| Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. |
| =========================== |
| Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) implements the EL3 firmware layer for QTI SC7180, |
| Bootrom --> BL1/BL2 --> BL31 --> BL33 --> Linux kernel |
| BL1/2 and BL33 can currently be supplied from Coreboot + Depthcharge |
| `link <https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a.git>`__ |
| QTI SoC expects TF-A's BL31 to get integrated with other boot software |
| Coreboot, so only bl31.elf need to get build from the TF-A repository. |
| The build command looks like |
| make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- PLAT=sc7180 COREBOOT=1 |
| update value of CROSS_COMPILE argument with your cross-compilation toolchain. |
| Additional QTISECLIB_PATH=<path to qtiseclib> can be added in build command. |
| if QTISECLIB_PATH is not added in build command stub implementation of qtiseclib |
| is picked. qtiseclib with stub implementation doesn't boot device. This was |
| added to satisfy compilation. |
| QTISELIB for SC7180 is available at |
| `link <https://github.com/coreboot/qc_blobs/blob/master/sc7180/qtiseclib/libqtisec.a?raw=true>`__ |
| QTISELIB for SC7280 is available at |
| `link <https://github.com/coreboot/qc_blobs/blob/master/sc7280/qtiseclib/libqtisec.a?raw=true>`__ |