_getRadioEnable(radio_parameter.radio_index, &current);
fprintf(stderr, "radio %d, current: %s, set: %s, getstatus return: %s\n", radio_parameter.radio_index, current ? "enable":"disable", radio_parameter.disabled ? "disable":"enable", (ret==RETURN_OK)? "success": "failed");
// fprintf(stderr, "In if closure. enable: %d, current: %d.\n", enable, current);
if (enable != current) {
ret = wifi_setRadioEnable(radio_parameter.radio_index, enable);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set radio %s failed!!!]\n", enable?"enble":"disable");
ret = 0;
void set_ap_param(wifi_ap_param ap_param)
int ret = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Start setting ap\n");
// Call hal to set in this function
fprintf(stderr, "Set SSID: %s\n", ap_param.ssid);
ret = wifi_setSSIDName(ap_param.ap_index, ap_param.ssid);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set SSID failed!!!]\n");
// wpa and security mode
fprintf(stderr, "Set encryption mode: %s\n", ap_param.enctyption_mode);
ret = wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled(ap_param.ap_index, ap_param.enctyption_mode);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set encryption mode failed!!!]\n");
// key
if (strlen(ap_param.password) > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Set password: %s\n", ap_param.password);
ret = wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase(ap_param.ap_index, ap_param.password);
if (ret != RETURN_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "[Set password failed!!!]\n");
// restart ap
wifi_setApEnable(ap_param.ap_index, FALSE);
wifi_setApEnable(ap_param.ap_index, TRUE);
int apply_uci_config ()
struct uci_context *uci_ctx = uci_alloc_context();
struct uci_package *uci_pkg = NULL;
struct uci_element *e;
// struct uci_section *s;
const char cfg_name[] = "wireless";
int max_radio_num = 0;
BOOL parsing_radio = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "max radio number: %d\n", max_radio_num);
if (uci_load(uci_ctx, cfg_name, &uci_pkg) != UCI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: load uci failed.\n", __func__);
return RETURN_ERR;
uci_foreach_element(&uci_pkg->sections, e) {
struct uci_section *s = uci_to_section(e);
struct uci_element *option = NULL;
wifi_radio_param radio_param = {0};
wifi_ap_param ap_param = {0};
radio_param.radio_index = -1;
ap_param.ap_index = -1;
if (strcmp(s->type, "wifi-device") == 0) {
sscanf(s->, "radio%d", &radio_param.radio_index);
parsing_radio = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "\n----- Start parsing radio %d config. -----\n", radio_param.radio_index);
} else if (strcmp(s->type, "wifi-iface") == 0) {
sscanf(s->, "default_radio%d", &ap_param.ap_index);
parsing_radio = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "\n----- Start parsing ap %d config. -----\n", ap_param.ap_index);
uci_foreach_element(&s->options, option) {
struct uci_option *op = uci_to_option(option);
if (parsing_radio == TRUE) {
// transform the type from input string and store the value in radio_param.
if (strcmp(op->, "channel") == 0)
set_channel(&radio_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "hwmode") == 0)
set_hwmode(&radio_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "htmode") == 0)
set_htmode(&radio_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "disabled") == 0)
set_disable(&radio_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "band") == 0)
set_band(&radio_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "country") == 0)
set_country(&radio_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "noscan") == 0)
set_band(&radio_param, op->v.string);
fprintf(stderr, "[%s %s not set!]\n", op->, op->v.string);
} else {
// parsing iface
if (strcmp(op->, "device") == 0)
set_radionum(&ap_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "ssid") == 0)
set_ssid(&ap_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "encryption") == 0)
set_encryption(&ap_param, op->v.string);
else if (strcmp(op->, "key") == 0)
set_key(&ap_param, op->v.string);
fprintf(stderr, "[%s %s not set!]\n", op->, op->v.string);
if (parsing_radio == TRUE)
uci_unload(uci_ctx, uci_pkg);
return RETURN_OK;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "reload") != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: wifi reload.\nThis tool is only for RDKB MSP/SQC test.\n");
return -1;
return 0;