blob: 6fd0f2bbe848ca75cfc126bd535f0bea6df92650 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef SPMC_H
#define SPMC_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <common/bl_common.h>
#include <lib/psci/psci.h>
#include <lib/spinlock.h>
#include <services/el3_spmc_logical_sp.h>
#include "spm_common.h"
* Ranges of FF-A IDs for Normal world and Secure world components. The
* convention matches that used by other SPMCs i.e. Hafnium and OP-TEE.
#define FFA_NWD_ID_BASE 0x0
#define FFA_SWD_ID_BASE 0x8000
#define FFA_SWD_ID_MASK 0x8000
/* ID 0 is reserved for the normal world entity, (Hypervisor or OS Kernel). */
#define FFA_NWD_ID U(0)
/* First ID is reserved for the SPMC */
/* SP IDs are allocated after the SPMC ID */
#define FFA_SP_ID_BASE (FFA_SPMC_ID + 1)
/* Align with Hafnium implementation */
#define INV_SP_ID 0x7FFF
/* FF-A Related helper macros. */
#define FFA_ID_MASK U(0xFFFF)
#define FFA_FEATURES_BIT31_MASK U(0x1u << 31)
#define FFA_FEATURES_RET_REQ_NS_BIT U(0x1 << 1)
#define FFA_RUN_EP_ID(ep_vcpu_ids) \
#define FFA_RUN_VCPU_ID(ep_vcpu_ids) \
(ep_vcpu_ids & FFA_ID_MASK)
#define FFA_PAGE_SIZE (4096)
/* Ensure that the page size used by TF-A is 4k aligned. */
CASSERT((PAGE_SIZE % FFA_PAGE_SIZE) == 0, assert_aligned_page_size);
* Defines to allow an SP to subscribe for power management messages
#define FFA_PM_MSG_SUB_CPU_OFF U(1 << 0)
#define FFA_PM_MSG_SUB_CPU_SUSPEND U(1 << 1)
* Runtime states of an execution context as per the FF-A v1.1 specification.
enum sp_runtime_states {
* Runtime model of an execution context as per the FF-A v1.1 specification. Its
* value is valid only if the execution context is not in the waiting state.
enum sp_runtime_model {
enum sp_runtime_el {
EL1 = 0,
enum sp_execution_state {
enum mailbox_state {
/* There is no message in the mailbox. */
/* There is a message that has been populated in the mailbox. */
struct mailbox {
enum mailbox_state state;
/* RX/TX Buffers. */
void *rx_buffer;
const void *tx_buffer;
/* Size of RX/TX Buffer. */
uint32_t rxtx_page_count;
/* Lock access to mailbox. */
spinlock_t lock;
* Execution context members for an SP. This is a bit like struct
* vcpu in a hypervisor.
struct sp_exec_ctx {
* Store the stack address to restore C runtime context from after
* returning from a synchronous entry into the SP.
uint64_t c_rt_ctx;
/* Space to maintain the architectural state of an SP. */
cpu_context_t cpu_ctx;
/* Track the current runtime state of the SP. */
enum sp_runtime_states rt_state;
/* Track the current runtime model of the SP. */
enum sp_runtime_model rt_model;
/* Track the source partition ID to validate a direct response. */
uint16_t dir_req_origin_id;
/* Track direct message function id to validate a direct response. */
uint16_t dir_req_funcid;
* Structure to describe the cumulative properties of an SP.
struct secure_partition_desc {
* Execution contexts allocated to this endpoint. Ideally,
* we need as many contexts as there are physical cpus only
* for a S-EL1 SP which is MP-pinned.
struct sp_exec_ctx ec[PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT];
/* ID of the Secure Partition. */
uint16_t sp_id;
/* Runtime EL. */
enum sp_runtime_el runtime_el;
/* Partition UUID. */
uint32_t uuid[4];
/* Partition Properties. */
uint32_t properties;
/* Supported FF-A Version. */
uint32_t ffa_version;
/* Execution State. */
enum sp_execution_state execution_state;
/* Mailbox tracking. */
struct mailbox mailbox;
/* Lock to protect the runtime state of a S-EL0 SP execution context. */
spinlock_t rt_state_lock;
/* Pointer to translation table context of a S-EL0 SP. */
xlat_ctx_t *xlat_ctx_handle;
/* Secondary entrypoint. Only valid for a S-EL1 SP. */
uintptr_t secondary_ep;
* Store whether the SP has subscribed to any power management messages.
uint16_t pwr_mgmt_msgs;
* Store whether the SP has requested the use of the NS bit for memory
* management transactions if it is using FF-A v1.0.
bool ns_bit_requested;
* This define identifies the only SP that will be initialised and participate
* in FF-A communication. The implementation leaves the door open for more SPs
* to be managed in future but for now it is reasonable to assume that either a
* single S-EL0 or a single S-EL1 SP will be supported. This define will be used
* to identify which SP descriptor to initialise and manage during SP runtime.
* Structure to describe the cumulative properties of the Hypervisor and
* NS-Endpoints.
struct ns_endpoint_desc {
* ID of the NS-Endpoint or Hypervisor.
uint16_t ns_ep_id;
* Mailbox tracking.
struct mailbox mailbox;
* Supported FF-A Version
uint32_t ffa_version;
/* Reference to power management hooks */
extern const spd_pm_ops_t spmc_pm;
/* Setup Function for different SP types. */
void spmc_sp_common_setup(struct secure_partition_desc *sp,
entry_point_info_t *ep_info,
int32_t boot_info_reg);
void spmc_el1_sp_setup(struct secure_partition_desc *sp,
entry_point_info_t *ep_info);
void spmc_sp_common_ep_commit(struct secure_partition_desc *sp,
entry_point_info_t *ep_info);
void spmc_el0_sp_spsr_setup(entry_point_info_t *ep_info);
void spmc_el0_sp_setup(struct secure_partition_desc *sp,
int32_t boot_info_reg,
void *sp_manifest);
* Helper function to perform a synchronous entry into a SP.
uint64_t spmc_sp_synchronous_entry(struct sp_exec_ctx *ec);
* Helper function to obtain the descriptor of the current SP on a physical cpu.
struct secure_partition_desc *spmc_get_current_sp_ctx(void);
* Helper function to obtain the execution context of an SP on a
* physical cpu.
struct sp_exec_ctx *spmc_get_sp_ec(struct secure_partition_desc *sp);
* Helper function to obtain the index of the execution context of an SP on a
* physical cpu.
unsigned int get_ec_index(struct secure_partition_desc *sp);
uint64_t spmc_ffa_error_return(void *handle, int error_code);
* Ensure a partition ID does not clash and follows the secure world convention.
bool is_ffa_secure_id_valid(uint16_t partition_id);
* Helper function to obtain the array storing the EL3
* Logical Partition descriptors.
struct el3_lp_desc *get_el3_lp_array(void);
* Helper function to obtain the RX/TX buffer pair descriptor of the Hypervisor
* or OS kernel in the normal world or the last SP that was run.
struct mailbox *spmc_get_mbox_desc(bool secure_origin);
* Helper function to obtain the context of an SP with a given partition ID.
struct secure_partition_desc *spmc_get_sp_ctx(uint16_t id);
* Add helper function to obtain the FF-A version of the calling
* partition.
uint32_t get_partition_ffa_version(bool secure_origin);
#endif /* SPMC_H */