blob: 1bd68b18c694d421f2daefd2c93236041bd1c998 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import re
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import BinaryIO
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
class TfaMemObject:
name: str
start: int
end: int
size: int
children: list
class TfaElfParser:
"""A class representing an ELF file built for TF-A.
Provides a basic interface for reading the symbol table and other
attributes of an ELF file. The constructor accepts a file-like object with
the contents an ELF file.
def __init__(self, elf_file: BinaryIO):
self._segments = {}
self._memory_layout = {}
elf = ELFFile(elf_file)
self._symbols = { sym.entry["st_value"]
for sym in elf.get_section_by_name(".symtab").iter_symbols()
self.set_segment_section_map(elf.iter_segments(), elf.iter_sections())
self._memory_layout = self.get_memory_layout_from_symbols()
self._start = elf["e_entry"]
self._size, self._free = self._get_mem_usage()
self._end = self._start + self._size
def symbols(self):
return self._symbols.items()
def tfa_mem_obj_factory(elf_obj, name=None, children=None, segment=False):
"""Converts a pyelfparser Segment or Section to a TfaMemObject."""
# Ensure each segment is provided a name since they aren't in the
# program header.
assert not (
segment and name is None
), "Attempting to make segment without a name"
if children is None:
children = list()
# Segment and sections header keys have different prefixes.
vaddr = "p_vaddr" if segment else "sh_addr"
size = "p_memsz" if segment else "sh_size"
# TODO figure out how to handle free space for sections and segments
return TfaMemObject(
name if segment else,
elf_obj[vaddr] + elf_obj[size],
[] if not children else children,
def _get_mem_usage(self) -> (int, int):
"""Get total size and free space for this component."""
size = free = 0
# Use information encoded in the segment header if we can't get a
# memory configuration.
if not self._memory_layout:
return sum(s.size for s in self._segments.values()), 0
for v in self._memory_layout.values():
size += v["length"]
free += v["start"] + v["length"] - v["end"]
return size, free
def set_segment_section_map(self, segments, sections):
"""Set segment to section mappings."""
segments = list(
filter(lambda seg: seg["p_type"] == "PT_LOAD", segments)
for sec in sections:
for n, seg in enumerate(segments):
if seg.section_in_segment(sec):
if n not in self._segments.keys():
self._segments[n] = self.tfa_mem_obj_factory(
seg, name=f"{n:#02}", segment=True
def get_memory_layout_from_symbols(self, expr=None) -> dict:
"""Retrieve information about the memory configuration from the symbol
assert len(self._symbols), "Symbol table is empty!"
expr = r".*(.?R.M)_REGION.*(START|END|LENGTH)" if not expr else expr
region_symbols = filter(lambda s: re.match(expr, s), self._symbols)
memory_layout = {}
for symbol in region_symbols:
region, _, attr = tuple(symbol.lower().strip("__").split("_"))
if region not in memory_layout:
memory_layout[region] = {}
# Retrieve the value of the symbol using the symbol as the key.
memory_layout[region][attr] = self._symbols[symbol]
return memory_layout
def get_seg_map_as_dict(self):
"""Get a dictionary of segments and their section mappings."""
return [asdict(v) for k, v in self._segments.items()]
def get_elf_memory_layout(self):
"""Get the total memory consumed by this module from the memory
{"rom": {"start": 0x0, "end": 0xFF, "length": ... }
mem_dict = {}
for mem, attrs in self._memory_layout.items():
limit = attrs["start"] + attrs["length"]
mem_dict[mem] = {
"start": attrs["start"],
"limit": limit,
"size": attrs["end"] - attrs["start"],
"free": limit - attrs["end"],
"total": attrs["length"],
return mem_dict
def get_mod_mem_usage_dict(self):
"""Get the total memory consumed by the module, this combines the
information in the memory configuration.
return {
"start": self._start,
"end": self._end,
"size": self._size,
"free": self._free,