blob: 10645bfb4e9640c02ab819938834dc652b74be45 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2024-2025, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
space :=
space := $(space) $(space)
comma := ,
null :=
compat-path = $(subst $(space),$(null),$(1))
decompat-path = $(subst $(null), ,$(1))
absolute-path = $(call decompat-path,$(abspath $(call compat-path,$(1))))
real-path = $(call decompat-path,$(realpath $(call compat-path,$(1))))
file-name = $(call decompat-path,$(notdir $(call compat-path,$(1))))
directory-name = $(call decompat-path,$(dir $(call compat-path,$(1))))
escape-shell = '$(subst ','\'',$(1))'
# The grouped-target symbol. Grouped targets are not supported on versions of
# GNU Make <= 4.2, which was most recently packaged with Ubuntu 20.04.
& := $(if $(filter grouped-target,$(.FEATURES)),&)
# Upper-case a string value.
# Parameters:
# - $(1): The string to upper-case.
# Example usage:
# $(call uppercase,HeLlO wOrLd) # "HELLO WORLD"
uppercase = $(shell echo $(call escape-shell,$(1)) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
# Lower-case a string value.
# Parameters:
# - $(1): The string to lower-case.
# Example usage:
# $(call lowercase,HeLlO wOrLd) # "hello world"
lowercase = $(shell echo $(call escape-shell,$(1)) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# Determine the "truthiness" of a value.
# Parameters:
# - $(1): The value to determine the truthiness of.
# A value is considered to be falsy if it is:
# - empty, or
# - equal to "0", "N", "NO", "F" or "FALSE" after upper-casing.
# If the value is truthy then the value is returned as-is, otherwise no value
# is returned.
# Example usage:
# truthy := y
# truthy-bool := $(call bool,$(truthy)) # "y"
# falsy := n
# falsy-bool := $(call bool,$(falsy)) # <empty>
bool = $(filter-out 0 n no f false,$(call lowercase,$(1)))
# Determine the "truthiness" of a value, returning 0 or 1.
# Parameters:
# - $(1): The value to determine the truthiness of.
# A value is considered to be falsy if it is:
# - empty, or
# - equal to "0", "N", "NO", "F" or "FALSE" after upper-casing.
# If the value is truthy then the value is returned as-is, otherwise no value
# is returned.
# Example usage:
# truthy := y
# truthy-bool := $(call bool,$(truthy)) # "1"
# falsy := n
# falsy-bool := $(call bool,$(falsy)) # "0"
bool-01 = $(if $(call bool,$(1)),1,0)
# Determine whether a variable is defined or not.
# Parameters:
# - $(1): The variable to check.
# Example usage:
# xyz-defined := $(call defined,xyz) # <empty>
# xyz :=
# xyz-defined := $(call defined,xyz) # <non-empty>
# xyz := hello
# xyz-defined := $(call defined,xyz) # <non-empty>
defined = $(call bool,$(filter-out undefined,$(origin $(1))))
# Determine the path to a program.
# Parameters:
# - $(1): The program to search for.
# Example usage:
# path-to-gcc := $(call which,gcc) # "/usr/bin/gcc"
which = $(shell command -v $(call escape-shell,$(1)) 2>/dev/null)