MINOR: ncbuf: write unit tests

Implement a series of unit test to validate ncbuf. This is written with
a main function which can be compiled independently using the following
command-line :
 $ gcc -DSTANDALONE -lasan -I./include -o ncbuf src/ncbuf.c

The first part tests is used to test ncb_add()/ncb_advance(). After each
call a loop is done on the buffer blocks which should ensure that the
gap infos are correct.

The second part generates random offsets and insert them until the
buffer is full. The buffer is then resetted and all random offsets are
re-inserted in the reverse order : the buffer should be full once again.

The generated binary takes arguments to change the tests execution.
 "usage: ncbuf [-r] [-s bufsize] [-h bufhead] [-p <delay_msec>]"
diff --git a/src/ncbuf.c b/src/ncbuf.c
index cec18bb..f7ee489 100644
--- a/src/ncbuf.c
+++ b/src/ncbuf.c
@@ -6,6 +6,15 @@
 #define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <haproxy/list.h>
+#endif /* STANDALONE */
 #ifdef DEBUG_DEV
 # include <haproxy/bug.h>
@@ -655,3 +664,282 @@
 	return NCB_RET_OK;
+/* ******** testing API ******** */
+/* To build it :
+ *   gcc -DSTANDALONE -lasan -I./include -o ncbuf src/ncbuf.c
+ */
+int ncb_print = 0;
+static void ncbuf_printf(char *str, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, str);
+	if (ncb_print)
+		vfprintf(stderr, str, args);
+	va_end(args);
+struct rand_off {
+	struct list el;
+	ncb_sz_t off;
+	ncb_sz_t len;
+static struct rand_off *ncb_generate_rand_off(const struct ncbuf *buf)
+	struct rand_off *roff;
+	roff = calloc(1, sizeof(struct rand_off));
+	BUG_ON(!roff);
+	roff->off = rand() % (ncb_size(buf));
+	if (roff->off > 0 && roff->off < NCB_GAP_MIN_SZ)
+		roff->off = 0;
+	roff->len = rand() % (ncb_size(buf) - roff->off + 1);
+	return roff;
+static void ncb_print_blk(const struct ncb_blk blk)
+	if (ncb_print) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s(%s): %2zu/%zu.\n",
+		        blk.flag & NCB_BK_F_GAP ? "GAP " : "DATA",
+		        blk.flag & NCB_BK_F_FIN ? "F" : "-", blk.off, blk.sz);
+	}
+static inline int ncb_is_null_blk(const struct ncb_blk blk)
+	return !blk.st;
+static void ncb_loop(const struct ncbuf *buf)
+	struct ncb_blk blk;
+	blk = ncb_blk_first(buf);
+	do {
+		ncb_print_blk(blk);
+		blk = ncb_blk_next(buf, blk);
+	} while (!ncb_is_null_blk(blk));
+	ncbuf_printf("\n");
+static void ncbuf_print_buf(struct ncbuf *b, ncb_sz_t len,
+                            unsigned char *area, int line)
+	int i;
+	ncbuf_printf("buffer status at line %d\n", line);
+	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+		ncbuf_printf("%02x.", area[i]);
+		if (i && i % 32 == 31)    ncbuf_printf("\n");
+		else if (i && i % 8 == 7) ncbuf_printf(" ");
+	}
+	ncbuf_printf("\n");
+	ncb_loop(b);
+	if (ncb_print)
+		getchar();
+static struct ncbuf b;
+static unsigned char *bufarea = NULL;
+static ncb_sz_t bufsize = 16384;
+static ncb_sz_t bufhead = 15;
+#define NCB_INIT(buf) \
+  if ((reset)) { memset(bufarea, 0xaa, bufsize); } \
+  ncb_init(buf, bufhead); \
+  ncbuf_print_buf(&b, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+#define NCB_ADD_EQ(buf, off, data, sz, mode, ret) \
+  BUG_ON(ncb_add((buf), (off), (data), (sz), (mode)) != (ret)); \
+  ncbuf_print_buf(buf, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+#define NCB_ADD_NEQ(buf, off, data, sz, mode, ret) \
+  BUG_ON(ncb_add((buf), (off), (data), (sz), (mode)) == (ret)); \
+  ncbuf_print_buf(buf, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+#define NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(buf, off, ret) \
+  BUG_ON(ncb_advance((buf), (off)) != (ret)); \
+  ncbuf_print_buf(buf, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+#define NCB_TOTAL_DATA_EQ(buf, data) \
+  BUG_ON(ncb_total_data((buf)) != (data));
+#define NCB_DATA_EQ(buf, off, data) \
+  BUG_ON(ncb_data((buf), (off)) != (data));
+static int ncbuf_test(ncb_sz_t head, int reset, int print_delay)
+	char *data0, data1[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f };
+	struct list list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(list);
+	struct rand_off *roff, *roff_tmp;
+	enum ncb_ret ret;
+	data0 = malloc(bufsize);
+	memset(data0, 0xff, bufsize);
+	bufarea = malloc(bufsize);
+	b.area = bufarea;
+	b.size = bufsize;
+	b.head = head;
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	fprintf(stderr, "running unit tests\n");
+	/* insertion test suite */
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 0); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, bufsize - NCB_RESERVED_SZ - 1, 0); /* first and last offset */
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 24, data0,  9, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 24,  9);
+	/* insert new data at the same offset as old */
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 24, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 24, 16);
+	NCB_INIT(&b); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 0);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b,  0, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 16);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 24, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 16);
+	/* insert data overlapping two data blocks and a gap */
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 12, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 40);
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 32, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0,  0); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 16,  0); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 32, 16);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b,  0, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 16); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 16,  0); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 32, 16);
+	/* insert data to exactly cover a gap between two data blocks */
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 16, data0, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 0, 48); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 16, 32); NCB_DATA_EQ(&b, 32, 16);
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 0,  data0, 8, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK);
+	/* this insertion must be rejected because of minimal gap size */
+	/* Test reduced gap support */
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	/* this insertion will form a reduced gap */
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 0, data0, bufsize - (NCB_GAP_MIN_SZ - 1), NCB_ADD_COMPARE, NCB_RET_OK);
+	/* Test the various insertion mode */
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 10, data1, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 12, data1, 16, NCB_ADD_COMPARE,  NCB_RET_DATA_REJ);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 12, data1, 16, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK); BUG_ON(*ncb_peek(&b, 12) != data1[2]);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 12, data1, 16, NCB_ADD_OVERWRT,  NCB_RET_OK); BUG_ON(*ncb_peek(&b, 12) == data1[2]);
+	/* advance test suite */
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b, 10, NCB_RET_OK); /* advance in an empty buffer; this ensures we do not leave an empty DATA in the middle of the buffer */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b, ncb_size(&b) - 2, NCB_RET_OK);
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	/* first fill the buffer */
+	/* delete 2 bytes : a reduced gap must be created */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b, 2, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_TOTAL_DATA_EQ(&b, ncb_size(&b) - 2);
+	/* delete 1 byte : extend the reduced gap */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b, 1, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_TOTAL_DATA_EQ(&b, ncb_size(&b) - 3);
+	/* delete 5 bytes : a full gap must be present */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b, 5, NCB_RET_OK); NCB_TOTAL_DATA_EQ(&b, ncb_size(&b) - 8);
+	/* completely clear the buffer */
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	NCB_ADD_EQ(&b, 10, data0, 10, NCB_ADD_PRESERVE, NCB_RET_OK);
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b,  2, NCB_RET_OK); /* reduce a gap in front of the buffer */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b,  1, NCB_RET_GAP_SIZE); /* reject */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b,  8, NCB_RET_OK); /* remove completely the gap */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b,  8, NCB_RET_OK); /* remove inside the data */
+	NCB_ADVANCE_EQ(&b, 10, NCB_RET_OK); /* remove completely the data */
+	fprintf(stderr, "first random pass\n");
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	/* generate randon data offsets until the buffer is full */
+	while (!ncb_is_full(&b)) {
+		roff = ncb_generate_rand_off(&b);
+		LIST_INSERT(&list, &roff->el);
+		ret = ncb_add(&b, roff->off, data0, roff->len, NCB_ADD_COMPARE);
+		ncbuf_print_buf(&b, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+		usleep(print_delay);
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "buf full, prepare for reverse random\n");
+	ncbuf_print_buf(&b, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+	/* insert the previously generated random offsets in the reverse order.
+	 * At the end, the buffer should be full.
+	 */
+	NCB_INIT(&b);
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(roff, roff_tmp, &list, el) {
+		int full = ncb_is_full(&b);
+		if (!full) {
+			ret = ncb_add(&b, roff->off, data0, roff->len, NCB_ADD_COMPARE);
+			BUG_ON(ret == NCB_RET_DATA_REJ);
+			ncbuf_print_buf(&b, bufsize, bufarea, __LINE__);
+			usleep(print_delay);
+		}
+		LIST_DELETE(&roff->el);
+		free(roff);
+	}
+	if (!ncb_is_full(&b))
+		abort();
+	fprintf(stderr, "done\n");
+	free(bufarea);
+	free(data0);
+	return 1;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int reset = 0;
+	int print_delay = 100000;
+	char c;
+	opterr = 0;
+	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:s:rp::")) != -1) {
+		switch (c) {
+		case 'h':
+			bufhead = atoi(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 's':
+			bufsize = atoi(optarg);
+			if (bufsize < 64) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "bufsize should be at least 64 bytes for unit test suite\n");
+				exit(127);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'r':
+			reset = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'p':
+			if (optarg)
+				print_delay = atoi(optarg);
+			ncb_print = 1;
+			break;
+		case '?':
+		default:
+			fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-r] [-s bufsize] [-h bufhead] [-p <delay_msec>]\n", argv[0]);
+			exit(127);
+		}
+	}
+	ncbuf_test(bufhead, reset, print_delay);
+	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+#endif /* STANDALONE */