[Add meta-cmf-filogic sdk cmf for rdkb development]

Add meta-cmf-filogic sdk cmf for rdkb development
1. rdkb base on dunfell rdkb-next (> 2022q1)
2. cmf is mostly from meta-turris implementation
3. some 64bit support are port from rp4-64 cmf
4. arm64/arm 32bit bsp both can run on rdkb


diff --git a/recipes-rdkb/sysint-broadband/files/logfiles.sh b/recipes-rdkb/sysint-broadband/files/logfiles.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d11724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-rdkb/sysint-broadband/files/logfiles.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+# If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's Licenses.txt
+# file the following copyright and licenses apply:
+# Copyright 2018 RDK Management
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+. /etc/include.properties
+. /etc/device.properties
+#demsg Logs
+if [ "$CONTAINER_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+    xreLxcLog="xre.log"
+    xreLxcLogsBackup="xre.log.*"
+    xreLxcApplicationsLog="xre-applications.log"
+    xreLxcApplicationsLogsBackup="xre-applications.log.*"
+if [ "$SOC" = "BRCM" ];then
+      nxSvrLog="nxserver.log"
+      nxSvrLogsBackup="nxserver.log.*"
+      procStatusLog="proc-status-logger.log"
+      procStatusLogsBackup="proc-status-logger.log.*"
+if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" != "mediaclient" ]; then
+     riLog="ocapri_log.txt"
+     riLogsBackup="ocapri_log.txt.*"
+     riLogsBackup1="ocapri_log.txt_1"
+     mpeosmainMON="mpeos-mainMON.txt"
+     mpeosRebootLog="/opt/mpeos_reboot_log.txt"
+     cardStatusLog="card_status.log"
+     heapDmpLog="jvmheapdump.txt"
+     rfStatisticsLog="rf_statistics_log.txt"
+     ablReasonLog="ABLReason.txt"
+     ecmLog="messages-ecm.txt"
+     ecmLogsBackup="messages-ecm.txt.*"
+     pumaLog="messages-puma.txt"
+     pumaLogsBackup="messages-puma.txt.*"
+     pumaLog1="messages-ecm.txt"
+     pumaLogsBackup1="messages-ecm.txt.*"
+     xfsdmesgLog="xfs_mount_dmesg.txt"
+     snmpdLog="snmpd.log"
+     snmpdLogsBackup="snmpd.log.*"
+     upstreamStatsLog="upstream_stats.log"
+     upstreamStatsLogsBackup="upstream_stats.log.*"
+     dibblerLog="dibbler.log"
+     dibblerLogsBackup="dibbler.log.*"
+     dnsmasqLog="dnsmasq.log"
+     dnsmasqLogsBackup="dnsmasq.log.*"
+     ablReasonLog="ABLReason.txt"
+     wifiTelemetryLog="wifi_telemetry.log"
+     wifiTelemetryLogBackup="wifi_telemetry.log.*"
+     tr69Log="tr69Client.log"
+     tr69AgentLog="tr69agent.log"
+     tr69HostIfLog="tr69hostif.log"
+     gatewayLog="gwSetupLogs.txt"
+     ipSetupLog="ipSetupLogs.txt"
+     tr69DownloadLog="tr69FWDnld.log"
+     tr69AgentHttpLog="tr69agent_HTTP.log"
+     tr69AgentHttpLogsBackup="tr69agent_HTTP.log.*"
+     tr69AgentSoapLog="tr69agent_SoapDebug.log"
+     tr69AgentSoapLogsBackup="tr69agent_SoapDebug.log.*"
+     webpavideoLog="webpavideo.log"
+     webpavideoLogsBackup="webpavideo.log.*"
+     xiConnectionStatusLog="xiConnectionStats.txt"
+     xiConnectionStatusLogsBackup="xiConnectionStats.txt.*"
+if [ "$WIFI_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+    wpaSupplicantLog="wpa_supplicant.log"
+    wpaSupplicantLogsBackup="wpa_supplicant.log.*"
+    dhcpWifiLog="dhcp-wifi.log"
+    dhcpWifiLogsBackup="dhcp-wifi.log.*"
+if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" ==  "XHC1" ];then
+        streamsrvLog="stream_server_log.txt"
+        streamsrvLogsBackup="stream_server_log.txt.*"
+        stunnelHttpsLog="stunnel_https_log.txt"
+        stunnelHttpsLogsBackup="stunnel_https_log.txt.*"
+        upnpLog="upnp_log.txt"
+        upnpLogsBackup="upnp_log.txt.*"
+        upnpigdLog="upnpigd_log.txt"
+        upnpigdLogsBackup="upnpigd_log.txt.*"
+        cgiLog="cgi_log.txt"
+        cgiLogsBackup="cgi_log.txt.*"
+        systemLog="system_log.txt"
+        systemLogsBackup="system_log.txt.*"
+        eventLog="event_log.txt"
+        eventLogsBackup="event_log.txt.*"
+        xw3MonitorLog="oem_log.txt"
+        xw3MonitorLogsBackup="oem_log.txt.*"
+        sensorDLog="sensor_daemon_log.txt"
+        sensorDLogsBackup="sensor_daemon_log.txt.*"
+        webpaLog="webpa_log.txt"
+        webpaLogsBackup="webpa_log.txt.*"
+        xwclientLog="xwclient_log.txt"
+        xwclientLogsBackup="xwclient_log.txt.*"
+        xwswupdateLog="xwswupdate.log"
+        xwswupdateLogsBackup="xwswupdate.log.*"
+        userLog="user_log.txt"
+        userLogsBackup="user_log.txt.*"
+        webrtcStreamingLog="webrtc_streaming_log.txt"
+        webrtcStreamingLogsBackup="webrtc_streaming_log.txt.*"
+        cvrPollLog="cvrpoll_log.txt"
+        cvrPollLogsBackup="cvrpoll_log.txt.*"
+        thumbnailUploadLog="thumbnail_log.txt"
+        thumbnailUploadBackupLog="thumbnail_log.txt.*"
+        metricsLog="dmesg_log.txt"
+        metricsLogsBackup="dmesg_log.txt.*"
+        wifiLog="wifi_log.txt"
+        wifiLogsBackup="wifi_log.txt.*"
+        rfcLog="rfcscript.log"
+        rfcLogsBackup="rfcscript.log.*"
+	overlayLog="overlay_log.txt"
+	overlayLogsBackup="overlay_log.txt.*"
+        xvisionLog="xvision_log.txt"
+        xvisionLogsBackup="xvision_log.txt.*"
+        ivaDaemonLog="iva_daemon_log.txt"
+        ivaDaemonLogsBackup="iva_daemon_log.txt.*"
+        evoLog="evo_log.txt"
+        evoBackupLog="evo_log.txt.*"
+	camstreamsrvLog="camstreamserver.log"
+        camstreamsrvLogsBackup="camstreamserver.log.*"
+        mongsLog="mongoose-cam-stream-server.txt"
+        mongsLogsBackup="mongoose-cam-stream-server.txt.*"
+if [ "$HDD_ENABLED" = "false" ]; then
+    sysLogBAK1="bak1_messages.txt"
+    sysLogBAK2="bak2_messages.txt"
+    sysLogBAK3="bak3_messages.txt"
+    logBAK1="bak1_*"
+    logBAK2="bak2_*"
+    logBAK3="bak3_*"
+     if [[ -f $1 ]]; then mv $1 $2; fi
+     currentDir=`pwd`
+     cd $2
+     for f in `ls $3 2>/dev/null`
+     do
+       $1 $f $4
+     done
+     cd $currentDir
+    source=$1
+    destn=$2
+    operation=$3
+    if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" != "mediaclient" ]; then
+          if [ -f $source$riLog ] ; then $operation $source$riLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $mpeosRebootLog ] ; then
+               if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "dev" ]; then
+                    cp $mpeosRebootLog $destn
+                    mv $recorderLog $destn
+               else
+                    mv $recorderLog $destn
+                    $operation $mpeosRebootLog $destn
+               fi
+          fi
+    fi
+    if [ -f $source$xreLog ] ; then $operation $source$xreLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$cecLog ] ; then $operation $source$cecLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$wbLog ] ; then $operation $source$wbLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$sysLog ] ; then $operation $source$sysLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$ntpLog ] ; then $operation $source$ntpLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$uiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$uiLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$storagemgrLog ] ; then $operation $source/$storagemgrLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$rf4ceLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rf4ceLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$ctrlmLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ctrlmLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$applicationsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$applicationsLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$systemLog ] ; then $operation $source/$systemLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$bootUpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$bootUpLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$startupDmesgLog ] ; then $operation $source/$startupDmesgLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$diskCleanupLog ] ; then $operation $source/$diskCleanupLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$diskCleanupInfoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$diskCleanupInfoLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source/$diskCleanupLog1 ] ; then $operation $source/$diskCleanupLog1 $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$sysDmesgLog ] ; then $operation $source$sysDmesgLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$coreDumpLog ] ; then $operation $source$coreDumpLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$adobeCleanupLog ] ; then $operation $source$adobeCleanupLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$bluetoothLog ] ; then $operation $source$bluetoothLog $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$easPcapFile ] ; then $operation $source$easPcapFile $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$mocaPcapFile ] ; then $operation $source$mocaPcapFile $destn; fi
+    if [ -f $source$mountLog ] ; then $operation $source$mountLog $destn; fi
+    if [ "$CONTAINER_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+        if [ -f $source$xreLxcLog ] ; then $operation $source$xreLxcLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$xreLxcApplicationsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xreLxcApplicationsLog $destn; fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$SOC" = "BRCM" ];then
+         if [ -f $source$nxSvrLog ] ; then $operation $source$nxSvrLog $destn; fi
+         if [ -f $source$procStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source$procStatusLog $destn; fi
+    fi
+    opern=$1
+    src=$2
+    destn=$3
+    moveFiles $opern $src receiver.log_* $destn
+    moveFiles $opern $src ocapri_log.txt_* $destn
+    moveFiles $opern $src messages.txt_* $destn
+    moveFiles $opern $src app_status_backup.log_* $destn
+     opern=$1
+     source=$2
+     destn=$3
+     if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" != "mediaclient" ]; then
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $BootTimeLogBackup $destn
+ 	 moveFiles $opern $source $speedtestLogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $ArmConsolelogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $ConsolelogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $PAMlogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $PARODUSlogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $PSMlogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $TDMlogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $TR69logBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $WEBPAlogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $WiFilogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $FirewallDebugBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $MnetDebugBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $wifihealthBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $CRLogBackup $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $LMlogBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $riLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $riLogsBackup1 $destn
+	 moveFiles $opern $source $ecmLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $pumaLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $pumaLogsBackup1 $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $snmpdLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $upstreamStatsLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $dibblerLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $dnsmasqLogsBackup $destn
+     else
+         moveFiles $opern $source $wifiTelemetryLogBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $tr69AgentHttpLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $tr69AgentSoapLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $webpavideoLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $xiConnectionStatusLogsBackup $destn
+     fi
+     if [ "$WIFI_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+         moveFiles $opern $source $wpaSupplicantLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $dhcpWifiLogsBackup $destn
+     fi
+     if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" ==  "XHC1" ];then
+        moveFiles $opern $source $streamsrvLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $stunnelHttpsLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $upnpLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $upnpigdLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $cgiLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $systemLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $eventLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $xw3MonitorLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $sensorDLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $webpaLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $xwclientLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $xwswupdateLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $userLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $webrtcStreamingLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $cvrPollLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $ivaDaemonLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $thumbnailUploadBackupLog $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $metricsLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $wifiLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $dcmLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $netsrvLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $diskCleanupLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $applicationsLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $rfcLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $overlayLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $sysLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $startupDmesgLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $sysDmesgLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $xvisionLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $evoBackupLog $destn
+	moveFiles $opern $source $camstreamsrvLogsBackup $destn
+	moveFiles $opern $source $mongsLogsBackup $destn
+     else
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $mocaStatusLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $runXreLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $xreLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $cecLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $sysLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $ntpLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $startupDmesgLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $gpInitLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $appStatusLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $dmesgLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $xDiscoveryLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $xDiscoveryListLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $uiLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $storagemgrLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $rf4ceLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $ctrlmLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $lighttpdErrorLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $lighttpdAccessLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $dcmLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $greenpeakLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $trmLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $trmMgrLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $rmfLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $podLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $vodLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $fdsLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $threadLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $xDeviceLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $coreDumpLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $applicationsLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $socProvisionLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $socProvisionCryptoLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $topOsalLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $decoderStatusLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $mfrLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $mfrLogsRdkBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $sysDmesgLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $resetLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $gpLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $psLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $cefLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $topLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $netsrvLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $diskCleanupLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $samhainLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $fogLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $hddStatusLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $xiRecoveryLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $dropbearLogsBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $bluetoothLogBackup $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $easPcapFile $destn
+     	moveFiles $opern $source $mocaPcapFile $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $mountLogBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $rbiDaemonLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $rfcLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $tlsLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $playreadycdmiLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $wpecdmiLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $pingTelemetryLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $zramLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $appmanagerLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $nlmonLogsBackup $destn
+        moveFiles $opern $source $hwselfLogsBackup $destn
+     fi
+     if [ "$CONTAINER_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+         moveFiles $opern $source $xreLxcLogsBackup $destn
+         moveFiles $opern $source $xreLxcApplicationsLogsBackup $destn
+     fi
+     moveFiles $opern $source $systemLogsBackup $destn
+     if [ "$SOC" = "BRCM" ];then
+          moveFiles $opern $source $nxSvrLogsBackup $destn
+          moveFiles $opern $source $procStatusLogsBackup $destn
+     fi
+     # backup older cycle logs
+     if [ "$MEMORY_LIMITATION_FLAG" = "true" ]; then
+          moveFiles $opern $source $logBAK1 $destn
+          moveFiles $opern $source $logBAK2 $destn
+          moveFiles $opern $source $logBAK3 $destn
+     fi
+     operation=$1
+     source=$2
+     destn=$3
+     if [ -f $source/$BootTimeLog ] ; then $operation $source/$BootTimeLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$speedtestLog ] ; then $operation $source/$speedtestLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$ArmConsolelog ] ; then $operation $source/$ArmConsolelog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$Consolelog ] ; then $operation $source/$Consolelog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$LMlog ] ; then $operation $source/$LMlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$PAMlog ] ; then $operation $source/$PAMlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$PARODUSlog ] ; then $operation $source/$PARODUSlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$PSMlog ] ; then $operation $source/$PSMlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$TDMlog ] ; then $operation $source/$TDMlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$TR69log ] ; then $operation $source/$TR69log $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$WEBPAlog ] ; then $operation $source/$WEBPAlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$WiFilog ] ; then $operation $source/$WiFilog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$FirewallDebug ] ; then $operation $source/$FirewallDebug $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$MnetDebug ] ; then $operation $source/$MnetDebug $destn; fi 
+     if [ -f $source/$wifihealthlog ] ; then $operation $source/$wifihealthlog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$CRLog ] ; then $operation $source/$CRLog $destn; fi
+     # generic Logs
+     if [ -f $source/$systemLog ] ; then $operation $source/$systemLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$resetLog ] ; then $operation $source/$resetLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$backUpDumpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$backUpDumpLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$bootUpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$bootUpLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$applicationsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$applicationsLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$runXreLog ] ; then $operation $source/$runXreLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$xreLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xreLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$cecLog ] ; then $operation $source/$cecLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$gpInitLog ] ; then $operation $source/$gpInitLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$hdmiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$hdmiLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$uiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$uiLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$storagemgrLog ] ; then $operation $source/$storagemgrLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$rf4ceLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rf4ceLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$ctrlmLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ctrlmLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$ipdnlLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ipdnlLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$fdsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$fdsLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$dmesgLog ] ; then $operation $source/$dmesgLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$appStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$appStatusLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$gpLog ]; then $operation $source/$gpLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$sysLog ] ; then $operation $source/$sysLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$ntpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ntpLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$wbLog ] ; then $operation $source/$wbLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$ueiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ueiLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$receiverMON ] ; then $operation $source/$receiverMON $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$swUpdateLog ] ; then $operation $source/$swUpdateLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$topLog ] ; then $operation $source/$topLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$fusionDaleLog ] ; then $operation $source/$fusionDaleLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$mfrLog ] ; then $operation $source/$mfrLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$mocaLog ] ; then $operation $source/$mocaLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$rebootLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rebootLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$rebootInfoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rebootInfoLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$xDiscoveryLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xDiscoveryLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$xDiscoveryListLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xDiscoveryListLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$socProvisionLog ] ; then $operation $source/$socProvisionLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$socProvisionCryptoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$socProvisionCryptoLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$lighttpdErrorLog ] ; then $operation $source/$lighttpdErrorLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$lighttpdAccessLog ] ; then $operation $source/$lighttpdAccessLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$dcmLog ] ; then $operation $source/$dcmLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$coreDumpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$coreDumpLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$mountLog ] ; then $operation $source/$mountLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$rbiDaemonLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rbiDaemonLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$rfcLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rfcLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$tlsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$tlsLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$playreadycdmiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$playreadycdmiLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$wpecdmiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$wpecdmiLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$pingTelemetryLog ] ; then $operation $source/$pingTelemetryLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$deviceDetailsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$deviceDetailsLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$zramLog ] ; then $operation $source/$zramLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$appmanagerLog ] ; then $operation $source/$appmanagerLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$nlmonLog ] ; then $operation $source/$nlmonLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$hwselfLog ] ; then $operation $source/$hwselfLog $destn; fi
+     if [ "$CONTAINER_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+         if [ -f $source/$xreLxcApplicationsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xreLxcApplicationsLog $destn; fi
+         if [ -f $source/$xreLxcLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xreLxcLog $destn; fi
+     fi
+     #Adding a work around to create core_log.txt whith restricted user privilege
+     #if linux multi user is enabled
+     if [ "$ENABLE_MULTI_USER" == "true" ] && [ ! -f /etc/os-release ] ; then
+        if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" == "prod" ] ; then
+            touch $source/$coreDumpLog
+            chown restricteduser:restrictedgroup $source/$coreDumpLog
+        else
+            if [ ! -f /opt/disable_chrootXREJail ]; then
+                touch $source/$coreDumpLog
+                chown restricteduser:restrictedgroup $source/$coreDumpLog
+            fi
+        fi
+     fi
+     #End of work around related to core_log.txt for Linux multi user support
+     if [ -f $source/$trmLog ] ; then $operation $source/$trmLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$trmMgrLog ] ; then $operation $source/$trmMgrLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$threadLog ] ; then $operation $source/$threadLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$greenpeakLog ]; then $operation $source/$greenpeakLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$startupDmesgLog ] ; then $operation $source/$startupDmesgLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$coreLog ] ; then $operation $source/$coreLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$xDeviceLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xDeviceLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$rmfLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rmfLog $destn; fi
+     if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" != "mediaclient" ]; then
+          if [ -f $source/$podLog ] ; then $operation $source/$podLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$vodLog ] ; then $operation $source/$vodLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$diskEventsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$diskEventsLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$diskInfoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$diskInfoLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$ablReasonLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ablReasonLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$mpeosmainMON ] ; then $operation $source/$mpeosmainMON $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$ecmLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ecmLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$pumaLog ] ; then $operation $source/$pumaLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$pumaLog1 ] ; then $operation $source/$pumaLog1 $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$heapDmpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$heapDmpLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$cardStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$cardStatusLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$rfStatisticsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rfStatisticsLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$riLog ] ; then $operation $source/$riLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$xfsdmesgLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xfsdmesgLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $mpeosRebootLog ] ; then 
+               if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "dev" ]; then
+                    cp $mpeosRebootLog $destn
+               else
+                    $operation $mpeosRebootLog $destn
+               fi
+          fi
+          if [ "$LIGHTSLEEP_ENABLE" = "true" ]; then
+               if [ -f $source/lightsleep.log ] ; then $operation $source/lightsleep.log $destn; fi
+          fi
+          if [ -f $source/$snmpdLog ] ; then $operation $source/$snmpdLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$upstreamStatsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$upstreamStatsLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$dibblerLog ] ; then $operation $source/$dibblerLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$dnsmasqLog ] ; then $operation $source/$dnsmasqLog $destn; fi
+     else
+	  if [ -f $source/$wifiTelemetryLog ] ; then $operation $source/$wifiTelemetryLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$tr69Log ] ; then $operation $source/$tr69Log $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$tr69AgentLog ] ; then $operation $source/$tr69AgentLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$tr69HostIfLog ] ; then $operation $source/$tr69HostIfLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$tr69DownloadLog ] ; then $operation $source/$tr69DownloadLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$gatewayLog ] ; then $operation $source/$gatewayLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$ipSetupLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ipSetupLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$tr69AgentHttpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$tr69AgentHttpLog $destn; fi
+	  if [ -f $source/$tr69AgentSoapLog ] ; then $operation $source/$tr69AgentSoapLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$webpavideoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$webpavideoLog $destn; fi
+          if [ -f $source/$xiConnectionStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xiConnectionStatusLog $destn; fi
+     fi
+     # backup version.txt
+     if [ -f $source/$version ] ; then 
+	     $operation $source/$version $destn
+     else
+	     cp /$version $destn
+     fi
+     # backup older cycle logs
+     if [ -f $source/$rstreamFdLog ] ; then $operation $source/$rstreamFdLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$authServiceLog ] ; then $operation $source/$authServiceLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$cardProvisionCheckLog ] ; then $operation $source/$cardProvisionCheckLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$diskCleanupLog ] ; then $operation $source/$diskCleanupLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$diskCleanupInfoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$diskCleanupInfoLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $recorderLog ]; then mv $recorderLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$topOsalLog ] ; then $operation $source/$topOsalLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$mocaStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$mocaStatusLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$decoderStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$decoderStatusLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$mfrLogRdk ] ; then $operation $source/$mfrLogRdk $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$cefLog ] ; then $operation $source/$cefLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$diskCleanupLog1 ] ; then $operation $source/$diskCleanupLog1 $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$sysDmesgLog ] ; then $operation $source/$sysDmesgLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$samhainLog ] ; then $operation $source/$samhainLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$fogLog ] ; then $operation $source/$fogLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$hddStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$hddStatusLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$xiRecoveryLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xiRecoveryLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$dropbearLog ] ; then $operation $source/$dropbearLog $destn; fi
+     if [ "$SOC" = "BRCM" ];then
+         if [ -f $source/$nxSvrLog ] ; then $operation $source/$nxSvrLog $destn; fi
+         if [ -f $source/$procStatusLog ] ; then $operation $source/$procStatusLog $destn; fi
+     fi
+     if [ -f $source/$netsrvLog ] ; then $operation $source/$netsrvLog $destn; fi
+     if [ -f $source/$adobeCleanupLog ] ; then $operation $source/$adobeCleanupLog $destn; fi
+    if [ "$DEVICE_TYPE" ==  "XHC1" ];then
+        if [ -f $source/$streamsrvLog ] ; then $operation $source/$streamsrvLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$stunnelHttpsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$stunnelHttpsLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$upnpLog ] ; then $operation $source/$upnpLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$upnpigdLog ] ; then $operation $source/$upnpigdLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$cgiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$cgiLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$systemLog ] ; then $operation $source/$systemLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$eventLog ] ; then $operation $source/$eventLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$xw3MonitorLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xw3MonitorLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$sensorDLog ] ; then $operation $source/$sensorDLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$webpaLog ] ; then $operation $source/$webpaLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$xwclientLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xwclientLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$xwswupdateLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xwswupdateLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$userLog ] ; then $operation $source/$userLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$webrtcStreamingLog ] ; then $operation $source/$webrtcStreamingLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$cvrPollLog ] ; then $operation $source/$cvrPollLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$ivaDaemonLog ] ; then $operation $source/$ivaDaemonLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$thumbnailUploadLog ] ; then $operation $source/$thumbnailUploadLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$metricsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$metricsLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$wifiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$wifiLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$overlayLog ] ; then $operation $source/$overlayLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$xvisionLog ] ; then $operation $source/$xvisionLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$evoLog ] ; then $operation $source/$evoLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$camstreamsrvLog ] ; then $operation $source/$camstreamsrvLog $destn; fi
+	if [ -f $source/$mongsLog ] ; then $operation $source/$mongsLog $destn; fi
+     fi
+     if [ "$WIFI_SUPPORT" == "true" ];then
+        if [ -f $source/$wpaSupplicantLog ] ; then $operation $source/$wpaSupplicantLog $destn; fi
+        if [ -f $source/$dhcpWifiLog ] ; then $operation $source/$dhcpWifiLog $destn; fi
+     fi
+     if [ -f $source/$audiocapturemgrLogs ] ; then $operation $source/$audiocapturemgrLogs $destn; fi
+  echo "Done Log Backup"