blob: 2e965c06039c5472837caf126fe5e8fec7718e2c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <common/bl_common.h>
#include <lib/cassert.h>
#include <services/ffa_svc.h>
* Structure definition, typedefs & constants for the SPMD Logical Partitions.
/* Prototype for SPMD logical partition initializing function. */
typedef int32_t (*ffa_spmd_lp_init_t)(void);
/* SPMD Logical Partition Descriptor. */
struct spmd_lp_desc {
ffa_spmd_lp_init_t init;
uint16_t sp_id;
uint32_t properties;
uint32_t uuid[4]; /* Little Endian. */
const char *debug_name;
struct ffa_value {
uint64_t func;
uint64_t arg1;
uint64_t arg2;
uint64_t arg3;
uint64_t arg4;
uint64_t arg5;
uint64_t arg6;
uint64_t arg7;
uint64_t arg8;
uint64_t arg9;
uint64_t arg10;
uint64_t arg11;
uint64_t arg12;
uint64_t arg13;
uint64_t arg14;
uint64_t arg15;
uint64_t arg16;
uint64_t arg17;
/* Convenience macro to declare a SPMD logical partition descriptor. */
#define DECLARE_SPMD_LOGICAL_PARTITION(_name, _init, _sp_id, _uuid, _properties) \
static const struct spmd_lp_desc __partition_desc_ ## _name \
__section(".spmd_lp_descs") __used = { \
.debug_name = #_name, \
.init = (_init), \
.sp_id = (_sp_id), \
.uuid = _uuid, \
.properties = (_properties), \
/ sizeof(struct spmd_lp_desc))
CASSERT(sizeof(struct spmd_lp_desc) == 40, assert_spmd_lp_desc_size_mismatch);
* Reserve 63 IDs for SPMD Logical Partitions. Currently, 0xFFC0 to 0xFFFE
* is reserved.
* TODO: Arbitrary number. Can make this platform specific in the future,
* no known use cases for more LPs at this point.
#define EL3_SPMD_MAX_NUM_LP U(5)
static inline bool is_spmd_lp_id(unsigned int id)
return (id >= SPMD_LP_ID_START && id <= SPMD_LP_ID_END);
return false;
static inline bool is_ffa_error(struct ffa_value *retval)
return retval->func == FFA_ERROR;
static inline bool is_ffa_success(struct ffa_value *retval)
return (retval->func == FFA_SUCCESS_SMC32) ||
(retval->func == FFA_SUCCESS_SMC64);
static inline bool is_ffa_direct_msg_resp(struct ffa_value *retval)
return (retval->func == FFA_MSG_SEND_DIRECT_RESP_SMC32) ||
(retval->func == FFA_MSG_SEND_DIRECT_RESP_SMC64);
static inline uint16_t ffa_partition_info_regs_get_last_idx(
struct ffa_value *args)
return (uint16_t)(args->arg2 & 0xFFFFU);
static inline uint16_t ffa_partition_info_regs_get_curr_idx(
struct ffa_value *args)
return (uint16_t)((args->arg2 >> 16) & 0xFFFFU);
static inline uint16_t ffa_partition_info_regs_get_tag(struct ffa_value *args)
return (uint16_t)((args->arg2 >> 32) & 0xFFFFU);
static inline uint16_t ffa_partition_info_regs_get_desc_size(
struct ffa_value *args)
return (uint16_t)(args->arg2 >> 48);
uint64_t spmd_el3_populate_logical_partition_info(void *handle, uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2, uint64_t x3);
bool ffa_partition_info_regs_get_part_info(
struct ffa_value *args, uint8_t idx,
struct ffa_partition_info_v1_1 *partition_info);
bool spmd_el3_invoke_partition_info_get(
const uint32_t target_uuid[4],
const uint16_t start_index,
const uint16_t tag,
struct ffa_value *retval);
void spmd_logical_sp_set_spmc_initialized(void);
void spmc_logical_sp_set_spmc_failure(void);
int32_t spmd_logical_sp_init(void);
bool spmd_el3_ffa_msg_direct_req(uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *handle,
struct ffa_value *retval);
uintptr_t plat_spmd_logical_sp_smc_handler(unsigned int smc_fid,
u_register_t x1,
u_register_t x2,
u_register_t x3,
u_register_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
u_register_t flags);
#endif /* EL3_SPMD_LOGICAL_SP_H */