blob: 33a25a26231372873735c6249264d301e453b567 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <arch_helpers.h>
#include <bl31/bl31.h>
#include <bl31/ehf.h>
#include <common/debug.h>
#include <common/fdt_wrappers.h>
#include <common/runtime_svc.h>
#include <lib/el3_runtime/context_mgmt.h>
#include <lib/smccc.h>
#include <lib/utils.h>
#include <lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2.h>
#include <libfdt.h>
#include <plat/common/platform.h>
#include <services/el3_spmc_logical_sp.h>
#include <services/ffa_svc.h>
#include <services/spmc_svc.h>
#include <services/spmd_svc.h>
#include "spmc.h"
#include <platform_def.h>
* Allocate a secure partition descriptor to describe each SP in the system that
* does not reside at EL3.
static struct secure_partition_desc sp_desc[SECURE_PARTITION_COUNT];
* Allocate an NS endpoint descriptor to describe each VM and the Hypervisor in
* the system that interacts with a SP. It is used to track the Hypervisor
* buffer pair, version and ID for now. It could be extended to track VM
* properties when the SPMC supports indirect messaging.
static struct ns_endpoint_desc ns_ep_desc[NS_PARTITION_COUNT];
* Helper function to obtain the array storing the EL3
* Logical Partition descriptors.
struct el3_lp_desc *get_el3_lp_array(void)
return (struct el3_lp_desc *) EL3_LP_DESCS_START;
* Helper function to obtain the descriptor of the last SP to whom control was
* handed to on this physical cpu. Currently, we assume there is only one SP.
* TODO: Expand to track multiple partitions when required.
struct secure_partition_desc *spmc_get_current_sp_ctx(void)
return &(sp_desc[ACTIVE_SP_DESC_INDEX]);
* Helper function to obtain the execution context of an SP on the
* current physical cpu.
struct sp_exec_ctx *spmc_get_sp_ec(struct secure_partition_desc *sp)
return &(sp->ec[get_ec_index(sp)]);
/* Helper function to get pointer to SP context from its ID. */
struct secure_partition_desc *spmc_get_sp_ctx(uint16_t id)
/* Check for Secure World Partitions. */
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < SECURE_PARTITION_COUNT; i++) {
if (sp_desc[i].sp_id == id) {
return &(sp_desc[i]);
return NULL;
* Helper function to obtain the descriptor of the Hypervisor or OS kernel.
* We assume that the first descriptor is reserved for this entity.
struct ns_endpoint_desc *spmc_get_hyp_ctx(void)
return &(ns_ep_desc[0]);
* Helper function to obtain the RX/TX buffer pair descriptor of the Hypervisor
* or OS kernel in the normal world or the last SP that was run.
struct mailbox *spmc_get_mbox_desc(bool secure_origin)
/* Obtain the RX/TX buffer pair descriptor. */
if (secure_origin) {
return &(spmc_get_current_sp_ctx()->mailbox);
} else {
return &(spmc_get_hyp_ctx()->mailbox);
* This function returns to the place where spmc_sp_synchronous_entry() was
* called originally.
__dead2 void spmc_sp_synchronous_exit(struct sp_exec_ctx *ec, uint64_t rc)
* The SPM must have initiated the original request through a
* synchronous entry into the secure partition. Jump back to the
* original C runtime context with the value of rc in x0;
spm_secure_partition_exit(ec->c_rt_ctx, rc);
* Return FFA_ERROR with specified error code.
uint64_t spmc_ffa_error_return(void *handle, int error_code)
FFA_TARGET_INFO_MBZ, error_code,
* Helper function to validate a secure partition ID to ensure it does not
* conflict with any other FF-A component and follows the convention to
* indicate it resides within the secure world.
bool is_ffa_secure_id_valid(uint16_t partition_id)
struct el3_lp_desc *el3_lp_descs = get_el3_lp_array();
/* Ensure the ID is not the invalid partition ID. */
if (partition_id == INV_SP_ID) {
return false;
/* Ensure the ID is not the SPMD ID. */
if (partition_id == SPMD_DIRECT_MSG_ENDPOINT_ID) {
return false;
* Ensure the ID follows the convention to indicate it resides
* in the secure world.
if (!ffa_is_secure_world_id(partition_id)) {
return false;
/* Ensure we don't conflict with the SPMC partition ID. */
if (partition_id == FFA_SPMC_ID) {
return false;
/* Ensure we do not already have an SP context with this ID. */
if (spmc_get_sp_ctx(partition_id)) {
return false;
/* Ensure we don't clash with any Logical SP's. */
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < EL3_LP_DESCS_COUNT; i++) {
if (el3_lp_descs[i].sp_id == partition_id) {
return false;
return true;
* This function either forwards the request to the other world or returns
* with an ERET depending on the source of the call.
* We can assume that the destination is for an entity at a lower exception
* level as any messages destined for a logical SP resident in EL3 will have
* already been taken care of by the SPMC before entering this function.
static uint64_t spmc_smc_return(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *handle,
void *cookie,
uint64_t flags,
uint16_t dst_id)
/* If the destination is in the normal world always go via the SPMD. */
if (ffa_is_normal_world_id(dst_id)) {
return spmd_smc_handler(smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, x4,
cookie, handle, flags);
* If the caller is secure and we want to return to the secure world,
* ERET directly.
else if (secure_origin && ffa_is_secure_world_id(dst_id)) {
SMC_RET5(handle, smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, x4);
/* If we originated in the normal world then switch contexts. */
else if (!secure_origin && ffa_is_secure_world_id(dst_id)) {
return spmd_smc_switch_state(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2,
x3, x4, handle);
} else {
/* Unknown State. */
/* Shouldn't be Reached. */
return 0;
* FF-A ABI Handlers.
* Helper function to validate arg2 as part of a direct message.
static inline bool direct_msg_validate_arg2(uint64_t x2)
* We currently only support partition messages, therefore ensure x2 is
* not set.
if (x2 != (uint64_t) 0) {
VERBOSE("Arg2 MBZ for partition messages (0x%lx).\n", x2);
return false;
return true;
* Handle direct request messages and route to the appropriate destination.
static uint64_t direct_req_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags)
uint16_t dst_id = ffa_endpoint_destination(x1);
struct el3_lp_desc *el3_lp_descs;
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
unsigned int idx;
/* Check if arg2 has been populated correctly based on message type. */
if (!direct_msg_validate_arg2(x2)) {
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
el3_lp_descs = get_el3_lp_array();
/* Check if the request is destined for a Logical Partition. */
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < MAX_EL3_LP_DESCS_COUNT; i++) {
if (el3_lp_descs[i].sp_id == dst_id) {
return el3_lp_descs[i].direct_req(
smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3, x4,
cookie, handle, flags);
* If the request was not targeted to a LSP and from the secure world
* then it is invalid since a SP cannot call into the Normal world and
* there is no other SP to call into. If there are other SPs in future
* then the partition runtime model would need to be validated as well.
if (secure_origin) {
VERBOSE("Direct request not supported to the Normal World.\n");
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
/* Check if the SP ID is valid. */
sp = spmc_get_sp_ctx(dst_id);
if (sp == NULL) {
VERBOSE("Direct request to unknown partition ID (0x%x).\n",
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
* Check that the target execution context is in a waiting state before
* forwarding the direct request to it.
idx = get_ec_index(sp);
if (sp->ec[idx].rt_state != RT_STATE_WAITING) {
VERBOSE("SP context on core%u is not waiting (%u).\n",
idx, sp->ec[idx].rt_model);
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_BUSY);
* Everything checks out so forward the request to the SP after updating
* its state and runtime model.
sp->ec[idx].rt_state = RT_STATE_RUNNING;
sp->ec[idx].rt_model = RT_MODEL_DIR_REQ;
return spmc_smc_return(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3, x4,
handle, cookie, flags, dst_id);
* Handle direct response messages and route to the appropriate destination.
static uint64_t direct_resp_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags)
uint16_t dst_id = ffa_endpoint_destination(x1);
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
unsigned int idx;
/* Check if arg2 has been populated correctly based on message type. */
if (!direct_msg_validate_arg2(x2)) {
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
/* Check that the response did not originate from the Normal world. */
if (!secure_origin) {
VERBOSE("Direct Response not supported from Normal World.\n");
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
* Check that the response is either targeted to the Normal world or the
* SPMC e.g. a PM response.
if ((dst_id != FFA_SPMC_ID) && ffa_is_secure_world_id(dst_id)) {
VERBOSE("Direct response to invalid partition ID (0x%x).\n",
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
/* Obtain the SP descriptor and update its runtime state. */
sp = spmc_get_sp_ctx(ffa_endpoint_source(x1));
if (sp == NULL) {
VERBOSE("Direct response to unknown partition ID (0x%x).\n",
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
/* Sanity check state is being tracked correctly in the SPMC. */
idx = get_ec_index(sp);
assert(sp->ec[idx].rt_state == RT_STATE_RUNNING);
/* Ensure SP execution context was in the right runtime model. */
if (sp->ec[idx].rt_model != RT_MODEL_DIR_REQ) {
VERBOSE("SP context on core%u not handling direct req (%u).\n",
idx, sp->ec[idx].rt_model);
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_DENIED);
/* Update the state of the SP execution context. */
sp->ec[idx].rt_state = RT_STATE_WAITING;
* If the receiver is not the SPMC then forward the response to the
* Normal world.
if (dst_id == FFA_SPMC_ID) {
spmc_sp_synchronous_exit(&sp->ec[idx], x4);
/* Should not get here. */
return spmc_smc_return(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3, x4,
handle, cookie, flags, dst_id);
* This function handles the FFA_MSG_WAIT SMC to allow an SP to relinquish its
* cycles.
static uint64_t msg_wait_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags)
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
unsigned int idx;
* Check that the response did not originate from the Normal world as
* only the secure world can call this ABI.
if (!secure_origin) {
VERBOSE("Normal world cannot call FFA_MSG_WAIT.\n");
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* Get the descriptor of the SP that invoked FFA_MSG_WAIT. */
sp = spmc_get_current_sp_ctx();
if (sp == NULL) {
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
* Get the execution context of the SP that invoked FFA_MSG_WAIT.
idx = get_ec_index(sp);
/* Ensure SP execution context was in the right runtime model. */
if (sp->ec[idx].rt_model == RT_MODEL_DIR_REQ) {
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_DENIED);
/* Sanity check the state is being tracked correctly in the SPMC. */
assert(sp->ec[idx].rt_state == RT_STATE_RUNNING);
* Perform a synchronous exit if the partition was initialising. The
* state is updated after the exit.
if (sp->ec[idx].rt_model == RT_MODEL_INIT) {
spmc_sp_synchronous_exit(&sp->ec[idx], x4);
/* Should not get here */
/* Update the state of the SP execution context. */
sp->ec[idx].rt_state = RT_STATE_WAITING;
/* Resume normal world if a secure interrupt was handled. */
if (sp->ec[idx].rt_model == RT_MODEL_INTR) {
/* FFA_MSG_WAIT can only be called from the secure world. */
unsigned int secure_state_in = SECURE;
unsigned int secure_state_out = NON_SECURE;
/* Forward the response to the Normal world. */
return spmc_smc_return(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3, x4,
handle, cookie, flags, FFA_NWD_ID);
static uint64_t ffa_error_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags)
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
unsigned int idx;
/* Check that the response did not originate from the Normal world. */
if (!secure_origin) {
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* Get the descriptor of the SP that invoked FFA_ERROR. */
sp = spmc_get_current_sp_ctx();
if (sp == NULL) {
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle,
/* Get the execution context of the SP that invoked FFA_ERROR. */
idx = get_ec_index(sp);
* We only expect FFA_ERROR to be received during SP initialisation
* otherwise this is an invalid call.
if (sp->ec[idx].rt_model == RT_MODEL_INIT) {
ERROR("SP 0x%x failed to initialize.\n", sp->sp_id);
spmc_sp_synchronous_exit(&sp->ec[idx], x2);
/* Should not get here. */
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
static uint64_t ffa_version_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags)
uint32_t requested_version = x1 & FFA_VERSION_MASK;
if (requested_version & FFA_VERSION_BIT31_MASK) {
/* Invalid encoding, return an error. */
/* Execution stops here. */
/* Determine the caller to store the requested version. */
if (secure_origin) {
* Ensure that the SP is reporting the same version as
* specified in its manifest. If these do not match there is
* something wrong with the SP.
* TODO: Should we abort the SP? For now assert this is not
* case.
assert(requested_version ==
} else {
* If this is called by the normal world, record this
* information in its descriptor.
spmc_get_hyp_ctx()->ffa_version = requested_version;
* Helper function to obtain the FF-A version of the calling partition.
uint32_t get_partition_ffa_version(bool secure_origin)
if (secure_origin) {
return spmc_get_current_sp_ctx()->ffa_version;
} else {
return spmc_get_hyp_ctx()->ffa_version;
* This function will parse the Secure Partition Manifest. From manifest, it
* will fetch details for preparing Secure partition image context and secure
* partition image boot arguments if any.
static int sp_manifest_parse(void *sp_manifest, int offset,
struct secure_partition_desc *sp,
entry_point_info_t *ep_info)
int32_t ret, node;
uint32_t config_32;
* Look for the mandatory fields that are expected to be present in
* the SP manifests.
node = fdt_path_offset(sp_manifest, "/");
if (node < 0) {
ERROR("Did not find root node.\n");
return node;
ret = fdt_read_uint32_array(sp_manifest, node, "uuid",
ARRAY_SIZE(sp->uuid), sp->uuid);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Missing Secure Partition UUID.\n");
return ret;
ret = fdt_read_uint32(sp_manifest, node, "exception-level", &config_32);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Missing SP Exception Level information.\n");
return ret;
sp->runtime_el = config_32;
ret = fdt_read_uint32(sp_manifest, node, "ffa-version", &config_32);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Missing Secure Partition FF-A Version.\n");
return ret;
sp->ffa_version = config_32;
ret = fdt_read_uint32(sp_manifest, node, "execution-state", &config_32);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Missing Secure Partition Execution State.\n");
return ret;
sp->execution_state = config_32;
ret = fdt_read_uint32(sp_manifest, node,
"messaging-method", &config_32);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Missing Secure Partition messaging method.\n");
return ret;
/* Validate this entry, we currently only support direct messaging. */
if ((config_32 & ~(FFA_PARTITION_DIRECT_REQ_RECV |
WARN("Invalid Secure Partition messaging method (0x%x)\n",
return -EINVAL;
sp->properties = config_32;
ret = fdt_read_uint32(sp_manifest, node,
"execution-ctx-count", &config_32);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Missing SP Execution Context Count.\n");
return ret;
* Ensure this field is set correctly in the manifest however
* since this is currently a hardcoded value for S-EL1 partitions
* we don't need to save it here, just validate.
if (config_32 != PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT) {
ERROR("SP Execution Context Count (%u) must be %u.\n",
return -EINVAL;
* Look for the optional fields that are expected to be present in
* an SP manifest.
ret = fdt_read_uint32(sp_manifest, node, "id", &config_32);
if (ret != 0) {
WARN("Missing Secure Partition ID.\n");
} else {
if (!is_ffa_secure_id_valid(config_32)) {
ERROR("Invalid Secure Partition ID (0x%x).\n",
return -EINVAL;
sp->sp_id = config_32;
return 0;
* This function gets the Secure Partition Manifest base and maps the manifest
* region.
* Currently only one Secure Partition manifest is considered which is used to
* prepare the context for the single Secure Partition.
static int find_and_prepare_sp_context(void)
void *sp_manifest;
uintptr_t manifest_base;
uintptr_t manifest_base_align;
entry_point_info_t *next_image_ep_info;
int32_t ret;
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
next_image_ep_info = bl31_plat_get_next_image_ep_info(SECURE);
if (next_image_ep_info == NULL) {
WARN("No Secure Partition image provided by BL2.\n");
return -ENOENT;
sp_manifest = (void *)next_image_ep_info->args.arg0;
if (sp_manifest == NULL) {
WARN("Secure Partition manifest absent.\n");
return -ENOENT;
manifest_base = (uintptr_t)sp_manifest;
manifest_base_align = page_align(manifest_base, DOWN);
* Map the secure partition manifest region in the EL3 translation
* regime.
* Map an area equal to (2 * PAGE_SIZE) for now. During manifest base
* alignment the region of 1 PAGE_SIZE from manifest align base may
* not completely accommodate the secure partition manifest region.
ret = mmap_add_dynamic_region((unsigned long long)manifest_base_align,
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Error while mapping SP manifest (%d).\n", ret);
return ret;
ret = fdt_node_offset_by_compatible(sp_manifest, -1,
if (ret < 0) {
ERROR("Error happened in SP manifest reading.\n");
return -EINVAL;
* Store the size of the manifest so that it can be used later to pass
* the manifest as boot information later.
next_image_ep_info->args.arg1 = fdt_totalsize(sp_manifest);
INFO("Manifest size = %lu bytes.\n", next_image_ep_info->args.arg1);
* Select an SP descriptor for initialising the partition's execution
* context on the primary CPU.
sp = spmc_get_current_sp_ctx();
/* Initialize entry point information for the SP */
SET_PARAM_HEAD(next_image_ep_info, PARAM_EP, VERSION_1,
/* Parse the SP manifest. */
ret = sp_manifest_parse(sp_manifest, ret, sp, next_image_ep_info);
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Error in Secure Partition manifest parsing.\n");
return ret;
/* Check that the runtime EL in the manifest was correct. */
if (sp->runtime_el != S_EL1) {
ERROR("Unexpected runtime EL: %d\n", sp->runtime_el);
return -EINVAL;
/* Perform any common initialisation. */
spmc_sp_common_setup(sp, next_image_ep_info);
/* Perform any initialisation specific to S-EL1 SPs. */
spmc_el1_sp_setup(sp, next_image_ep_info);
/* Initialize the SP context with the required ep info. */
spmc_sp_common_ep_commit(sp, next_image_ep_info);
return 0;
* This function takes an SP context pointer and performs a synchronous entry
* into it.
static int32_t logical_sp_init(void)
int32_t rc = 0;
struct el3_lp_desc *el3_lp_descs;
/* Perform initial validation of the Logical Partitions. */
rc = el3_sp_desc_validate();
if (rc != 0) {
ERROR("Logical Partition validation failed!\n");
return rc;
el3_lp_descs = get_el3_lp_array();
INFO("Logical Secure Partition init start.\n");
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < EL3_LP_DESCS_COUNT; i++) {
rc = el3_lp_descs[i].init();
if (rc != 0) {
ERROR("Logical SP (0x%x) Failed to Initialize\n",
return rc;
VERBOSE("Logical SP (0x%x) Initialized\n",
INFO("Logical Secure Partition init completed.\n");
return rc;
uint64_t spmc_sp_synchronous_entry(struct sp_exec_ctx *ec)
uint64_t rc;
assert(ec != NULL);
/* Assign the context of the SP to this CPU */
cm_set_context(&(ec->cpu_ctx), SECURE);
/* Restore the context assigned above */
/* Invalidate TLBs at EL1. */
/* Enter Secure Partition */
rc = spm_secure_partition_enter(&ec->c_rt_ctx);
/* Save secure state */
return rc;
* SPMC Helper Functions.
static int32_t sp_init(void)
uint64_t rc;
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
struct sp_exec_ctx *ec;
sp = spmc_get_current_sp_ctx();
ec = spmc_get_sp_ec(sp);
ec->rt_model = RT_MODEL_INIT;
ec->rt_state = RT_STATE_RUNNING;
INFO("Secure Partition (0x%x) init start.\n", sp->sp_id);
rc = spmc_sp_synchronous_entry(ec);
if (rc != 0) {
/* Indicate SP init was not successful. */
ERROR("SP (0x%x) failed to initialize (%lu).\n",
sp->sp_id, rc);
return 0;
ec->rt_state = RT_STATE_WAITING;
INFO("Secure Partition initialized.\n");
return 1;
static void initalize_sp_descs(void)
struct secure_partition_desc *sp;
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < SECURE_PARTITION_COUNT; i++) {
sp = &sp_desc[i];
sp->sp_id = INV_SP_ID;
sp->mailbox.rx_buffer = NULL;
sp->mailbox.tx_buffer = NULL;
sp->mailbox.state = MAILBOX_STATE_EMPTY;
sp->secondary_ep = 0;
static void initalize_ns_ep_descs(void)
struct ns_endpoint_desc *ns_ep;
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < NS_PARTITION_COUNT; i++) {
ns_ep = &ns_ep_desc[i];
* Clashes with the Hypervisor ID but will not be a
* problem in practice.
ns_ep->ns_ep_id = 0;
ns_ep->ffa_version = 0;
ns_ep->mailbox.rx_buffer = NULL;
ns_ep->mailbox.tx_buffer = NULL;
ns_ep->mailbox.state = MAILBOX_STATE_EMPTY;
* Initialize SPMC attributes for the SPMD.
void spmc_populate_attrs(spmc_manifest_attribute_t *spmc_attrs)
spmc_attrs->major_version = FFA_VERSION_MAJOR;
spmc_attrs->minor_version = FFA_VERSION_MINOR;
spmc_attrs->exec_state = MODE_RW_64;
spmc_attrs->spmc_id = FFA_SPMC_ID;
* Initialize contexts of all Secure Partitions.
int32_t spmc_setup(void)
int32_t ret;
/* Initialize endpoint descriptors */
/* Setup logical SPs. */
ret = logical_sp_init();
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Failed to initialize Logical Partitions.\n");
return ret;
/* Perform physical SP setup. */
/* Disable MMU at EL1 (initialized by BL2) */
/* Initialize context of the SP */
INFO("Secure Partition context setup start.\n");
ret = find_and_prepare_sp_context();
if (ret != 0) {
ERROR("Error in SP finding and context preparation.\n");
return ret;
/* Register init function for deferred init. */
INFO("Secure Partition setup done.\n");
return 0;
* Secure Partition Manager SMC handler.
uint64_t spmc_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
bool secure_origin,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags)
switch (smc_fid) {
return ffa_version_handler(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3,
x4, cookie, handle, flags);
return direct_req_smc_handler(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2,
x3, x4, cookie, handle, flags);
return direct_resp_smc_handler(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2,
x3, x4, cookie, handle, flags);
return msg_wait_handler(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3, x4,
cookie, handle, flags);
return ffa_error_handler(smc_fid, secure_origin, x1, x2, x3, x4,
cookie, handle, flags);
WARN("Unsupported FF-A call 0x%08x.\n", smc_fid);
return spmc_ffa_error_return(handle, FFA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);