MAJOR: fd: get rid of the DWCAS when setting the running_mask

Right now we're using a DWCAS to atomically set the running_mask while
being constrained by the thread_mask. This DWCAS is annoying because we
may seriously need it later when adding support for thread groups, for
checking that the running_mask applies to the correct group.

It turns out that the DWCAS is not strictly necessary because we never
need it to set the thread_mask based on the running_mask, only the other
way around. And in fact, the running_mask is always cleared alone, and
the thread_mask is changed alone as well. The running_mask is only
relevant to indicate a takeover when the thread_mask matches it. Any
bit set in running and not present in thread_mask indicates a transition
in progress.

As such, it is possible to re-arrange this by using a regular CAS around a
consistency check between running_mask and thread_mask in fd_update_events
and by making a CAS on running_mask then an atomic store on the thread_mask
in fd_takeover(). The only other case is fd_delete() but that one already
sets the running_mask before clearing the thread_mask, which is compatible
with the consistency check above.

This change has happily survived 10 billion takeovers on a 16-thread
machine at 800k requests/s.

The fd-migration doc was updated to reflect this change.
diff --git a/doc/internals/fd-migration.txt b/doc/internals/fd-migration.txt
index 5635ec8..010431d 100644
--- a/doc/internals/fd-migration.txt
+++ b/doc/internals/fd-migration.txt
@@ -103,3 +103,36 @@
     - mux->wake() is called
     - if the connection previously was in the list, it's reinserted under the
+With the DWCAS removal between running_mask & thread_mask:
+     1  if (!CAS(&running_mask, 0, tid_bit))
+     2      return fail;
+     3  atomic_store(&thread_mask, tid_bit);
+     4  atomic_and(&running_mask, ~tid_bit);
+     1  do {
+     2      /* read consistent running_mask & thread_mask */
+     3      do {
+     4          run = atomic_load(&running_mask);
+     5          thr = atomic_load(&thread_mask);
+     6      } while (run & ~thr);
+     7
+     8      if (!(thr & tid_bit)) {
+     9          /* takeover has started */
+    10          goto disable_fd;
+    11      }
+    12  } while (!CAS(&running_mask, run, run | tid_bit));
+     1  atomic_or(&running_mask, tid_bit);
+     2  atomic_store(&thread_mask, 0);
+     3  atomic_and(&running_mask, ~tid_bit);
+The loop in poller:3-6 is used to make sure the thread_mask we read matches
+the last updated running_mask. If nobody can give up on fd_takeover(), it
+might even be possible to spin on thread_mask only. Late pollers will not
+set running anymore with this.
diff --git a/include/haproxy/fd-t.h b/include/haproxy/fd-t.h
index 1e31825..433a3f3 100644
--- a/include/haproxy/fd-t.h
+++ b/include/haproxy/fd-t.h
@@ -151,10 +151,6 @@
 /* info about one given fd. Note: only align on cache lines when using threads;
  * 32-bit small archs can put everything in 32-bytes when threads are disabled.
- *
- * NOTE: DO NOT REORDER THIS STRUCT AT ALL! Some code parts rely on exact field
- * ordering, for example fd_takeover() and fd_set_running() want running_mask
- * immediately followed by thread_mask to perform a double-word-CAS on them.
 struct fdtab {
 	unsigned long running_mask;          /* mask of thread IDs currently using the fd */
diff --git a/src/fd.c b/src/fd.c
index 3ac7e55..138a8fd 100644
--- a/src/fd.c
+++ b/src/fd.c
@@ -372,49 +372,36 @@
 int fd_takeover(int fd, void *expected_owner)
-	int ret = -1;
-#ifndef HA_HAVE_CAS_DW
-	if (_HA_ATOMIC_OR_FETCH(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, tid_bit) == tid_bit) {
-		HA_RWLOCK_WRLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &fd_mig_lock);
-		if (fdtab[fd].owner == expected_owner) {
-			fdtab[fd].thread_mask = tid_bit;
-			ret = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	unsigned long old_masks[2];
-	unsigned long new_masks[2];
-	new_masks[0] = new_masks[1] = tid_bit;
-	old_masks[0] = _HA_ATOMIC_OR_FETCH(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, tid_bit);
-	old_masks[1] = fdtab[fd].thread_mask;
+	unsigned long old;
 	/* protect ourself against a delete then an insert for the same fd,
 	 * if it happens, then the owner will no longer be the expected
 	 * connection.
-	if (fdtab[fd].owner == expected_owner) {
-		while (old_masks[0] == tid_bit && old_masks[1]) {
-			if (_HA_ATOMIC_DWCAS(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, &old_masks, &new_masks)) {
-				ret = 0;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-#endif /* HW_HAVE_CAS_DW */
+	if (fdtab[fd].owner != expected_owner)
+		return -1;
-	_HA_ATOMIC_AND(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, ~tid_bit);
+	/* we must be alone to work on this idle FD. If not, it means that its
+	 * poller is currently waking up and is about to use it, likely to
+	 * close it on shut/error, but maybe also to process any unexpectedly
+	 * pending data.
+	 */
+	old = 0;
+	if (!HA_ATOMIC_CAS(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, &old, tid_bit))
+		return -1;
+	/* success, from now on it's ours */
+	HA_ATOMIC_STORE(&fdtab[fd].thread_mask, tid_bit);
 	/* Make sure the FD doesn't have the active bit. It is possible that
 	 * the fd is polled by the thread that used to own it, the new thread
 	 * is supposed to call subscribe() later, to activate polling.
-	if (likely(ret == 0))
-		fd_stop_recv(fd);
-	return ret;
+	fd_stop_recv(fd);
+	/* we're done with it */
+	HA_ATOMIC_AND(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, ~tid_bit);
+	return 0;
 void updt_fd_polling(const int fd)
@@ -456,16 +443,29 @@
 	unsigned long locked;
 	uint old, new;
 	uint new_flags, must_stop;
+	ulong rmask, tmask;
 	ti->flags &= ~TI_FL_STUCK; // this thread is still running
 	/* do nothing if the FD was taken over under us */
-	if (fd_set_running(fd) == -1) {
-		activity[tid].poll_skip_fd++;
-	}
+	do {
+		/* make sure we read a synchronous copy of rmask and tmask
+		 * (tmask is only up to date if it reflects all of rmask's
+		 * bits).
+		 */
+		do {
+			rmask = _HA_ATOMIC_LOAD(&fdtab[fd].running_mask);
+			tmask = _HA_ATOMIC_LOAD(&fdtab[fd].thread_mask);
+		} while (rmask & ~tmask);
+		if (!(tmask & tid_bit)) {
+			/* a takeover has started */
+			activity[tid].poll_skip_fd++;
+			return FD_UPDT_MIGRATED;
+		}
+	} while (!HA_ATOMIC_CAS(&fdtab[fd].running_mask, &rmask, rmask | tid_bit));
-	locked = (fdtab[fd].thread_mask != tid_bit);
+	locked = (tmask != tid_bit);
 	/* OK now we are guaranteed that our thread_mask was present and
 	 * that we're allowed to update the FD.