BUG/MINOR: buffers: Fix b_alloc_margin to be "fonctionnaly" thread-safe

b_alloc_margin is, strickly speeking, thread-safe. It will not crash
HAproxy. But its contract is not respected anymore in a multithreaded
environment. In this function, we need to be sure to have <margin> buffers
available in the pool after the allocation. So to have this guarantee, we must
lock the memory pool during all the operation. This also means, we must call
internal and lockless memory functions (prefixed with '__').

For the record, this patch fixes a pernicious bug happens after a soft reload
where some streams can be blocked infinitly, waiting for a buffer in the
buffer_wq list. This happens because, during a soft reload, pool_gc2 is called,
making some calls to b_alloc_fast fail.

This is specific to threads, no backport is needed.
1 file changed