[][Add initial mtk feed for OpenWRT v21.02]

Add initial mtk feed for OpenWRT v21.02


Change-Id: I8051c6ba87f1ccf26c02fdd88a17d66f63c0b101
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/c/openwrt/feeds/mtk_openwrt_feeds/+/4495320
diff --git a/feed/mtk_factory_rw/Makefile b/feed/mtk_factory_rw/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad5316f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feed/mtk_factory_rw/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# MTK-factory read and write
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/mtk_factory_rw
+  SECTION:=MTK Properties
+  CATEGORY:=MTK Properties
+  SUBMENU:=Misc
+  TITLE:=mtk factory read and write
+define Package/mtk_factory_rw/description
+  mtk factory's data read and write
+define Build/Prepare
+	mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+define Build/Compile/Default
+Build/Compile = $(Build/Compile/Default)
+define Package/mtk_factory_rw/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/mtk_factory_rw.sh $(1)/sbin/mtk_factory_rw.sh
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,mtk_factory_rw))
diff --git a/feed/mtk_factory_rw/files/mtk_factory_rw.sh b/feed/mtk_factory_rw/files/mtk_factory_rw.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7657260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feed/mtk_factory_rw/files/mtk_factory_rw.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+	echo "This is a script to get or set mtk factory's data"
+	echo "-Typically, get or set the eth lan/wan mac_address-"
+	echo "Usage1: $0 <op> <side> [mac_address] "
+	echo "	<op>: -r or -w (Read or Write action)"
+	echo "	[mac_address]: MAC[1] MAC[2] MAC[3] MAC[4] MAC[5] MAC[6] (only for write action)"
+	echo "Usage2: $0 <op> <length> <offset> [data] "
+	echo "	<length>: length bytes of input"
+	echo "	<offset>: Skip offset bytes from the beginning of the input"
+	echo "Usage3: $0 -o <length> <get_from> <overwrite_to>"
+	echo "Example:"
+	echo "$0 -w lan 00 0c 43 68 55 56"
+	echo "$0 -r lan"
+	echo "$0 -w 8 0x22 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88"
+	echo "$0 -r 8 0x22"
+	echo "$0 -o 12 0x24 0x7fff4"
+	exit 1
+factory_mtd=/dev/$(grep -i ''${factory_name}'' /proc/mtd | cut -c 1-4)
+case `cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name` in
+	*7621*ax*)
+		# 256k - 12 byte
+		lan_mac_offset=0x3FFF4
+		wan_mac_offset=0x3FFFA
+		;;
+	*7621*)
+		lan_mac_offset=0xe000
+		wan_mac_offset=0xe006
+		;;
+	*7622*)
+		#512k -12 byte
+		lan_mac_offset=0x7FFF4
+		wan_mac_offset=0x7FFFA
+		;;
+	*7623*)
+		lan_mac_offset=0x1F800
+		wan_mac_offset=0x1F806
+		;;
+	*)
+		lan_mac_offset=0x2A
+		wan_mac_offset=0x24
+		;;
+#1.Read the offset's data from the Factory
+#usage: Get_offset_data length offset
+	local length=$1
+	local offset=$2
+	hexdump -v -n ${length} -s ${offset} -e ''`expr ${length} - 1`'/1 "%02x-" "%02x "' ${factory_mtd}
+        local length=$1
+        local offset=$2
+        overwrite_data=`hexdump -v -n ${length} -s ${offset} -e ''\`expr ${length} - 1\`'/1 "%02x " " %02x"' ${factory_mtd}`
+#2.Write the offset's data from the Factory
+#usage: Set_offset_data length offset data
+	local length=$1
+	local offset=$2
+	local index=`expr $# - ${length} + 1`
+	local data=""
+	for j in $(seq ${index} `expr ${length} + ${index} - 1`)
+	do
+		temp=`eval echo '$'{"$j"}`
+		data=${data}"\x${temp}"
+	done
+	dd if=${factory_mtd} of=/tmp/Factory.backup
+	printf "${data}" | dd conv=notrunc of=/tmp/Factory.backup bs=1 seek=$((${offset}))
+	mtd write /tmp/Factory.backup ${factory_name}
+	rm -rf /tmp/Factory.backup
+#3.Read Factory lan/wan mac address
+	if [ "$1" == "lan" ]; then
+		#read lan mac
+		Get_offset_data 6 ${lan_mac_offset}
+	elif [ "$1" == "wan" ]; then
+		#read wan mac
+		Get_offset_data 6 ${wan_mac_offset}
+	else
+		usage
+		exit 1
+	fi
+#4.write Factory lan/wan mac address
+	if [ "$#" != "9" ]; then
+		echo "Mac address must be 6 bytes!"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if [ "$1" == "lan" ]; then
+		#write lan mac
+		Set_offset_data 6 ${lan_mac_offset} $@
+	elif [ "$1" == "wan" ]; then
+		#write wan mac
+		Set_offset_data 6 ${wan_mac_offset} $@
+	else
+		usage
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# 1. Set/Get the mac_address: mtk_factory -r/-w lan/wan /data
+# 2. Set/Get the offset data: mtk_factory -r/-w length offset /data
+# 3. Overwrite from offset1 to offset2 by length byte : mtk_factory -o length from to
+if [ "$1" == "-r" ]; then
+	if [ "$2" == "lan" -o "$2" == "wan" ]; then
+		GetMac $2
+	elif [ "$2" -eq "$2" ]; then
+		Get_offset_data $2 $3
+	else
+		echo "Unknown command!"
+		usage
+		exit 1
+	fi
+elif [ "$1" == "-w" ]; then
+	if [ "$2" == "lan" -o "$2" == "wan" ]; then
+		SetMac $2 $@
+	else
+		Set_offset_data $2 $3 $@
+	fi
+elif [ "$1" == "-o" ]; then
+	Get_offset_overwrite_data $2 $3
+	Set_offset_data $2 $4 ${overwrite_data}
+	echo "Unknown command!"
+	usage
+	exit 1