BUG/MEDIUM: stream: fix client-fin/server-fin handling
A tcp half connection can cause 100% CPU on expiration.
First reproduced with this haproxy configuration :
tune.bufsize 10485760
timeout server-fin 90s
timeout client-fin 90s
backend node2
mode tcp
timeout server 900s
timeout connect 10s
server def
frontend fe_api
mode tcp
timeout client 900s
bind :1990
use_backend node2
Ie timeout server-fin shorter than timeout server, the backend server
sends data, this package is left in the cache of haproxy, the backend
server continue sending fin package, haproxy recv fin package. this
time the session information is as follows:
time the session information is as follows:
0x2373470: proto=tcpv4 src= fe=fe_api be=node2
srv=def ts=08 age=1s calls=3 rq[f=848000h,i=0,an=00h,rx=14m58s,wx=,ax=]
rp[f=8004c020h,i=0,an=00h,rx=,wx=14m58s,ax=] s0=[7,0h,fd=6,ex=]
s1=[7,18h,fd=7,ex=] exp=14m58s
rp has set the CF_SHUTR state, next, the client sends the fin package,
session information is as follows:
0x2373470: proto=tcpv4 src= fe=fe_api be=node2
srv=def ts=08 age=38s calls=4 rq[f=84a020h,i=0,an=00h,rx=,wx=,ax=]
rp[f=8004c020h,i=0,an=00h,rx=1m11s,wx=14m21s,ax=] s0=[7,0h,fd=6,ex=]
s1=[9,10h,fd=7,ex=] exp=1m11s
After waiting 90s, session information is as follows:
0x2373470: proto=tcpv4 src= fe=fe_api be=node2
srv=def ts=04 age=4m11s calls=718074391 rq[f=84a020h,i=0,an=00h,rx=,wx=,ax=]
rp[f=8004c020h,i=0,an=00h,rx=?,wx=10m49s,ax=] s0=[7,0h,fd=6,ex=]
s1=[9,10h,fd=7,ex=] exp=? run(nice=0)
cpu information:
6899 root 20 0 112224 21408 4260 R 100.0 0.7 3:04.96 haproxy
Buffering is set to ensure that there is data in the haproxy buffer, and haproxy
can receive the fin package, set the CF_SHUTR flag, If the CF_SHUTR flag has been
set, The following code does not clear the timeout message, causing cpu 100%:
if (unlikely((res->flags & (CF_SHUTR|CF_READ_TIMEOUT)) == CF_READ_TIMEOUT)) {
if (si_b->flags & SI_FL_NOHALF)
si_b->flags |= SI_FL_NOLINGER;
If you have closed the read, set the read timeout does not make sense.
With or without cf_shutr, read timeout is set:
if (tick_isset(s->be->timeout.serverfin)) {
res->rto = s->be->timeout.serverfin;
res->rex = tick_add(now_ms, res->rto);
After discussion on the mailing list, setting half-closed timeouts the
hard way here doesn't make sense. They should be set only at the moment
the shutdown() is performed. It will also solve a special case which was
already reported of some half-closed timeouts not working when the shutw()
is performed directly at the stream-interface layer (no analyser involved).
Since the stream interface layer cannot know the timeout values, we'll have
to store them directly in the stream interface so that they are used upon
shutw(). This patch does this, fixing the problem.
An easier reproducer to validate the fix is to keep the huge buffer and
shorten all timeouts, then call it under tcploop server and client, and
wait 3 seconds to see haproxy run at 100% CPU :
tune.bufsize 10485760
listen px
bind :1990
timeout client 90s
timeout server 90s
timeout connect 1s
timeout server-fin 3s
timeout client-fin 3s
server def
$ tcploop 3333 L W N20 A P100 F P10000 &
$ tcploop C S10000000 F
5 files changed