* released 1.1.23
* fixed a stupid bug introduced in 1.1.22 which caused second and subsequent
  'default' sections to keep previous parameters, and not initialize logs
* fixed a second stupid bug introduced in 1.1.22 which caused configurations
  relying on 'dispatch' mode to segfault at the first connection.
* 'option httpchk' now supports method, HTTP version and a few headers.
* now, 'option httpchk', 'cookie' and 'capture' can be specified in
  'defaults' section
* a fresh new english documentation
* large Makefile cleanup for increased portability
* new build script 'build.cfg' for Formilux-0.1.8
* new startup script 'init.haproxy.flx0' for Formilux-0.1.8
index 658224b..cdf4e5a 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
 ChangeLog :
-2003/09/10 :
+2003/09/19 : 1.1.23
+  - fixed a stupid bug introduced in 1.1.22 which caused second and subsequent
+    'default' sections to keep previous parameters, and not initialize logs
+    correctly.
+  - fixed a second stupid bug introduced in 1.1.22 which caused configurations
+    relying on 'dispatch' mode to segfault at the first connection.
+  - 'option httpchk' now supports method, HTTP version and a few headers.
+  - now, 'option httpchk', 'cookie' and 'capture' can be specified in
+    'defaults' section
+2003/09/10 : 1.1.22
   - 'listen' now supports optionnal address:port-range lists
   - 'bind' introduced to add new listen addresses
   - fixed a bug which caused a session to be kept established on a server till
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 45fcad5..43e4493 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,53 +1,72 @@
+# This makefile supports different OS and CPU setups.
+# You should use it this way :
+#   make TARGET=os CPU=cpu
 # Select target OS. TARGET must match a system for which COPTS and LIBS are
 # correctly defined below.
-# You can set it on make's command line. eg: make TARGET=solaris
 TARGET = linux24
 #TARGET = linux22
 #TARGET = solaris
-#TARGET = solarisv9
 #TARGET = openbsd
-CC = gcc
-LD = gcc
+# pass CPU=<cpu_name> to make to optimize for a particular CPU
+CPU = generic
+#CPU = i586
+#CPU = i686
+#CPU = ultrasparc
 # By default, we use libc's regex.
+# tools options
+CC = gcc
+LD = gcc
 # This is the directory hosting include/pcre.h and lib/libpcre.* when REGEX=pcre
 PCREDIR	:= $(shell pcre-config --prefix 2>/dev/null || :)
 # This is for Linux 2.4 with netfilter
-COPTS.linux24 = -O2 -DNETFILTER
 LIBS.linux24 =
 # This is for Linux 2.2
 LIBS.linux22 =
 # This is for Solaris 8
-COPTS.solaris = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DSOLARIS
+COPTS.solaris = -fomit-frame-pointer -DSOLARIS
 LIBS.solaris = -lnsl -lsocket
-# This is for Solaris 8 on UltraSparc2 processor
-COPTS.solarisv9 = -O6 -mcpu=v9 -mtune=ultrasparc -fomit-frame-pointer -DSOLARIS
-LIBS.solarisv9 = -lnsl -lsocket
 # This is for OpenBSD 3.0
-COPTS.openbsd = -O2
+COPTS.openbsd =
 LIBS.openbsd =
+# CPU dependant optimizations
+COPTS.generic = -O2
+COPTS.i586 = -O2 -march=i586
+COPTS.i686 = -O2 -march=i686
+COPTS.ultrasparc = -O6 -mcpu=v9 -mtune=ultrasparc
+# options for standard regex library
+# options for libpcre
 COPTS.pcre=-DUSE_PCRE -I$(PCREDIR)/include
 LIBS.pcre=-L$(PCREDIR)/lib -lpcreposix -lpcre
+# you can enable debug arguments with "DEBUG=-g" or disable them with "DEBUG="
 DEBUG = -g
+# global options
 # - use -DSTATTIME=0 to disable statistics, else specify an interval in
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 72301b2..c11c82f 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -73,11 +73,14 @@
      ok- les options
      ok- le retry
      ok- les checks
+     ok- les cookies/captures
        - les options des serveurs ?
        - les filtres et regex ?
-       - les cookies/captures
 5) implémenter "balance source" pour faire un hash sur la source.
+   permettre de spécifier un masque sur lequel s'applique le hachage,
+   ainsi qu'une option pour hacher en fonction de l'adresse dans le
+   champ "x-forwarded-for".
 6) possibilité d'un process séparé par listen :
    listen XXX
@@ -86,6 +89,9 @@
 le fait de spécifier group_id fera que toutes les instances utilisant le même
 identifiant de groupe seront gérées par un même processus.
+   -> plus souple et plus compréhensible de faire des sections par processus,
+      ce qui résoud également le cas ci-dessous
 7) gérer un chroot/uid/gid différents par process :
    listen XXX
       chroot /truc
@@ -100,3 +106,8 @@
    - alerte en cas de disparition
    - le nombre max de sessions à lui envoyer
+ok> 9) ajouter des paramètres optionnels à l'option "httpchk" permettant
+ok>    de forcer la méthode, la version HTTP et des headers.
+ok>    ex: option httpchk        -> OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0
+ok> 	   option httpchk /test  -> OPTIONS /test HTTP/1.0
+ok> 	   option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0\nHost:\ www   -> tel quel
diff --git a/doc/haproxy-en.txt b/doc/haproxy-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d678d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/haproxy-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1257 @@
+         		     H A - P r o x y
+         		     ---------------
+         		      version 1.1.23
+			      willy tarreau
+			       2003/09/20
+| Abstract |
+HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy which is particularly suited for high
+availability environments. Indeed, it can :
+  - route HTTP requests depending on statically assigned cookies ;
+  - spread the load among several servers while assuring server persistence
+    through the use of HTTP cookies ;
+  - switch to backup servers in the event a main one fails ;
+  - accept connections to special ports dedicated to service monitoring ;
+  - stop accepting connections without breaking existing ones ;
+  - add/modify/delete HTTP headers both ways ;
+  - block requests matching a particular pattern ;
+It needs very little resource. Its event-driven architecture allows it to easily
+handle thousands of simultaneous connections on hundreds of instances without
+risking the system's stability.
+| Start parameters |
+There are only a few command line options :
+    -f <configuration file>
+    -n <high limit for the total number of simultaneous connections>
+    -N <high limit for the per-proxy number of simultaneous connections>
+    -d starts in foregreound with debugging mode enabled
+    -D starts in daemon mode
+    -s shows statistics (only if compiled in)
+    -l shows even more statistics (implies '-s')
+The maximal number of connections per proxy is used as the default parameter for
+each instance for which the 'maxconn' paramter is not set in the 'listen' section.
+The maximal number of total connections limits the number of connections used by
+the whole process if the 'maxconn' parameter is not set in the 'global' section.
+The debugging mode has the same effect as the 'debug' option in the 'global'
+section. When the proxy runs in this mode, it dumps every connections,
+disconnections, timestamps, and HTTP headers to stdout. This should NEVER
+be used in an init script since it will prevent the system from starting up.
+Statistics are only available if compiled in with the 'STATTIME' option. It's
+only used during code optimization phases.
+| Configuration file |
+The configuration file parser ignores empty lines, spaces, tabs. Anything
+between a sharp ('#') not following a backslash ('\'), and the end of a line
+constitutes a comment and is ignored too.
+The configuration file is segmented in sections. A section begins whenever
+one of these 3 keywords are encountered :
+  - 'global'
+  - 'listen'
+  - 'defaults'
+Every parameter refer to the section beginning at the last one of these 3
+1) Global parameters
+Global parameters affect the whole process behaviour. They are all set in the
+'global' section. There may be several 'global' sections if needed, but their
+parameters will only be merged. Allowed parameters in 'global' section include
+the following ones :
+  - log <address> <facility> [max_level]
+  - maxconn <number>
+  - uid <user id>
+  - gid <group id>
+  - chroot <directory>
+  - nbproc <number>
+  - daemon
+  - debug
+  - quiet
+1.1) Event logging
+Most events are logged : start, stop, servers going up and down, connections and
+errors. Each event generates a syslog message which can be sent to up to 2
+servers. The syntax is :
+    log <ip_address> <facility> [max_level]
+Connections are logged at level "info". Services initialization and servers
+going up are logged at level "notice", termination signals are logged at
+"warning", and definitive service termination, as well as loss of servers are
+logged at level "alert". The optional parameter <max_level> specifies above
+what level messages should be sent. Level can take one of these 8 values :
+    emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug
+For backwards compatibility with versions 1.1.16 and earlier, the default level
+value is "debug" if not specified.
+Permitted facilities are :
+    kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news,
+    uucp, cron, auth2, ftp, ntp, audit, alert, cron2,
+    local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7
+According to RFC3164, messages are truncated to 1024 bytes before being emitted.
+Example :
+    global
+	log local3
+	log     local4 notice
+1.2) limiting the number of connections
+It is possible and recommended to limit the global number of per-process
+connections. Since one connection includes both a client and a server, it
+means that the max number of TCP sessions will be about the double of this
+number. It's important to understand this when trying to find best values
+for 'ulimit -n' before starting the proxy. To anticipate the number of
+sockets needed, all these parameters must be counted :
+  - 1 socket per incoming connection
+  - 1 socket per outgoing connection
+  - 1 socket per address/port/proxy tuple.
+  - 1 socket per server being health-checked
+  - 1 socket for all logs
+In simple configurations where each proxy only listens one one address/port,
+set the limit of file descriptors (ulimit -n) to 
+(2 * maxconn + nbproxies + nbservers + 1). In a future release, haproxy may
+be able to set this value itself.
+1.3) Drop of priviledges
+In order to reduce the risk and consequences of attacks, in the event where a
+yet non-identified vulnerability would be successfully exploited, it's possible
+to lower the process priviledges and even isolate it in a riskless directory.
+In the 'global' section, the 'uid' parameter sets a numerical user identifier
+which the process will switch to after binding its listening sockets. The value
+'0', which normally represents the super-user, here indicates that the UID must
+not change during startup. It's the default behaviour. The 'gid' parameter does
+the same for the group identifier. It's particularly advised against use of
+generic accounts such as 'nobody' because it has the same consequences as using
+'root' if other services use them.
+The 'chroot' parameter makes the process isolate itself in an empty directory
+just before switching its UID. This type of isolation (chroot) can sometimes
+be worked around on certain OS (Linux, Solaris), provided that the attacker
+has gained 'root' priviledges and has the ability to use or create a directory.
+For this reason, it's capital to use a dedicated directory and not to share one
+between several services of different nature. To make isolation more resistant,
+it's recommended to use an empty directory without any right, and to change the
+UID of the process so that it cannot do anything there.
+Note: in the event where such a vulnerability would be exploited, it's most
+likely that first attempts would kill the process due to 'Segmentation Fault',
+'Bus Error' or 'Illegal Instruction' signals. Eventhough it's true that
+isolating the server reduces the risks of intrusion, it's sometimes useful to
+find why a process dies, via the analysis of a 'core' file, although very rare
+(the last bug of this sort was fixed in 1.1.9). For security reasons, most
+systems disable the generation of core file when a process changes its UID. So
+the two workarounds are either to start the process from a restricted user
+account, which will not be able to chroot itself, or start it as root and not
+change the UID. In both cases the core will be either in the start or the chroot
+directories. Do not forget to allow core dumps prior to start the process :
+# ulimit -c unlimited
+Example :
+    global
+	uid	30000
+	gid	30000
+	chroot  /var/chroot/haproxy
+1.4) Startup modes
+The service can start in several different :
+  - foreground / background
+  - quiet / normal / debug
+The default mode is normal, foreground, which means that the program doesn't
+return once started. NEVER EVER use this mode in a system startup script, or
+the system won't boot. It needs to be started in background, so that it
+returns immediately after forking. That's accomplished by the 'daemon' option
+in the 'global' section, which is the equivalent of the '-D' command line
+Moreover, certain alert messages are still sent to the standard output even
+in 'daemon' mode. To make them disappear, simply add the 'quiet' option in the
+'global' section. This option has no command-line equivalent.
+Last, the 'debug' mode, enabled with the 'debug' option in the 'global' section,
+and which is equivalent of the '-d' option, allows deep TCP/HTTP analysis, with
+timestamped display of each connection, disconnection, and HTTP headers for both
+ways. This mode is incompatible with 'daemon' and 'quiet' modes for obvious
+1.5) Increasing the overall processing power
+On multi-processor systems, it may seem to be a shame to use only one processor,
+eventhough the load needed to saturate a recent processor are far above common
+usage. Anyway, for very specific needs, the proxy can start several processes
+between which the operating system will spread the incoming connections. The
+number of processes is controlled by the 'nbproc' parameter in the 'global'
+section. It defaults to 1, and obviously works only in 'daemon' mode.
+Example :
+    global
+	daemon
+	quiet
+	nbproc	2
+2) Declaration of a listening service
+Service sections start with the 'listen' keyword :
+    listen <instance_name> [ <IP_address>:<port_range>[,...] ]
+- <instance_name> is the name of the instance. This name will be reported in
+  logs, so it is good to have it reflect the proxied service. No unicity test
+  is done on this name, and it's not mandatory for it to be unique, but highly
+  recommended.
+- <IP_address> is the IP address the proxy binds to. Empty address, '*' and
+  '' all mean that the proxy listens to all valid addresses on the
+  system.
+- <port_range> is either a unique port, or a port range for which the proxy will
+  accept connections for the IP address specified above. This range can be :
+    - a numerical port (ex: '80')
+    - a dash-delimited ports range explicitly stating the lower and upper bounds
+      (ex: '2000-2100') which are included in the range.
+  Particular care must be taken against port ranges, because every <addr:port>
+  couple consumes one socket (=a file descriptor), so it's easy to eat lots of
+  descriptors with a simple range. The <addr:port> couple must be used only once
+  among all instances running on a same system. Please note that attaching to
+  ports lower than 1024 need particular priviledges to start the program, which
+  are independant of the 'uid' parameter.
+- the <IP_address>:<port_range> couple may be repeated indefinitely to require
+  the proxy to listen to other addresses and/or ports. To achieve this, simply
+  separate them with a coma.
+Examples :
+    listen http_proxy :80
+    listen x11_proxy
+    listen smtp_proxy,
+    listen ldap_proxy :389,:663
+In the event that all addresses do not fit line width, it's preferable to
+detach secondary addresses on other lines with the 'bind' keyword. If this
+keyword is used, it's not even necessary to specify the first address on the
+'listen' line, which sometimes makes multiple configuration handling easier :
+    bind [ <IP_address>:<port_range>[,...] ]
+Examples :
+    listen http_proxy
+        bind :80,:443
+	bind,
+2.1) Inhibiting a service
+A service may be disabled for maintenance reasons, without needing to comment
+out the whole section, simply by specifying the 'disabled' keyword in the
+section to be disabled :
+    listen smtp_proxy
+	disabled
+Note: the 'enabled' keyword allows to enable a service which has been disabled
+      previously by a default configuration.
+2.2) Modes of operation
+A service can work in 3 different distinct modes :
+  - TCP
+  - HTTP
+  - monitoring
+TCP mode
+In this mode, the service relays TCP connections as soon as they're established,
+towards one or several servers. No processing is done on the stream. It's only
+an association of source(addr:port) -> destination(addr:port). To use this mode,
+you must specify 'mode tcp' in the 'listen' section. This is the default mode.
+Example :
+    listen smtp_proxy
+	mode tcp
+HTTP mode
+In this mode, the service relays TCP connections towards one or several servers,
+when it has enough informations to decide, which normally means that all HTTP
+headers have been read. Some of them may be scanned for a cookie or a pattern
+matching a regex. To use this mode, specify 'mode http' in the 'listen' section.
+Example :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+Health-checking mode
+This mode provides a way for external components to check the proxy's health.
+It is meant to be used with intelligent load-balancers which can use send/expect
+scripts to check for all of their servers' availability. This one simply accepts
+the connection, returns the word 'OK' and closes it. To enable it, simply
+specify 'health' as the working mode :
+Example :
+    listen health_check
+	mode health
+2.3) Limiting the number of simultaneous connections
+The 'maxconn' parameter allows a proxy to refuse connections above a certain
+amount of simultaneous ones. When the limit is reached, it simply stops
+listening, but the system may still be accepting them because of the back log
+queue. These connections will be processed further when other ones have freed
+some slots. This provides a serialization effect which helps very fragile
+servers resist to high loads. Se further for system limitations.
+Example :
+    listen tiny_server
+        maxconn 10
+2.4) Soft stop
+It is possible to stop services without breaking existing connections by the
+sending of the SIG_USR1 signal to the process. All services are then put into
+soft-stop state, which means that they will refuse to accept new connections,
+except for those which have a non-zero value in the 'grace' parameter, in which
+case they will still accept connections for the specified amount of time, in
+milliseconds. This allows to tell a load-balancer that the service is failing,
+while still doing the job during the time it needs to detect it.
+Note: active connections are never killed. In the worst case, the user will have
+to wait for all of them to close or to time-out, or simply kill the process
+normally (SIG_TERM). The default 'grace' value is '0'.
+Example :
+    # enter soft stop after 'killall -USR1 haproxy'
+    # the service will still run 10 seconds after the signal
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	grace 10000
+    # this port is dedicated to a load-balancer, and must fail immediately
+    listen health_check
+	mode health
+	grace 0
+2.5) Connections expiration time
+It is possible (and recommended) to configure several time-outs on TCP
+connections. Three independant timers are adjustable with values specified
+in milliseconds. A session will be terminated if either one of these timers
+  - the time we accept to wait for data from the client, or for the client to
+    accept data : 'clitimeout' :
+	# client time-out set to 2mn30.
+	clitimeout	150000
+  - the time we accept to wait for data from the server, or for the server to
+    accept data : 'srvtimeout' :
+	# server time-out set to 30s.
+	srvtimeout	30000
+  - the time we accept to wait for a connection to establish on a server :
+    'contimeout' :
+        # we give up if the connection does not complete within 4 seconds
+	contimeout	4000
+Notes :
+  - 'contimeout' and 'srvtimeout' have no sense on 'health' mode servers ;
+  - under high loads, or with a saturated or defective network, it's possible
+    that some packets get lost. Since the first TCP retransmit only happens
+    after 3 seconds, a time-out equal to, or lower than 3 seconds cannot
+    compensate for a packet loss. A 4 seconds time-out seems a reasonable
+    minimum which will considerably reduce connection failures.
+2.6) Attempts to reconnect
+After a connection failure to a server, it is possible to retry, potentially
+on another server. This is useful if health-checks are too rare and you don't
+want the clients to see the failures. The number of attempts to reconnect is
+set by the 'retries' paramter.
+Example :
+	# we can retry 3 times max after a failure
+	retries 3
+2.7) Address of the dispatch server (deprecated)
+The server which will be sent all new connections is defined by the 'dispatch'
+parameter, in the form <address>:<port>. It generally is dedicated to unknown
+connections and will assign them a cookie, in case of HTTP persistence mode,
+or simply is a single server in case of generic TCP proxy. This old mode is only
+provided for backwards compatibility, but doesn't allow to check remote servers
+state, and has a rather limited usage. All new setups should switch to 'balance'
+mode. The principle of the dispatcher is to be able to perform the load
+balancing itself, but work only on new clients so that the server doesn't need
+to be a big machine.
+Example :
+   	# all new connections go there
+	dispatch
+Note :
+This parameter has no sense for 'health' servers, and is incompatible with
+'balance' mode.
+2.8) Outgoing source address
+It is often necessary to bind to a particular address when connecting to some
+remote hosts. This is done via the 'source' parameter which is a per-proxy
+parameter. A newer version may allow to fix different sources to reach different
+servers. The syntax is 'source <address>[:<port>]', where <address> is a valid
+local address (or '' or '*' or empty to let the system choose), and
+<port> is an optional parameter allowing the user to force the source port for
+very specific needs. If the port is not specified or is '0', the system will
+choose a free port. Note that as of version 1.1.18, the servers health checks
+are also performed from the same source.
+Examples :
+    listen http_proxy *:80
+   	# all connections take as source address
+	source
+    listen rlogin_proxy *:513
+   	# use address and the reserved port 900 (needs to be root)
+	source
+2.9) Setting the cookie name
+In HTTP mode, it is possible to look for a particular cookie which will contain
+a server identifier which should handle the connection. The cookie name is set
+via the 'cookie' parameter.
+Example :
+    listen http_proxy :80
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+It is possible to change the cookie behaviour to get a smarter persistence,
+depending on applications. It is notably possible to delete or modify a cookie
+emitted by a server, insert a cookie identifying the server in an HTTP response
+and even add a header to tell upstream caches not to cache this response.
+Examples :
+To remove the cookie for direct accesses (ie when the server matches the one
+which was specified in the client cookie) :
+	cookie SERVERID indirect
+To replace the cookie value with the one assigned to the server if any (no
+cookie will be created if the server does not provide one, nor if the
+configuration does not provide one). This lets the application put the cookie
+exactly on certain pages (eg: successful authentication) :
+	cookie SERVERID rewrite
+To create a new cookie and assign the server identifier to it (in this case, all
+servers should be associated with a valid cookie, since no cookie will simply
+delete the cookie from the client's browser) :
+	cookie SERVERID insert
+To insert a cookie and ensure that no upstream cache will store it, add the
+'nocache' option :
+	cookie SERVERID insert nocache
+To insert a cookie only after a POST request, add 'postonly' after 'insert'.
+This has the advantage that there's no risk of caching, and that all pages
+seen before the POST one can still be cached :
+	cookie SERVERID insert postonly
+Notes :
+- it is possible to combine 'insert' with 'indirect' or 'rewrite' to adapt to
+  applications which already generate the cookie with an invalid content.
+- in the case where 'insert' and 'indirect' are both specified, the cookie is
+  never transmitted to the server, since it wouldn't understand it. This is
+  the most application-transparent mode.
+- it is particularly recommended to use 'nocache' in 'insert' mode if any
+  upstream HTTP/1.0 cache is susceptible to cache the result, because this may
+  lead to many clients going to the same server, or even worse, some clients
+  having their server changed while retrieving a page from the cache.
+- when the application is well known and controlled, the best method is to
+  only add the persistence cookie on a POST form because it's up to the
+  application to select which page it wants the upstream servers to cache.
+  In this case, you would use 'insert postonly indirect'.
+2.10) Associating a cookie value with a server
+In HTTP mode, it's possible to associate a cookie value to each server. This
+was initially used in combination with 'dispatch' mode to handle direct accesses
+but it is now the standard way of doing the load balancing. The syntax is :
+    server <identifier> <address>:<port> cookie <value>
+- <identifier> is any name which can be used to identify the server in the logs.
+- <address>:<port> specifies where the server is bound.
+- <value> is the value to put in or to read from the cookie.
+Example : the 'SERVERID' cookie can be either 'server01' or 'server02'
+    listen http_proxy :80
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	dispatch
+	server web1 cookie server01
+	server web2 cookie server02
+Warning : the syntax has changed since version 1.0 !
+3) Autonomous load balancer
+The proxy can perform the load-balancing itself, both in TCP and in HTTP modes.
+This is the most interesting mode which obsoletes the old 'dispatch' mode
+described above. It has advantages such as server health monitoring, multiple
+port binding and port mapping. To use this mode, the 'balance' keyword is used,
+followed by the selected algorithm. As of version 1.1.23, only 'roundrobin' is
+available, which is also the default value if unspecified. In this mode, there
+will be no dispatch address, but the proxy needs at least one server.
+Example : same as the last one, with internal load balancer
+    listen http_proxy :80
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01
+	server web2 cookie server02
+Since version 1.1.22, it is possible to automatically determine on which port
+the server will get the connection, depending on the port the client connected
+to. Indeed, there now are 4 possible combinations for the server's <port> field:
+  - unspecified or '0' :
+    the connection will be sent to the same port as the one on which the proxy
+    received the client connection itself.
+  - numerical value (the only one supported in versions earlier than 1.1.22) :
+    the connection will always be sent to the specified port.
+  - '+' followed by a numerical value :
+    the connection will be sent to the same port as the one on which the proxy
+    received the connection, plus this value.
+  - '-' followed by a numerical value :
+    the connection will be sent to the same port as the one on which the proxy
+    received the connection, minus this value.
+Examples :
+# same as previous example
+    listen http_proxy :80
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01
+	server web2 cookie server02
+# simultaneous relaying of ports 80, 81 and 8080-8089
+    listen http_proxy :80,:81,:8080-8089
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01
+	server web2 cookie server02
+# relaying of TCP ports 25, 389 and 663 to ports 1025, 1389 and 1663
+    listen http_proxy :25,:389,:663
+	mode tcp
+	balance roundrobin
+	server srv1
+	server srv2
+3.1) Servers monitoring
+It is possible to check the servers status by trying to establish TCP
+connections or even sending HTTP requests to them. A server which fails to
+reply to health checks as expected will not be used by the load balancing
+algorithms. To enable monitoring, add the 'check' keyword on a server line.
+It is possible to specify the interval between tests (in milliseconds) with
+the 'inter' parameter, the number of failures supported before declaring that
+the server has fallen down with the 'fall' parameter, and the number of valid
+checks needed for the server to fully get up with the 'rise' parameter. Since
+version 1.1.22, it is also possible to send checks to a different port
+(mandatory when none is specified) with the 'port' parameter. The default
+values are the following ones :
+  - inter : 2000
+  - rise  : 2
+  - fall  : 3
+  - port  : default server port
+The default mode consists in establishing TCP connections only. But in certain
+types of application failures, it is often that the server continues to accept
+connections because the system does it itself while the application is running
+an endless loop, or is completely stuck. So in version 1.1.16 were introduced
+HTTP health checks which only performed simple lightweight requests and analysed
+the response. Now, as of version 1.1.23, it is possible to change the HTTP
+method, the URI, and the HTTP version string (which even allows to send headers
+with a dirty trick). To enable HTTP health-checks, use 'option httpchk'.
+By default, requests use the 'OPTIONS' method because it's very light and easy
+to filter from logs, and does it on '/'. Only HTTP responses 2xx and 3xx are
+considered valid ones, and only if they come before the time to send a new
+request is reached ('inter' parameter). If some servers block this type of
+request, 3 other forms help to forge a request :
+  - option httpchk               -> OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0
+  - option httpchk URI           -> OPTIONS <URI> HTTP/1.0
+  - option httpchk METH URI      -> <METH> <URI> HTTP/1.0
+  - option httpchk METH URI VER  -> <METH> <URI> <VER>
+See examples below.
+Since version 1.1.17, it is possible to specify backup servers. These servers
+are only sollicited when no other server is available. This may only be useful
+to serve a maintenance page, or define one active and one backup server (seldom
+used in TCP mode). To make a server a backup one, simply add the 'backup' option
+on its line. These servers also support cookies, so if a cookie is specified for
+a backup server, clients assigned to this server will stick to it even when the
+other ones come back. Conversely, if no cookie is assigned to such a server,
+the clients will get their cookies removed (empty cookie = removal), and will
+be balanced against other servers once they come back. Please note that there
+is no load-balancing among backup servers. If there are several backup servers,
+the second one will only be used when the first one dies, and so on.
+Since version 1.1.17, it is also possible to visually check the status of all
+servers at once. For this, you just have to send a SIGHUP signal to the proxy.
+The servers status will be dumped into the logs at the 'notice' level, as well
+as on <stderr> if not closed. For this reason, it's always a good idea to have
+one local log server at the 'notice' level.
+Examples :
+# same setup as in  paragraph 3) with TCP monitoring
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
+# same with HTTP monitoring via 'OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0'
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	option httpchk
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
+# same with HTTP monitoring via 'OPTIONS /index.html HTTP/1.0'
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	option httpchk /index.html
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
+# same with HTTP monitoring via 'HEAD /index.jsp? HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www'
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	option httpchk HEAD /index.jsp? HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ www
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
+# automatic insertion of a cookie in the server's response, and automatic
+# deletion of the cookie in the client request, while asking upstream caches
+# not to cache replies.
+    listen web_appl
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check
+# same with off-site application backup and local error pages server
+    listen web_appl
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check
+	server web-backup cookie server03 check backup
+	server web-excuse check backup
+# SMTP+TLS relaying with heakth-checks and backup servers
+    listen http_proxy :25,:587
+	mode tcp
+	balance roundrobin
+	server srv1 check port 25 inter 30000 rise 1 fall 2
+	server srv2 backup
+3.2) Redistribute connections in case of failure
+In HTTP mode, if a server designated by a cookie does not respond, the clients
+may definitely stick to it because they cannot flush the cookie, so they will
+not be able to access the service anymore. Specifying 'redispatch' will allow
+the proxy to break their persistence and redistribute them to working servers.
+Example :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	dispatch
+	server web1 cookie server01
+	server web2 cookie server02
+	redispatch # send back to dispatch in case of connection failure
+Up to, and including version 1.1.16, this parameter only applied to connection
+failures. Since version 1.1.17, it also applies to servers which have been
+detected as failed by the health check mechanism. Indeed, a server may be broken
+but still accepting connections, which would not solve every case. But it is
+possible to conserve the old behaviour, that is, make a client insist on trying
+to connect to a server even if it is said to be down, by setting the 'persist'
+option :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	option persist
+	cookie SERVERID
+	dispatch
+	server web1 cookie server01
+	server web2 cookie server02
+	redispatch # send back to dispatch in case of connection failure
+4) Additionnal features
+Other features are available. They are transparent mode, event logging and
+header rewriting/filtering.
+4.1) Transparent mode
+In HTTP mode, the 'transparent' keyword allows to intercept sessions which are
+routed through the system hosting the proxy. This mode was implemented as a
+replacement for the 'dispatch' mode, since connections without cookie will be
+sent to the original address while known cookies will be sent to the servers.
+This mode implies that the system can redirect sessions to a local port.
+Example :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	transparent
+	cookie SERVERID
+	server server01
+	server server02
+    # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d \
+      --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 65000
+Note :
+If the port is left unspecified on the server, the port the client connected to
+will be used. This allows to relay a full port range without using transparent
+mode nor thousands of file descriptors, provided that the system can redirect
+sessions to local ports.
+Example :
+    # redirect all ports to local port 65000, then forward to the server on the
+    # original port.
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode tcp
+	server server01 check port 60000
+	server server02 check port 60000
+    # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d \
+      -j REDIRECT --to-ports 65000
+4.2) Event logging
+- 8< - - - 8< - - - 8< - - - 8< - - - 8< - - - 8< - - -
+Les connexions TCP et HTTP peuvent donner lieu à une journalisation sommaire ou
+détaillée indiquant, pour chaque connexion, la date, l'heure, l'adresse IP
+source, le serveur destination, la durée de la connexion, les temps de réponse,
+la requête HTTP, le code de retour, la quantité de données transmises, et même
+dans certains cas, la valeur d'un cookie permettant de suivre les sessions.
+Tous les messages sont envoyés en syslog vers un ou deux serveurs. Se référer à
+la section 1.1 pour plus d'information sur les catégories de logs.  La syntaxe
+est la suivante :
+    log <adresse_ip_1> <catégorie_1> [niveau_max_1]
+    log <adresse_ip_2> <catégorie_2> [niveau_max_2]
+    log global
+Remarque :
+La syntaxe spécifique 'log global' indique que l'on souhaite utiliser les
+paramètres de journalisation définis dans la section 'global'.
+Exemple :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	log local3
+	log local4
+Par défaut, les informations contenues dans les logs se situent au niveau TCP
+uniquement. Il faut préciser l'option 'httplog' pour obtenir les détails du
+protocole HTTP. Dans les cas où un mécanisme de surveillance effectuant des
+connexions et déconnexions fréquentes, polluerait les logs, il suffit d'ajouter
+l'option 'dontlognull', pour ne plus obtenir une ligne de log pour les sessions
+n'ayant pas donné lieu à un échange de données (requête ou réponse).
+Exemple :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	option httplog
+	option dontlognull
+	log local3
+Depuis la version 1.1.18, un indicateur de complétude de la session a été ajouté
+dans les logs HTTP. C'est un champ de 4 caractères précédant la requête HTTP,
+indiquant :
+  - sur le premier caractère, un code précisant le premier événement qui a causé
+    la terminaison de la session :
+        C : fermeture de la session TCP de la part du client
+	S : fermeture de la session TCP de la part du serveur, ou refus de connexion
+	P : terminaison prématurée des sessions par le proxy, pour cas d'erreur
+	    interne ou de configuration (ex: filtre d'URL)
+	c : expiration du délai d'attente côté client : clitimeout
+	s : expiration du délai d'attente côté serveur: srvtimeout et contimeout
+	- : terminaison normale.
+  - sur le second caractère, l'état d'avancement de la session HTTP lors de la
+    fermeture :
+        R : terminaison en attendant la réception totale de la requête du client
+	C : terminaison en attendant la connexion vers le serveur
+	H : terminaison en attendant la réception totale des entêtes du serveur
+	D : terminaison durant le transfert des données du serveur vers le client
+	L : terminaison durant le transfert des dernières données du proxy vers
+	    le client, alors que le serveur a déjà fini.
+	- : terminaison normale, après fin de transfert des données
+  - le troisième caractère indique l'éventuelle identification d'un cookie de
+    persistence :
+        N : aucun cookie de persistence n'a été présenté.
+	I : le client a présenté un cookie ne correspondant à aucun serveur
+	    connu.
+	D : le client a présenté un cookie correspondant à un serveur hors
+	    d'usage. Suivant l'option 'persist', il a été renvoyé vers un
+	    autre serveur ou a tout de même tenté de se connecter sur celui
+	    correspondant au cookie.
+	V : le client a présenté un cookie valide et a pu se connecter au
+	    serveur correspondant.
+	- : non appliquable
+  - le dernier caractère indique l'éventuel traitement effectué sur un cookie de
+    persistence retrourné par le serveur :
+        N : aucun cookie de persistence n'a été fourni par le serveur.
+        P : un cookie cookie de persistence n'a été fourni par le serveur.
+	I : aucun cookie n'a été fourni par le serveur, il a été inséré par le
+	    proxy.
+	D : le cookie présenté par le serveur a été supprimé par le proxy pour
+	    ne pas être retourné au client.
+	R : le cookie retourné par le serveur a été modifié par le proxy.
+	- : non appliquable
+Le mot clé "capture" permet d'ajouter dans des logs HTTP des informations
+capturées dans les échanges. La version 1.1.17 supporte uniquement une capture
+de cookies client et serveur, ce qui permet dans bien des cas, de reconstituer
+la session d'un utilisateur. La syntaxe est la suivante :
+    capture cookie <préfixe_cookie> len <longueur_capture>
+Le premier cookie dont le nom commencera par <préfixe_cookie> sera capturé, et
+transmis sous la forme "NOM=valeur", sans toutefois, excéder <longueur_capture>
+caractères (64 au maximum). Lorsque le nom du cookie est fixe et connu, on peut
+le suffixer du signe "=" pour s'assurer qu'aucun autre cookie ne prendra sa
+place dans les logs.
+Exemples :
+    # capture du premier cookie dont le nom commence par "ASPSESSION"
+    capture cookie ASPSESSION len 32
+    # capture du premier cookie dont le nom est exactement "vgnvisitor"
+    capture cookie vgnvisitor= len 32
+Dans les logs, le champ précédant l'indicateur de complétude contient le cookie
+positionné par le serveur, précédé du cookie positionné par le client. Chacun de
+ces champs est remplacé par le signe "-" lorsqu'aucun cookie n'est fourni par le
+client ou le serveur.
+Enfin, l'option 'forwardfor' ajoute l'adresse IP du client dans un champ
+'X-Forwarded-For' de la requête, ce qui permet à un serveur web final de
+connaître l'adresse IP du client initial.
+Exemple :
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	log  global
+	option httplog
+	option dontlognull
+	option forwardfor
+	capture cookie userid= len 20
+4.3) Modification des entêtes HTTP
+En mode HTTP uniquement, il est possible de remplacer certains en-têtes dans la
+requête et/ou la réponse à partir d'expressions régulières. Il est également
+possible de bloquer certaines requêtes en fonction du contenu des en-têtes ou de
+la requête. Une limitation cependant : les en-têtes fournis au milieu de
+connexions persistentes (keep-alive) ne sont pas vus car ils sont considérés
+comme faisant partie des échanges de données consécutifs à la première requête.
+Les données ne sont pas affectées, ceci ne s'applique qu'aux en-têtes. 
+La syntaxe est :
+   reqadd    <string>             pour ajouter un en-tête dans la requête
+   reqrep    <search> <replace>   pour modifier la requête
+   reqirep   <search> <replace>   idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+   reqdel    <search>             pour supprimer un en-tête dans la requête
+   reqidel   <search>             idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+   reqallow  <search>             autoriser la requête si un entête valide <search>
+   reqiallow <search>             idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+   reqdeny   <search>             interdire la requête si un entête valide <search>
+   reqideny  <search>             idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+   reqpass   <search>             inhibe ces actions sur les entêtes validant <search>
+   reqipass  <search>             idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+   rspadd   <string>              pour ajouter un en-tête dans la réponse
+   rsprep   <search> <replace>    pour modifier la réponse
+   rspirep  <search> <replace>    idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+   rspdel   <search>              pour supprimer un en-tête dans la réponse
+   rspidel  <search>              idem sans distinction majuscules/minuscules
+<search> est une expression régulière compatible POSIX regexp supportant le
+groupage par parenthèses (sans les '\'). Les espaces et autres séparateurs
+doivent êtres précédés d'un '\' pour ne pas être confondus avec la fin de la
+chaîne. De plus, certains caractères spéciaux peuvent être précédés d'un
+backslach ('\') :
+  \t   pour une tabulation
+  \r   pour un retour charriot
+  \n   pour un saut de ligne
+  \    pour différencier un espace d'un séparateur
+  \#   pour différencier un dièse d'un commentaire
+  \\   pour utiliser un backslash dans la regex
+  \\\\ pour utiliser un backslash dans le texte
+  \xXX pour un caractère spécifique XX (comme en C)
+<replace> contient la chaîne remplaçant la portion vérifiée par l'expression.
+Elle peut inclure les caractères spéciaux ci-dessus, faire référence à un
+groupe délimité par des parenthèses dans l'expression régulière, par sa
+position numérale. Les positions vont de 1 à 9, et sont codées par un '\'
+suivi du chiffre désiré. Il est également possible d'insérer un caractère non
+imprimable (utile pour le saut de ligne) inscrivant '\x' suivi du code
+hexadécimal de ce caractère (comme en C).
+<string> représente une chaîne qui sera ajoutée systématiquement après la
+dernière ligne d'en-tête.
+Remarques :
+  - la première ligne de la requête et celle de la réponse sont traitées comme
+    des en-têtes, ce qui permet de réécrire des URL et des codes d'erreur.
+  - 'reqrep' est l'équivalent de 'cliexp' en version 1.0, et 'rsprep' celui de
+    'srvexp'. Ces noms sont toujours supportés mais déconseillés.
+  - pour des raisons de performances, le nombre total de caractères ajoutés sur
+    une requête ou une réponse est limité à 4096 depuis la version 1.1.5 (cette
+    limite était à 256 auparavant). Cette valeur est modifiable dans le code.
+    Pour un usage temporaire, on peut gagner de la place en supprimant quelques
+    entêtes inutiles avant les ajouts.
+Exemples :
+	reqrep	^(GET.*)(.free.fr)(.*) \1.online.fr\3
+	reqrep	^(POST.*)(.free.fr)(.*) \1.online.fr\3
+	reqirep	^Proxy-Connection:.*	Proxy-Connection:\ close
+	rspirep	^Server:.* Server:\ Tux-2.0
+	rspirep	^(Location:\ )([^:]*://[^/]*)(.*) \1\3
+	rspidel  ^Connection:
+	rspadd	Connection:\ close
+4.4) Répartition avec persistence
+La combinaison de l'insertion de cookie avec la répartition de charge interne
+permet d'assurer une persistence dans les sessions HTTP d'une manière
+pratiquement transparente pour les applications. Le principe est simple :
+  - attribuer une valeur d'un cookie à chaque serveur
+  - effectuer une répartition interne
+  - insérer un cookie dans les réponses issues d'une répartition uniquement,
+    et faire en sorte que des caches ne mémorisent pas ce cookie.
+  - cacher ce cookie à l'application lors des requêtes ultérieures.
+Exemple :
+    listen application
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
+	balance roundrobin
+	server cookie server01 check
+	server cookie server02 check
+4.5) Personalisation des erreurs
+Certaines situations conduisent à retourner une erreur HTTP au client :
+  - requête invalide ou trop longue => code HTTP 400
+  - requête mettant trop de temps à venir => code HTTP 408
+  - requête interdite (bloquée par un reqideny) => code HTTP 403
+  - erreur interne du proxy => code HTTP 500
+  - le serveur a retourné une réponse incomplète ou invalide => code HTTP 502
+  - aucun serveur disponible pour cette requête => code HTTP 503
+  - le serveur n'a pas répondu dans le temps imparti => code HTTP 504
+Un message d'erreur succint tiré de la RFC accompagne ces codes de retour.
+Cependant, en fonction du type de clientèle, on peut préférer retourner des
+pages personnalisées. Ceci est possible par le biais de la commande "errorloc" :
+    errorloc <code_HTTP> <location>
+Au lieu de générer une erreur HTTP <code_HTTP> parmi les codes cités ci-dessus,
+le proxy génèrera un code de redirection temporaire (HTTP 302) vers l'adresse
+d'une page précisée dans <location>. Cette adresse peut être relative au site,
+ou absolue. Comme cette réponse est traîtée par le navigateur du client
+lui-même, il est indispensable que l'adresse fournie lui soit accessible.
+Exemple :
+    listen application
+        errorloc 400 /badrequest.html
+        errorloc 403 /forbidden.html
+        errorloc 408 /toolong.html
+	errorloc 500 http://haproxy.domain.net/bugreport.html
+        errorloc 502
+        errorloc 503
+        errorloc 504
+4.6) Changement des valeurs par défaut
+Dans la version 1.1.22 est apparue la notion de valeurs par défaut, ce qui évite
+de répéter des paramètres communs à toutes les instances, tels que les timeouts,
+adresses de log, modes de fonctionnement, etc.
+Les valeurs par défaut sont positionnées dans la dernière section 'defaults'
+précédent l'instance qui les utilisera. On peut donc mettre autant de sections
+'defaults' que l'on veut. Il faut juste se rappeler que la présence d'une telle
+section implique une annulation de tous les paramètres par défaut positionnés
+précédemment, dans le but de les remplacer.
+La section 'defaults' utilise la même syntaxe que la section 'listen', aux
+paramètres près qui ne sont pas supportés. Le mot clé 'defaults' peut accepter
+un commentaire en guise paramètre.
+Dans la version 1.1.22, seuls les paramètres suivants peuvent être positionnés
+dans une section 'defaults' :
+  - log (le premier et le second)
+  - mode { tcp, http, health }
+  - balance { roundrobin }
+  - disabled (pour désactiver toutes les instances qui suivent)
+  - enabled (pour faire l'opération inverse, mais c'est le cas par défaut)
+  - contimeout, clitimeout, srvtimeout, grace, retries, maxconn
+  - option { redispatch, transparent, keepalive, forwardfor, httplog,
+             dontlognull, persist, httpchk }
+  - redispatch, redisp, transparent, source { addr:port }
+  - cookie, capture
+  - errorloc
+Ne sont pas supportés dans cette version, les adresses de dispatch et les
+configurations de serveurs, ainsi que tous les filtres basés sur les
+expressions régulières :
+  - dispatch, server,
+  - req*, rsp*, 
+Enfin, il n'y a pas le moyen, pour le moment, d'invalider un paramètre booléen
+positionné par défaut. Donc si une option est spécifiée dans les paramètres par
+défaut, le seul moyen de la désactiver pour une instance, c'est de changer les
+paramètres par défaut avant la déclaration de l'instance.
+Exemples :
+    defaults applications TCP
+	log global
+	mode tcp
+	balance roundrobin
+	clitimeout 180000
+	srvtimeout 180000
+	contimeout 4000
+	retries 3
+	redispatch
+    listen app_tcp1
+	server srv1 check port 6000 inter 10000
+	server srv2 backup
+    listen app_tcp2
+	server srv1 check port 6000 inter 10000
+	server srv2 backup
+    defaults applications HTTP
+	log global
+	mode http
+	option httplog
+	option forwardfor
+	option dontlognull
+	balance roundrobin
+	clitimeout 20000
+	srvtimeout 20000
+	contimeout 4000
+	retries 3
+    listen app_http1
+	cookie SERVERID postonly insert indirect
+	capture cookie userid= len 10
+	server srv1 cookie srv1 check port 8080 inter 1000
+	server srv1 cookie srv2 check port 8080 inter 1000
+    defaults
+	# section vide qui annule tous les paramètes par défaut.
+| Paramétrage système |
+Sous Linux 2.4
+-- cut here --
+# set this to about 256/4M (16384 for 256M machine)
+echo $MAXFILES > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
+ulimit -n $MAXFILES
+if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max ]; then
+	echo 65536 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max
+if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_ct_tcp_timeout_fin_wait ]; then
+	# 30 seconds for fin, 15 for time wait
+	echo 3000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_ct_tcp_timeout_fin_wait
+	echo 1500 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait
+	echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_ct_tcp_log_invalid_scale
+	echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_ct_tcp_log_out_of_window
+echo 1024 60999 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
+echo 30 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout
+echo 4096 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog
+echo 262144 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_tw_buckets
+echo 262144 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_orphans
+echo 300 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
+echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle
+echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
+echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
+echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack
+echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_dsack
+# auto-tuned on 2.4
+#echo 262143 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
+#echo 262143 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default
+echo 16384 65536 524288 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem
+echo 16384 349520 699040 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
+-- cut here --
+-- fin --
diff --git a/doc/haproxy.txt b/doc/haproxy.txt
index e6bcfb3..5df305d 100644
--- a/doc/haproxy.txt
+++ b/doc/haproxy.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
          		     H A - P r o x y
-         		      version 1.1.22
+         		      version 1.1.23
 			      willy tarreau
-			       2003/09/11
+			       2003/09/20
 | Introduction |
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 valeurs suivantes  :
     emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug
-Par compatibilité avec les versions 1.1.16 et antérieures, La valeur par défaut
+Par compatibilité avec les versions 1.1.16 et antérieures, la valeur par défaut
 est "debug" si l'option n'est pas précisée.
 Les catégories possibles sont :
@@ -138,12 +138,13 @@
 de sockets nécessaires, il faut prendre en compte ces paramètres :
   - 1 socket par connexion entrante
   - 1 socket par connexion sortante
-  - 1 socket par proxy
+  - 1 socket par couple adresse/port d'écoute par proxy
   - 1 socket pour chaque serveur en cours de health-check
   - 1 socket pour les logs (tous serveurs confondus)
-Positionner la limite du nombre de descripteurs de fichiers (ulimit -n) à
-2 * maxconn + nbproxy + nbserveurs + 1. Dans une future version, haproxy sera
+Dans le cas où chaque proxy n'écoute que sur un couple adresse/port, positionner
+la limite du nombre de descripteurs de fichiers (ulimit -n) à 
+(2 * maxconn + nbproxy + nbserveurs + 1). Dans une future version, haproxy sera
 capable de positionner lui-même cette limite.
 1.3) Diminution des privilèges
@@ -165,13 +166,13 @@
 Le paramètre 'chroot' autorise à changer la racine du processus une fois le
 programme lancé, de sorte que ni le processus, ni l'un de ses descendants ne
 puissent remonter de nouveau à la racine. Ce type de cloisonnement (chroot) est
-parfois contournable sur certains OS (Linux 2.2, Solaris), mais visiblement
-fiable sur d'autres (Linux 2.4). Aussi, il est important d'utiliser un
-répertoire spécifique au service pour cet usage, et de ne pas mutualiser un même
-répertoire pour plusieurs services de nature différente. Pour rendre l'isolement
-plus robuste, il est conseillé d'utiliser un répertoire vide, sans aucun droit,
-et de changer l'uid du processus de sorte qu'il ne puisse rien faire dans ledit
+généralement contournable sur certains OS (Linux, Solaris) pour peu que
+l'attaquant possède des droits 'root' et soit en mesure d'utiliser ou de créer
+un répertoire. Aussi, il est important d'utiliser un répertoire spécifique au
+service pour cet usage, et de ne pas mutualiser un même répertoire pour
+plusieurs services de nature différente. Pour rendre l'isolement plus robuste,
+il est conseillé d'utiliser un répertoire vide, sans aucun droit, et de changer
+l'uid du processus de sorte qu'il ne puisse rien faire dans ledit répertoire.
 Remarque: dans le cas où une telle faille serait mise en évidence, il est fort
 probable que les premières tentatives de son exploitation provoquent un arrêt du
@@ -297,16 +298,20 @@
 2.1) Inhibition d'un service
-Un serveur peut être désactivé pour des besoins de maintenance, sans avoir à
+Un service peut être désactivé pour des besoins de maintenance, sans avoir à
 commenter toute une partie du fichier. Il suffit de positionner le mot clé
 "disabled" dans sa section :
     listen smtp_proxy
+Remarque: le mot clé 'enabled' permet de réactiver un service préalablement
+	  désactivé par le mot clé 'disabled', par exemple à cause d'une
+	  configuration par défaut.
 2.2) Mode de fonctionnement
-Un serveur peut fonctionner dans trois modes différents :
+Un service peut fonctionner dans trois modes différents :
   - TCP
   - HTTP
   - supervision
@@ -470,7 +475,7 @@
 routage difficiles. Si l'adresse est '' ou '*' ou vide, elle sera choisie
 librement par le systeme. Si le port est '0' ou vide, il sera choisi librement
 par le système. Il est à noter que depuis la version 1.1.18, les tests de bon
-foncitonnement des serveurs seront aussi effectués à partir de la source
+fonctionnement des serveurs seront aussi effectués à partir de la source
 spécifiée par ce paramètre.
 Exemples :
@@ -540,14 +545,17 @@
 - Il est possible de combiner 'insert' avec 'indirect' ou 'rewrite' pour s'adapter
   à des applications générant déjà le cookie, avec un contenu invalide. Il suffit
   pour cela de les spécifier sur la même ligne.
 - dans le cas où 'insert' et 'indirect' sont spécifiés, le cookie n'est jamais
   transmis au serveur vu qu'il n'en a pas connaissance et ne pourrait pas le
 - il est particulièrement recommandé d'utiliser 'nocache' en mode insertion si
   des caches peuvent se trouver entre les clients et l'instance du proxy. Dans
   le cas contraire, un cache HTTP 1.0 pourrait cacher la réponse, incluant le
   cookie de persistence inséré, donc provoquer des changements de serveurs pour
   des clients partageant le même cache.
 - lorsque l'application est bien connue, et que les parties nécessitant de la
   persistence sont systématiquement accédées par un formulaire en mode POST,
   il est plus efficace encore de combiner le mot clé "postonly" avec "insert"
@@ -680,7 +688,12 @@
 compris non-réponses) aboutissent à un échec. Le temps maximal imparti pour une
 réponse est égal à l'intervalle entre deux tests (paramètre "inter"). Pour
 activer ce mode, spécifier l'option "httpchk", éventuellement suivie d'une
-URI. Voir les exemples ci-après.	
+méthode et d'une URI. L'option "httpchk" accepte donc 4 formes :
+  - option httpchk               -> OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0
+  - option httpchk URI           -> OPTIONS <URI> HTTP/1.0
+  - option httpchk METH URI      -> <METH> <URI> HTTP/1.0
+  - option httpchk METH URI VER  -> <METH> <URI> <VER>
+Voir les exemples ci-après.	
 Depuis la version 1.1.17, il est possible de définir des serveurs de secours,
 utilisés uniquement lorsqu'aucun des autres serveurs ne fonctionne. Pour cela,
@@ -735,6 +748,15 @@
 	server web1 cookie server01 check
 	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
+# idem avec surveillance HTTP par 'HEAD /index.jsp? HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www'
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	option httpchk HEAD /index.jsp? HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ www
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
 # Insertion automatique de cookie dans la réponse du serveur, et suppression
 # automatique dans la requête, tout en indiquant aux caches de ne pas garder
 # ce cookie.
@@ -745,15 +767,15 @@
 	server web1 cookie server01 check
 	server web2 cookie server02 check
-# idem avec serveur applicatif de secours, et serveur de pages d'erreurs
+# idem avec serveur applicatif de secours sur autre site, et serveur de pages d'erreurs
     listen web_appl
 	mode http
 	cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
 	balance roundrobin
 	server web1 cookie server01 check
 	server web2 cookie server02 check
-	server web-backup cookie server03 check backup
-	server web-excuse check backup
+	server web-backup cookie server03 check backup
+	server web-excuse check backup
 # relayage SMTP+TLS avec test du serveur et serveur de backup
@@ -1140,15 +1162,15 @@
   - enabled (pour faire l'opération inverse, mais c'est le cas par défaut)
   - contimeout, clitimeout, srvtimeout, grace, retries, maxconn
   - option { redispatch, transparent, keepalive, forwardfor, httplog,
-             dontlognull, persist }
+             dontlognull, persist, httpchk }
   - redispatch, redisp, transparent, source { addr:port }
-Ne sont pas supportés dans cette version, d'une manière générale, tous les
-paramètres qui nécessitent de mémoriser autre chose que des adresses IP uniques
-et valeurs numériques simples :
-  - dispatch, server,
   - cookie, capture
   - errorloc
+Ne sont pas supportés dans cette version, les adresses de dispatch et les
+configurations de serveurs, ainsi que tous les filtres basés sur les
+expressions régulières :
+  - dispatch, server,
   - req*, rsp*, 
 Enfin, il n'y a pas le moyen, pour le moment, d'invalider un paramètre booléen
diff --git a/examples/build.cfg b/examples/build.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd7527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/build.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# build script for formilux >0.1.8
+function do_compile_only {
+    $FLXMAKE CPU_OPTS="-march=$arch -mcpu=$cpu -Os -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -malign-jumps=0" \
+	     TARGET=linux24
+function do_prepack {
+    mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/sbin/init.d ; cp examples/init.haproxy.flx0 $ROOTDIR/sbin/init.d/haproxy
+    mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/usr/sbin ; cp haproxy $ROOTDIR/usr/sbin
+    mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/usr/share/examples/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER/etc/haproxy/
+    cp examples/haproxy.cfg $ROOTDIR/usr/share/examples/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
+    cp examples/rc.highsock $ROOTDIR/usr/share/examples/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER/etc/rc.highsock
+    cp examples/config.rc.haproxy $ROOTDIR/usr/share/examples/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER/etc/config.rc.haproxy
+    mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/usr/share/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER
+    cp doc/haproxy.txt $ROOTDIR/usr/share/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER
+    ln -s ../../examples/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER $ROOTDIR/usr/share/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER/examples
+    cp examples/debug2ansi examples/debug2html examples/debugfind $ROOTDIR/usr/share/$PKGRADIX/$PKGRADIX-$PKGVER/
+    set_default_perm $ROOTDIR
diff --git a/examples/config.rc.haproxy b/examples/config.rc.haproxy
index c7aa838..067f07a 100644
--- a/examples/config.rc.haproxy
+++ b/examples/config.rc.haproxy
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 service haproxy
 	config /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
-	maxconn 1024
diff --git a/init.d/haproxy b/examples/init.haproxy
similarity index 100%
rename from init.d/haproxy
rename to examples/init.haproxy
diff --git a/examples/init.haproxy.flx0 b/examples/init.haproxy.flx0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5f0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/init.haproxy.flx0
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+. `dirname $0`/functions
+option	config		standard_option	/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
+option	bin		reserved_option	/usr/sbin/haproxy
+option	cmdline		reserved_option	'$bin -q -D -f ${opt_config}'
+function do_help {
+    echo "Usage: ${0##*/} <status|start|stop|help>"
+    echo "List of config.rc options (name, type, default value, current value) :"
+    echo
+    echo "   - config ; def=/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ; cur=$opt_confdir"
+    echo
+    exit 1 
diff --git a/haproxy.c b/haproxy.c
index 1d24a91..43c4c65 100644
--- a/haproxy.c
+++ b/haproxy.c
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
-#define HAPROXY_VERSION "1.1.22"
-#define HAPROXY_DATE	"2003/09/11"
+#define HAPROXY_VERSION "1.1.23"
+#define HAPROXY_DATE	"2003/09/20"
 /* this is for libc5 for example */
 #ifndef TCP_NODELAY
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@
     /* if this server remaps proxied ports, we'll use
      * the port the client connected to with an offset. */
-    if (s->srv->state & SRV_MAPPORTS) {
+    if (s->srv != NULL && s->srv->state & SRV_MAPPORTS) {
 	struct sockaddr_in sockname;
 	int namelen;
@@ -4405,6 +4405,48 @@
 	curproxy->maxconn = defproxy.maxconn;
 	curproxy->conn_retries = defproxy.conn_retries;
 	curproxy->options = defproxy.options;
+	if (defproxy.check_req)
+	    curproxy->check_req = strdup(defproxy.check_req);
+	curproxy->check_len = defproxy.check_len;
+	if (defproxy.cookie_name)
+	    curproxy->cookie_name = strdup(defproxy.cookie_name);
+	curproxy->cookie_len = defproxy.cookie_len;
+	if (defproxy.capture_name)
+	    curproxy->capture_name = strdup(defproxy.capture_name);
+	curproxy->capture_namelen = defproxy.capture_namelen;
+	curproxy->capture_len = defproxy.capture_len;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg400)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg400 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg400);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len400 = defproxy.errmsg.len400;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg403)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg403 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg403);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len403 = defproxy.errmsg.len403;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg408)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg408 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg408);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len408 = defproxy.errmsg.len408;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg500)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg500 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg500);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len500 = defproxy.errmsg.len500;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg502)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg502 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg502);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len502 = defproxy.errmsg.len502;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg503)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg503 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg503);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len503 = defproxy.errmsg.len503;
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg504)
+	    curproxy->errmsg.msg504 = strdup(defproxy.errmsg.msg504);
+	curproxy->errmsg.len504 = defproxy.errmsg.len504;
 	curproxy->clitimeout = defproxy.clitimeout;
 	curproxy->contimeout = defproxy.contimeout;
 	curproxy->srvtimeout = defproxy.srvtimeout;
@@ -4421,6 +4463,19 @@
 	return 0;
     else if (!strcmp(args[0], "defaults")) {  /* use this one to assign default values */
+	/* some variables may have already been initialized earlier */
+	if (defproxy.check_req)     free(defproxy.check_req);
+	if (defproxy.cookie_name)   free(defproxy.cookie_name);
+	if (defproxy.capture_name)  free(defproxy.capture_name);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg400) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg400);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg403) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg403);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg408) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg408);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg500) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg500);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg502) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg502);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg503) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg503);
+	if (defproxy.errmsg.msg504) free(defproxy.errmsg.msg504);
+	init_default_instance();
 	curproxy = &defproxy;
 	return 0;
@@ -4460,15 +4515,16 @@
     else if (!strcmp(args[0], "cookie")) {  /* cookie name */
 	int cur_arg;
-	if (curproxy == &defproxy) {
-	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section.\n", file, linenum, args[0]);
-	    return -1;
-	}
+//	  if (curproxy == &defproxy) {
+//	      Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section.\n", file, linenum, args[0]);
+//	      return -1;
+//	  }
 	if (curproxy->cookie_name != NULL) {
-	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : cookie name already specified. Continuing.\n",
-		  file, linenum);
-	    return 0;
+//	      Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : cookie name already specified. Continuing.\n",
+//		    file, linenum);
+//	      return 0;
+	    free(curproxy->cookie_name);
 	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
@@ -4510,15 +4566,16 @@
     else if (!strcmp(args[0], "capture")) {  /* name of a cookie to capture */
-	if (curproxy == &defproxy) {
-	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section.\n", file, linenum, args[0]);
-	    return -1;
-	}
+//	  if (curproxy == &defproxy) {
+//	      Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section.\n", file, linenum, args[0]);
+//	      return -1;
+//	  }
 	if (curproxy->capture_name != NULL) {
-	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' already specified. Continuing.\n",
-		  file, linenum, args[0]);
-	    return 0;
+//	      Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' already specified. Continuing.\n",
+//		    file, linenum, args[0]);
+//	      return 0;
+	    free(curproxy->capture_name);
 	if (*(args[4]) == 0) {
@@ -4609,15 +4666,28 @@
 	else if (!strcmp(args[1], "httpchk")) {
 	    /* use HTTP request to check servers' health */
+	    if (curproxy->check_req != NULL) {
+		free(curproxy->check_req);
+	    }
 	    curproxy->options |= PR_O_HTTP_CHK;
-	    if (*args[2]) {
+	    if (!*args[2]) { /* no argument */
+		curproxy->check_req = strdup(DEF_CHECK_REQ); /* default request */
+		curproxy->check_len = strlen(DEF_CHECK_REQ);
+	    } else if (!*args[3]) { /* one argument : URI */
 		int reqlen = strlen(args[2]) + strlen("OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
 		curproxy->check_req = (char *)malloc(reqlen);
 		curproxy->check_len = snprintf(curproxy->check_req, reqlen,
 			 "OPTIONS %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", args[2]); /* URI to use */
-	    } else {
-		curproxy->check_req = strdup(DEF_CHECK_REQ); /* default request */
-		curproxy->check_len = strlen(DEF_CHECK_REQ);
+	    } else { /* more arguments : METHOD URI [HTTP_VER] */
+		int reqlen = strlen(args[2]) + strlen(args[3]) + 3 + strlen("\r\n\r\n");
+		if (*args[4])
+		    reqlen += strlen(args[4]);
+		else
+		    reqlen += strlen("HTTP/1.0");
+		curproxy->check_req = (char *)malloc(reqlen);
+		curproxy->check_len = snprintf(curproxy->check_req, reqlen,
+			 "%s %s %s\r\n\r\n", args[2], args[3], *args[4]?args[4]:"HTTP/1.0");
 	else if (!strcmp(args[1], "persist")) {
@@ -5194,10 +5264,10 @@
 	int errnum;
 	char *err;
-	if (curproxy == &defproxy) {
-	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section.\n", file, linenum, args[0]);
-	    return -1;
-	}
+	// if (curproxy == &defproxy) {
+	//     Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section.\n", file, linenum, args[0]);
+	//     return -1;
+	// }
 	if (*(args[2]) == 0) {
 	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <errorloc> expects <error> and <url> as arguments.\n", file, linenum);
@@ -5210,7 +5280,7 @@
 	if (errnum == 400) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg400) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg400 = err;
@@ -5218,7 +5288,7 @@
 	else if (errnum == 403) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg403) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg403 = err;
@@ -5226,7 +5296,7 @@
 	else if (errnum == 408) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg408) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg408 = err;
@@ -5234,7 +5304,7 @@
 	else if (errnum == 500) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg500) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg500 = err;
@@ -5242,7 +5312,7 @@
 	else if (errnum == 502) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg502) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg502 = err;
@@ -5250,7 +5320,7 @@
 	else if (errnum == 503) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg503) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg503 = err;
@@ -5258,7 +5328,7 @@
 	else if (errnum == 504) {
 	    if (curproxy->errmsg.msg504) {
-		Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
+		//Warning("parsing [%s:%d] : error %d already defined.\n", file, linenum, errnum);
 	    curproxy->errmsg.msg504 = err;
@@ -5298,6 +5368,8 @@
     if ((f=fopen(file,"r")) == NULL)
 	return -1;
+    init_default_instance();
     while (fgets(line = thisline, sizeof(thisline), f) != NULL) {
diff --git a/tests/defaults.cfg b/tests/defaults.cfg
index 463ed6c..7621dc8 100644
--- a/tests/defaults.cfg
+++ b/tests/defaults.cfg
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	#option	httplog
 	#option	dontlognull
 	#balance roundrobin
-        server  app1_0 check port 113 inter 100 rise 2 fall 5
+        server  app1_0 check port 113 inter 100 rise 2 fall 5
 	#        server  app1_1 check inter 100 rise 2 fall 5
         #server  app1_2 check inter 100 rise 2 fall 5 backup
 	#retries	1