[][MAC80211][External release build]

Add external release build flow


Change-Id: I9e7f99d972dec580eff7b50f18f1a0bc90487e4d
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.mediatek.inc/c/openwrt/feeds/mtk_openwrt_feeds/+/5687836
diff --git a/autobuild_mac80211_release/lede-build-sanity.sh b/autobuild_mac80211_release/lede-build-sanity.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eebacc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autobuild_mac80211_release/lede-build-sanity.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# There are 2 env-variables set for you, you can use it in your script.
+# ${BUILD_DIR} , working dir of this script, eg: openwrt/lede/
+# ${INSTALL_DIR}, where to install your build result, including: image, build log.
+#Global variable
+BUILD_TIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
+if [ -z ${BUILD_DIR} ]; then
+	BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+if [ -z ${INSTALL_DIR} ]; then
+	INSTALL_DIR=autobuild_release
+	mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR}
+	if [ ! -d target/linux ]; then
+		echo "You should call this scripts from openwrt's root directory."
+	fi
+OPENWRT_VER=`cat ${BUILD_DIR}/feeds.conf.default | grep "src-git packages" | awk -F ";openwrt" '{print $2}'`
+cp ${BUILD_DIR}/feeds.conf.default ${BUILD_DIR}/feeds.conf.default_ori
+clean() {
+	echo "clean start!"
+	echo "It will take some time ......"
+	make distclean
+	rm -rf ${INSTALL_DIR}
+	echo "clean done!"
+	files=`find $1 -name "*.patch" | sort`
+	for file in $files
+	do
+	patch -f -p1 -i ${file} || exit 1
+	done
+prepare() {
+	echo "Preparing...."
+	#FIXME : workaround HOST PC build issue
+	#cd package/mtk/applications/luci-app-mtk/;git checkout Makefile;cd -
+	#mv package/mtk package/mtk_soc/ ./
+	#rm -rf tmp/ feeds/ target/ package/ scripts/ tools/ include/ toolchain/ rules.mk
+	#git checkout target/ package/ scripts/ tools/ include/ toolchain/ rules.mk
+	#mv ./mtk ./mtk_soc/ package/
+	cp ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/feeds.conf.default${OPENWRT_VER} ${BUILD_DIR}/feeds.conf.default
+	#update feed
+	${BUILD_DIR}/scripts/feeds update -a
+        #check if manifest mtk_feed exist,if yes,overwrite and update it in feeds/
+	if [ -d ${MTK_MANIFEST_FEED} ]; then
+		rm -rf ${MTK_FEED_DIR}
+		${BUILD_DIR}/scripts/feeds update -a
+	fi
+	#do mtk_feed prepare_sdk.sh
+	cp ${MTK_FEED_DIR}/prepare_sdk.sh ${BUILD_DIR}
+	#if $1 exist(mt76), keep origin openwrt patches and remove mtk local eth driver
+	if [ -z ${1} ]; then
+		${BUILD_DIR}/prepare_sdk.sh ${MTK_FEED_DIR} || exit 1
+        else
+		${BUILD_DIR}/prepare_sdk.sh ${MTK_FEED_DIR} ${1} || exit 1
+		rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/files-5.4/drivers/net/ethernet/mediatek/
+	fi
+	#install feed
+	${BUILD_DIR}/scripts/feeds install -a
+	${BUILD_DIR}/scripts/feeds install -a luci
+	#do mtk_soc openwrt patch
+	do_patch ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/openwrt_patches${OPENWRT_VER}/mtk_soc || exit 1
+add_proprietary_kernel_files() {
+	#cp mtk proprietary ko_module source to mtk target
+	#and also need to be done in release mtk target
+	mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/files-5.4/drivers/net/wireless
+	cp -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/../ko_module/gateway/proprietary_driver/drivers/wifi_utility/ ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/files-5.4/drivers/net/wireless
+	mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/files-5.4/include/uapi/linux/
+	cp -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/../kernel/wapp_uapi_includes ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/files-5.4/include/uapi/linux/wapp
+	cp -fpR ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/target/ ${BUILD_DIR}
+prepare_mtwifi() {
+	#remove officail OpenWRT wifi script
+	#wifi-profile pkg will install wifi_jedi instead
+	rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/package/base-files/files/sbin/wifi
+	add_proprietary_kernel_files
+	#do mtk_wifi openwrt patch
+	do_patch ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/openwrt_patches${OPENWRT_VER}/mtk_wifi || exit 1
+copy_main_Config() {
+	echo cp -rfa autobuild/$1/.config ./.config
+	cp -rfa autobuild/$1/.config ./.config
+install_output_Image() {
+	mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1
+	files=`find bin/targets/$3/*${2}* -name "*.bin" -o -name "*.img"`
+	file_count=0
+	for file in $files
+	do
+		tmp=${file%.*}
+		cp -rf $file ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/${tmp##*/}-${BUILD_TIME}.${file##*.}
+		((file_count++))
+        done
+	if [ ${file_count} = 0 ]; then
+		if [ ${build_flag} -eq 0 ]; then
+			let  build_flag+=1
+			echo " Restart to debug-build with "make V=s -j1", starting......"
+			build $1 -j1 || [ "$LOCAL" != "1" ]
+		else
+			echo " **********Failed to build $1, bin missing.**********"
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Install image OK!!!"
+		echo "Build $1 successfully!"
+	fi
+install_output_Config() {
+	echo cp -rfa autobuild/$1/.config ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/openwrt.config
+	cp -rfa autobuild/$1/.config ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/openwrt.config
+	[ -f tmp/kernel.config ] && cp tmp/kernel.config ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/kernel.config
+install_output_KernelDebugFile() {
+	KernelDebugFile=bin/targets/$3/mt${2}*/kernel-debug.tar.bz2
+	if [ -f ${KernelDebugFile} ]; then
+		echo cp -rfa ${KernelDebugFile} ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/kernel-debug.tar.bz2
+		cp -rfa ${KernelDebugFile} ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/kernel-debug.tar.bz2
+	fi
+install_output_RootfsDebugFile() {
+	STAGING_DIR_ROOT=$(make -f "autobuild/get_stagingdir_root.mk" get-staging-dir-root)
+	if [ -d ${STAGING_DIR_ROOT} ]; then
+		echo "tar -jcf ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/rootfs-debug.tar.bz2 -C \"$STAGING_DIR_ROOT_PREFIX\" \"$STAGING_DIR_ROOT_NAME\""
+		tar -jcf ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/rootfs-debug.tar.bz2 -C "$STAGING_DIR_ROOT_PREFIX" "$STAGING_DIR_ROOT_NAME"
+	fi
+install_output_feeds_buildinfo() {
+        feeds_buildinfo=$(find bin/targets/$3/*${2}*/ -name "feeds.buildinfo")
+        echo "feeds_buildinfo=$feeds_buildinfo"
+        if [ -f ${feeds_buildinfo} ]; then
+                cp -rf $feeds_buildinfo ${INSTALL_DIR}/$1/feeds.buildinfo
+        else
+                echo "feeds.buildinfo is not found!!!"
+        fi
+install_release() {
+	temp=${1#*mt}
+	chip_name=${temp:0:4}
+	temp1=`grep "CONFIG_TARGET_ramips=y" autobuild/$1/.config`
+	if [ "${temp1}" == "CONFIG_TARGET_ramips=y" ]; then
+		arch_name="ramips"
+	else
+		arch_name="mediatek"
+	fi
+	#install output image
+	install_output_Image $1 ${chip_name} ${arch_name}
+	#install output config
+	install_output_Config $1
+	#install output Kernel-Debug-File
+	install_output_KernelDebugFile $1 ${chip_name} ${arch_name}
+	#tar unstripped rootfs for debug symbols
+	install_output_RootfsDebugFile $1
+        #install output feeds buildinfo
+        install_output_feeds_buildinfo $1 ${chip_name} ${arch_name}
+prepare_final() {
+	#cp customized autobuild SDK patches
+	cp -fpR ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/$1/target/ ${BUILD_DIR}
+	cp -fpR ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/$1/package/ ${BUILD_DIR}
+	#cp special subtarget patches
+	case $1 in
+	mt7986*)
+		cp -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/autobuild/mt7986-AX6000/target/linux/mediatek/patches-5.4/*.* ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/patches-5.4
+		;;
+	*)
+		;;
+	esac
+	#rm old legacy patch, ex old nfi nand driver
+	case $1 in
+	mt7986*|\
+	mt7981*)
+		rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/target/linux/mediatek/patches-5.4/0303-mtd-spinand-disable-on-die-ECC.patch
+		;;
+	*)
+		;;
+	esac
+	cd ${BUILD_DIR}
+	[ -f autobuild/$1/.config ] || {
+		echo "unable to locate autobuild/$1/.config !"
+		return
+	}
+	rm -rf ./tmp
+	#copy main test config(.config)
+	copy_main_Config $1
+	echo make defconfig
+	make defconfig
+build() {
+	echo "###############################################################################"
+	echo "# $1"
+	echo "###############################################################################"
+	echo "build $1"
+	cd ${BUILD_DIR}
+    	#make
+	echo make V=s $2
+	make V=s $2 || exit 1
+	#tar unstripped rootfs for debug symbols
+	install_release $1