MINOR: ssl: remove static keyword in some SSL utility functions

In order to move the the sample fetches to another file, remove the
static keyword of some utility functions in the SSL fetches.
diff --git a/include/proto/ssl_sock.h b/include/proto/ssl_sock.h
index ccdb198..a01e29e 100644
--- a/include/proto/ssl_sock.h
+++ b/include/proto/ssl_sock.h
@@ -114,6 +114,12 @@
 int ssl_sock_load_cert_list_file(char *file, int dir, struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct proxy *curproxy, char **err);
 int ssl_init_single_engine(const char *engine_id, const char *def_algorithms);
 int ssl_store_load_locations_file(char *path);
+int ssl_sock_crt2der(X509 *crt, struct buffer *out);
+int ssl_sock_get_time(ASN1_TIME *tm, struct buffer *out);
+int ssl_sock_get_dn_formatted(X509_NAME *a, const struct buffer *format, struct buffer *out);
+int ssl_sock_get_dn_entry(X509_NAME *a, const struct buffer *entry, int pos,
+                          struct buffer *out);
 /* ssl shctx macro */
 #define sh_ssl_sess_tree_delete(s)     ebmb_delete(&(s)->key);