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STM32 MPUs are microprocessors designed by STMicroelectronics
based on Arm Cortex-A. This page presents the common configuration of STM32
MPUs, more details and dedicated configuration can be found in each STM32 MPU
page (:ref:`STM32MP1` or :ref:`STM32MP2`)
The STM32 MPU resets in the ROM code of the Cortex-A.
The primary boot core (core 0) executes the boot sequence while
secondary boot core (core 1) is kept in a holding pen loop.
The ROM code boot sequence loads the TF-A binary image from boot device
to embedded SRAM.
The TF-A image must be properly formatted with a STM32 header structure
for ROM code is able to load this image.
Tool stm32image can be used to prepend this header to the generated TF-A binary.
Only BL2 (with STM32 header) is loaded by ROM code. The other binaries are
inside the FIP binary: BL31 (for Aarch64 platforms), BL32 (OP-TEE), U-Boot
and their respective device tree blobs.
Boot sequence
ROM code -> BL2 (compiled with RESET_TO_BL2) -> OP-TEE -> BL33 (U-Boot)
Build Instructions
Boot media(s) supported by BL2 must be specified in the build command.
Available storage medias are:
- ``STM32MP_EMMC``
Serial boot devices:
Other configuration flags:
- | ``DTB_FILE_NAME``: to precise board device-tree blob to be used.
| Default: stm32mp157c-ev1.dtb
- | ``DWL_BUFFER_BASE``: the 'serial boot' load address of FIP,
| default location (end of the first 128MB) is used when absent
- | ``STM32MP_EARLY_CONSOLE``: to enable early traces before clock driver is setup.
| Default: 0 (disabled)
- | ``STM32MP_RECONFIGURE_CONSOLE``: to re-configure crash console (especially after BL2).
| Default: 0 (disabled)
- | ``STM32MP_UART_BAUDRATE``: to select UART baud rate.
| Default: 115200
Populate SD-card
Boot with FIP
The SD-card has to be formatted with GPT.
It should contain at least those partitions:
- fsbl: to copy the tf-a-stm32mp157c-ev1.stm32 binary (BL2)
- fip (GUID 19d5df83-11b0-457b-be2c-7559c13142a5): which contains the FIP binary
Usually, two copies of fsbl are used (fsbl1 and fsbl2) instead of one partition fsbl.
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