Merge "[rdkb][common][app][Fix miniupnpd service start fail]"
diff --git a/recipes-connectivity/miniupnpd/files/miniupnpd-filogic.conf b/recipes-connectivity/miniupnpd/files/miniupnpd-filogic.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb6d38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-connectivity/miniupnpd/files/miniupnpd-filogic.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# WAN network interface
+# if the WAN network interface for IPv6 is different than for IPv4,
+# set ext_ifname6
+# If the WAN interface has several IP addresses, you
+# can specify the one to use below
+# WAN interface must have public IP address. Otherwise it is behind NAT
+# and port forwarding is impossible. In some cases WAN interface can be
+# behind unrestricted NAT 1:1 when all incoming traffic is NAT-ed and
+# routed to WAN interfaces without any filtering. In this cases miniupnpd
+# needs to know public IP address and it can be learnt by asking external
+# server via STUN protocol. Following option enable retrieving external
+# public IP address from STUN server and detection of NAT type. You need
+# to specify also external STUN server in stun_host option below.
+# This option is disabled by default.
+# Specify STUN server, either hostname or IP address
+# Some public STUN servers:
+# (on non standard port 19302)
+# Specify STUN UDP port, by default it is standard port 3478.
+# LAN network interfaces IPs / networks
+# There can be multiple listening IPs for SSDP traffic, in that case
+# use multiple 'listening_ip=...' lines, one for each network interface.
+# It can be IP address or network interface name (ie. "eth0")
+# It is mandatory to use the network interface name in order to enable IPv6
+# HTTP is available on all interfaces.
+# When MULTIPLE_EXTERNAL_IP is enabled, the external IP
+# address associated with the subnet follows. For example:
+#  listening_ip=
+# CAUTION: mixing up WAN and LAN interfaces may introduce security risks!
+# Be sure to assign the correct interfaces to LAN and WAN and consider
+# implementing UPnP permission rules at the bottom of this configuration file
+# Port for HTTP (descriptions and SOAP) traffic. Set to 0 for autoselect.
+# Port for HTTPS. Set to 0 for autoselect (default)
+# Path to the UNIX socket used to communicate with MiniSSDPd
+# If running, MiniSSDPd will manage M-SEARCH answering.
+# default is /var/run/minissdpd.sock
+# Enable NAT-PMP support (default is no)
+# Enable UPNP support (default is yes)
+# PCP
+# Configure the minimum and maximum lifetime of a port mapping in seconds
+# 120s and 86400s (24h) are suggested values from PCP-base
+# Chain names for netfilter (not used for pf or ipf).
+# default is MINIUPNPD for both
+# Lease file location
+# To enable the next few runtime options, see compile time
+# Name of this service, default is "`uname -s` router"
+#friendly_name=MiniUPnPd router
+# Manufacturer name, default is "`uname -s`"
+#manufacturer_name=Manufacturer corp
+# Manufacturer URL, default is URL of OS vendor
+# Model name, default is "`uname -s` router"
+#model_name=Router Model
+# Model description, default is "`uname -s` router"
+#model_description=Very Secure Router - Model
+# Model URL, default is URL of OS vendor
+# Bitrates reported by daemon in bits per second
+# by default miniupnpd tries to get WAN interface speed
+# Secure Mode, UPnP clients can only add mappings to their own IP
+# Default presentation URL is HTTP address on port 80
+# If set to an empty string, no presentationURL element will appear
+# in the XML description of the device, which prevents MS Windows
+# from displaying an icon in the "Network Connections" panel.
+# Report system uptime instead of daemon uptime
+# Notify interval in seconds. default is 30 seconds.
+# Unused rules cleaning.
+# never remove any rule before this threshold for the number
+# of redirections is exceeded. default to 20
+# Clean process work interval in seconds. default to 0 (disabled).
+# a 600 seconds (10 minutes) interval makes sense
+# Log packets in pf (default is no)
+# Anchor name in pf (default is miniupnpd)
+# ALTQ queue in pf
+# Filter rules must be used for this to be used.
+# compile with PF_ENABLE_FILTER_RULES (see config.h file)
+# Tag name in pf
+# Make filter rules in pf quick or not. default is yes
+# active when compiled with PF_ENABLE_FILTER_RULES (see config.h file)
+# UUID, generate your own UUID with "make genuuid"
+# Daemon's serial and model number when reporting to clients
+# (in XML description)
+# If compiled with IGD_V2 defined, force reporting IGDv1 in rootDesc (default
+# is no)
+# UPnP permission rules
+# (allow|deny) (external port range) IP/mask (internal port range)
+# A port range is <min port>-<max port> or <port> if there is only
+# one port in the range.
+# IP/mask format must be nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/nn
+# It is advised to only allow redirection of port >= 1024
+# and end the rule set with "deny 0-65535 0-65535"
+# The following default ruleset allows specific LAN side IP addresses
+# to request only ephemeral ports. It is recommended that users
+# modify the IP ranges to match their own internal networks, and
+# also consider implementing network-specific restrictions
+# CAUTION: failure to enforce any rules may permit insecure requests to be made!
+allow 1024-65535 1024-65535
+allow 1024-65535 1024-65535
+allow 1024-65535 1024-65535
+allow 1024-65535 22
+allow 12345 54321
+deny 0-65535 0-65535
diff --git a/recipes-connectivity/miniupnpd/miniupnpd_%.bbappend b/recipes-connectivity/miniupnpd/miniupnpd_%.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9a8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-connectivity/miniupnpd/miniupnpd_%.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+SRC_URI_append += "file://miniupnpd-filogic.conf \
+        "
+do_install_append() {
+    sed -i "s/ init-Lanbridge.service/g" ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/miniupnpd.service
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/miniupnpd-filogic.conf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/miniupnpd.conf