blob: 516eb98d76b629b8f310184332bf41be73210b4e [file] [log] [blame]
Security Handling
Security Disclosures
We disclose all security vulnerabilities we find, or are advised about, that are
relevant to Trusted Firmware-A. We encourage responsible disclosure of
vulnerabilities and inform users as best we can about all possible issues.
We disclose TF-A vulnerabilities as Security Advisories, all of which are listed
at the bottom of this page. Any new ones will, additionally, be announced as
issues in the project's `issue tracker`_ with the ``security-advisory`` tag. You
can receive notification emails for these by watching the "Trusted Firmware-A"
project at
Found a Security Issue?
Although we try to keep TF-A secure, we can only do so with the help of the
community of developers and security researchers.
If you think you have found a security vulnerability, please **do not** report
it in the `issue tracker`_. Instead, please follow the `
security incident process`_. One of the goals of this process is to ensure
providers of products that use TF-A have a chance to consider the implications
of the vulnerability and its remedy before it is made public. As such, please
follow the disclosure plan outlined in the process. We do our best to respond
and fix any issues quickly.
Afterwards, we encourage you to write-up your findings about the TF-A source
We will name and thank you in the :ref:`Change Log & Release Notes` distributed
with the source code and in any published security advisory.
Security Advisories
| ID | Title |
| |TFV-1| | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy of unexpectedly |
| | large data into secure memory |
| |TFV-2| | Enabled secure self-hosted invasive debug interface can allow |
| | normal world to panic secure world |
| |TFV-3| | RO memory is always executable at AArch64 Secure EL1 |
| |TFV-4| | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy or |
| | authentication of unexpected data in secure memory in AArch32 |
| | state |
| |TFV-5| | Not initializing or saving/restoring PMCR_EL0 can leak secure |
| | world timing information |
| |TFV-6| | Trusted Firmware-A exposure to speculative processor |
| | vulnerabilities using cache timing side-channels |
| |TFV-7| | Trusted Firmware-A exposure to cache speculation vulnerability |
| | Variant 4 |
| |TFV-8| | Not saving x0 to x3 registers can leak information from one |
| | Normal World SMC client to another |
.. _issue tracker:
.. |TFV-1| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-1 (CVE-2016-10319)`
.. |TFV-2| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-2 (CVE-2017-7564)`
.. |TFV-3| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-3 (CVE-2017-7563)`
.. |TFV-4| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-4 (CVE-2017-9607)`
.. |TFV-5| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-5 (CVE-2017-15031)`
.. |TFV-6| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-6 (CVE-2017-5753, CVE-2017-5715, CVE-2017-5754)`
.. |TFV-7| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-7 (CVE-2018-3639)`
.. |TFV-8| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-8 (CVE-2018-19440)`
.. security incident process:
*Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*