[][[kernel][mt7988][eth][add SER path from wifi to eth]]
Add reset case when wifi SER L1 fail
-current wifi SER don't cover wifi to wifi scene
-WIFI SER L1 fail(wdma can't recover to idle),it need
send event to eth, and eth will trigger eth/wifi reset
-follow DE suggestion refine wdma tx/rx adma_rx condition
-wdma tx: dtx unchange && tx_busy && fsm_ts && output queue
-wdma rx: drx unchange && rx ring not full && output_queue
-adma rx: drx unchange && ring not full && output_queue
-add api to prevent traffic to wifi during wifi SER
Change-Id: Iecc87d695d56af55b81078504888591fa93422d1
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/c/openwrt/feeds/mtk_openwrt_feeds/+/8984871
6 files changed