| Description: |
| ------------ |
| Tool 'create_pbl' is a standalone tool to create the PBL images. |
| where, |
| On the basis of Chassis, |
| RCW image is placed first followed by the, |
| PBI commands to copy the, |
| Input BL2 image stored on the, |
| Specified boot source (QSPI or SD or NOR) to the, |
| Specified destination address. |
| |
| |
| Usage in standalone way: |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| ./create_pbl [options] (mentioned below): |
| |
| -r <RCW file-name> - name of RCW binary file. |
| -i <BL2 Bin file-name> - file to be added to rcw file. |
| -c <SoC Number> - SoC numeric identifier, may be one of |
| 1012,1023,1026.1028, |
| 1043,1046,1088,2080, |
| 2088,2160 |
| -b <boot source id> - Boot source id string, may be one of |
| "qspi", "nor", "nand", "sd", "emmc" |
| -d <Address> - Destination address where BL2 |
| image is to be copied |
| -o <output filename> - Name of PBL image generated |
| as an output of the tool. |
| -e <Address> - [Optional] Entry Point Address |
| of the BL2.bin |
| -f <Address> - BL2 image offset |
| on Boot Source for block copy. |
| command for chassis >=3.) |
| (Must for Ch3, Ignored for Ch2) |
| -h Help. |
| -s Secure boot. |
| |
| -s secure boot |
| -c SoC Number (see description above) |
| -b Boot source. |
| -r RCW binary file. |
| -i Input file that is to be added to rcw file. |
| -o Name of output file |
| -f Source Offset (Block Copy) |
| -d Destination address to which file has to be copied |
| -h Help. |
| |
| Example: |
| ./create_pbl -r <RCW file> -i <bl2.bin> -c <chassis_no> -b <boot_source = sd/qspi/nor> -d <Destination_Addr> -o <pbl_image_name> |
| |
| |
| |
| Usage at compilation time: |
| -------------------------------- |
| |
| make <compilation command......> pbl RCW=<Path_to_RCW_File>/<rcw_file_name.bin> |
| |
| Example: QSPI Boot For LS1046ARDB- |
| |
| make PLAT=ls1046rdb all fip BOOT_MODE=qspi SPD=opteed BL32=tee.bin BL33=u-boot-ls1046.bin pbl RCW=/home/pankaj/flexbuild/packages/firmware/dash-rcw/ls1046ardb/RR_FFSSPPPN_1133_5506/rcw_1600_qspiboot.bin |
| |
| Example: QSPI Boot For LX2160ARDB- |
| |
| make PLAT=lx2160ardb all fip BOOT_MODE=flexspi_nor SPD=opteed BL32=tee_lx2.bin BL33=u-boot_lx2160.bin pbl RCW=plat/nxp/soc-lx2160/lx2160ardb/rcw_1900_600_1600_19_5_2.bin |