blob: d1734c83cdf07deb28ee9fca4d5ae22ea6c00479 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2024, Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "../lib/sha/sha.h"
#include <arch_helpers.h>
#include <common/bl_common.h>
#include <common/debug.h>
#include <common/desc_image_load.h>
#include <common/tbbr/tbbr_img_def.h>
#include <drivers/delay_timer.h>
#include <lib/mmio.h>
#include <lib/utils.h>
#include <plat/common/platform.h>
#include <tools_share/firmware_image_package.h>
#include "socfpga_mailbox.h"
#include "socfpga_vab.h"
size_t get_img_size(uint8_t *img_buf, size_t img_buf_sz)
uint8_t *img_buf_end = img_buf + img_buf_sz;
uint32_t cert_sz = get_unaligned_le32(img_buf_end - sizeof(uint32_t));
uint8_t *p = img_buf_end - cert_sz - sizeof(uint32_t);
/* Ensure p is pointing within the img_buf */
if (p < img_buf || p > (img_buf_end - VAB_CERT_HEADER_SIZE))
return 0;
if (get_unaligned_le32(p) == SDM_CERT_MAGIC_NUM)
return (size_t)(p - img_buf);
return 0;
int socfpga_vab_init(unsigned int image_id)
int ret = 0;
size_t image_size;
void *image_base_ptr;
* Get information about the images to load.
bl_mem_params_node_t *bl_mem_params = get_bl_mem_params_node(image_id);
if (bl_mem_params == NULL) {
ERROR("SOCFPGA VAB Init failed\n");
if ((image_id == BL31_IMAGE_ID) || (image_id == BL33_IMAGE_ID)) {
image_base_ptr = (void *)bl_mem_params->image_info.image_base;
image_size = bl_mem_params->image_info.image_size;
ret = socfpga_vab_authentication(&image_base_ptr, &image_size);
return ret;
int socfpga_vab_authentication(void **p_image, size_t *p_size)
int retry_count = 20;
uint8_t hash384[FCS_SHA384_WORD_SIZE];
uint64_t img_addr, mbox_data_addr;
uint32_t img_sz, mbox_data_sz;
uint8_t *cert_hash_ptr, *mbox_relocate_data_addr;
uint32_t resp = 0, resp_len = 1;
int ret = 0;
uint8_t u8_buf_static[MBOX_DATA_MAX_LEN];
mbox_relocate_data_addr = u8_buf_static;
img_addr = (uintptr_t)*p_image;
img_sz = get_img_size((uint8_t *)img_addr, *p_size);
if (!img_sz) {
ERROR("VAB certificate not found in image!\n");
if (!IS_BYTE_ALIGNED(img_sz, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
ERROR("Image size (%d bytes) not aliged to 4 bytes!\n", img_sz);
return -EIMGERR;
/* Generate HASH384 from the image */
sha384_start((uint8_t *)img_addr, img_sz, hash384, CHUNKSZ_PER_WD_RESET);
cert_hash_ptr = (uint8_t *)(img_addr + img_sz + VAB_CERT_MAGIC_OFFSET +
* Compare the SHA384 found in certificate against the SHA384
* calculated from image
if (memcmp(hash384, cert_hash_ptr, FCS_SHA384_WORD_SIZE)) {
ERROR("SHA384 does not match!\n");
mbox_data_addr = img_addr + img_sz - sizeof(uint32_t);
/* Size in word (32bits) */
mbox_data_sz = (BYTE_ALIGN(*p_size - img_sz, sizeof(uint32_t))) >> 2;
VERBOSE("mbox_data_addr = %lx mbox_data_sz = %d\n", mbox_data_addr, mbox_data_sz);
memcpy(mbox_relocate_data_addr, (uint8_t *)mbox_data_addr, mbox_data_sz * sizeof(uint32_t));
*((unsigned int *)mbox_relocate_data_addr) = CCERT_CMD_TEST_PGM_MASK;
do {
/* Invoke SMC call to ATF to send the VAB certificate to SDM */
ret = mailbox_send_cmd(MBOX_JOB_ID, MBOX_CMD_VAB_SRC_CERT,
(uint32_t *)mbox_relocate_data_addr, mbox_data_sz, 0, &resp, &resp_len);
/* If SDM is not available, just delay 50ms and retry again */
/* 0x1FF = The device is busy */
if (ret == MBOX_RESP_ERR(0x1FF)) {
} else {
} while (--retry_count);
/* Free the relocate certificate memory space */
zeromem((void *)&mbox_relocate_data_addr, sizeof(uint32_t));
/* Exclude the size of the VAB certificate from image size */
*p_size = img_sz;
if (ret) {
* Unsupported mailbox command or device not in the
* owned/secure state
/* 0x85 = Not allowed under current security setting */
if (ret == MBOX_RESP_ERR(0x85)) {
/* SDM bypass authentication */
ERROR("Image Authentication bypassed at address\n");
return 0;
ERROR("VAB certificate authentication failed in SDM\n");
/* 0x1FF = The device is busy */
if (ret == MBOX_RESP_ERR(0x1FF)) {
ERROR("Operation timed out\n");
return -ETIMEOUT;
} else if (ret == MBOX_WRONG_ID) {
ERROR("No such process\n");
return -EPROCESS;
return -EAUTH;
} else {
/* If Certificate Process Status has error */
if (resp) {
ERROR("VAB certificate execution format error\n");
return -EIMGERR;
NOTICE("%s 0x%lx (%d bytes)\n", "Image Authentication passed at address", img_addr, img_sz);
return ret;
uint32_t get_unaligned_le32(const void *p)
return le32_to_cpue((uint32_t *)p);