blob: d34b5301d923e070d0b78ff4a516cc63f830dc2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2018,2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <drivers/arm/gicv2.h>
#include <drivers/arm/gicv3.h>
#include <drivers/console.h>
#include <platform_def.h>
.globl plat_my_core_pos
.globl plat_qti_core_pos_by_mpidr
.globl plat_reset_handler
.globl plat_panic_handler
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* unsigned int plat_qti_core_pos_by_mpidr(uint64_t mpidr)
* Helper function to calculate the core position.
* With this function:
* CorePos = (ClusterId * 4) + CoreId
* - In ARM v8 (MPIDR_EL1[24]=0)
* ClusterId = MPIDR_EL1[15:8]
* CoreId = MPIDR_EL1[7:0]
* - In ARM v8.1 (MPIDR_EL1[24]=1)
* ClusterId = MPIDR_EL1[23:15]
* CoreId = MPIDR_EL1[15:8]
* Clobbers: x0 & x1.
* -----------------------------------------------------
func plat_qti_core_pos_by_mpidr
mrs x1, mpidr_el1
tst x1, #MPIDR_MT_MASK
beq plat_qti_core_pos_by_mpidr_no_mt
/* Right shift mpidr by one affinity level when MT=1. */
and x1, x0, #MPIDR_CPU_MASK
add x0, x1, x0, LSR #6
endfunc plat_qti_core_pos_by_mpidr
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* void plat_panic_handler(void)
* calls SDI and reset system
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
func plat_panic_handler
msr spsel, #0
bl plat_set_my_stack
b qtiseclib_panic
endfunc plat_panic_handler
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* unsigned int plat_my_core_pos(void)
* This function uses the plat_qti_calc_core_pos()
* definition to get the index of the calling CPU
* Clobbers: x0 & x1.
* -----------------------------------------------------
func plat_my_core_pos
mrs x0, mpidr_el1
b plat_qti_core_pos_by_mpidr
endfunc plat_my_core_pos
func plat_reset_handler
/* save the lr */
mov x18, x30
/* pass cold boot status. */
ldr w0, g_qti_bl31_cold_booted
/* Execuete CPUSS boot set up on every core. */
bl qtiseclib_cpuss_reset_asm
ret x18
endfunc plat_reset_handler