blob: 61b648266f27b41a508eb2a06209310a605c313d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <dice.h>
/* Additional defines for max size limit. These limits are set by DPE in RSS. */
typedef int32_t dpe_error_t;
#define DPE_NO_ERROR ((dpe_error_t)0)
#define DPE_INTERNAL_ERROR ((dpe_error_t)1)
#define DPE_INVALID_COMMAND ((dpe_error_t)2)
#define DPE_INVALID_ARGUMENT ((dpe_error_t)3)
#define DPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED ((dpe_error_t)4)
#define DPE_SESSION_EXHAUSTED ((dpe_error_t)5)
/* Custom values in RSS based DPE implementation */
#define DPE_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ((dpe_error_t)128)
#define DPE_ERR_CBOR_FORMATTING ((dpe_error_t)129)
* Client facing API. Parameters are according to the DPE spec version r0.9
* \brief Performs the DICE computation to derive a new context and optionally
* creates an intermediate certificate. Software component measurement
* must be provided in dice_inputs.
* \param[in] context_handle Input context handle for the DPE
* context.
* \param[in] cert_id Logical certificate id to which derived
* context belongs to.
* \param[in] retain_parent_context Flag to indicate whether to retain the
* parent context. True only if a client
* will call further DPE commands on the
* same context.
* \param[in] allow_new_context_to_derive Flag to indicate whether derived context
* can derive further. True only if the
* new context will load further components.
* \param[in] create_certificate Flag to indicate whether to create an
* intermediate certificate. True only if
* it is the last component in the layer.
* \param[in] dice_inputs DICE input values.
* \param[in] target_locality Identifies the locality to which the
* derived context will be bound. Could be
* MHU id.
* \param[in] return_certificate Indicates whether to return the generated
* certificate when create_certificate is true.
* \param[in] allow_new_context_to_export Indicates whether the DPE permits export of
* the CDI from the newly derived context.
* \param[in] export_cdi Indicates whether to export derived CDI.
* \param[out] new_context_handle New handle for the derived context.
* \param[out] new_parent_context_handle New handle for the parent context.
* \param[out] new_certificate_buf If create_certificate and return_certificate
* are both true, this argument holds the new
* certificate generated for the new context
* \param[in] new_certificate_buf_size Size of the allocated buffer for
* new certificate.
* \param[out] new_certificate_actual_size Actual size of the new certificate.
* \param[out] exported_cdi_buf If export_cdi is true, this is the
* exported CDI value.
* \param[in] exported_cdi_buf_size Size of the allocated buffer for
* exported cdi.
* \param[out] exported_cdi_actual_size Actual size of the exported cdi.
* \return Returns error code of type dpe_error_t
dpe_error_t dpe_derive_context(int context_handle,
uint32_t cert_id,
bool retain_parent_context,
bool allow_new_context_to_derive,
bool create_certificate,
const DiceInputValues *dice_inputs,
int32_t target_locality,
bool return_certificate,
bool allow_new_context_to_export,
bool export_cdi,
int *new_context_handle,
int *new_parent_context_handle,
uint8_t *new_certificate_buf,
size_t new_certificate_buf_size,
size_t *new_certificate_actual_size,
uint8_t *exported_cdi_buf,
size_t exported_cdi_buf_size,
size_t *exported_cdi_actual_size);