BUG/MEDIUM: server: unwanted behavior leaving maintenance mode on tracked stopping server
Leaving the maintenance state and if the server remains in stopping mode due
to a tracked one:
- We mistakenly try to grab some pending conns and shutdown backup sessions.
- The proxy down time and last change were also mistakenly updated
diff --git a/src/server.c b/src/server.c
index ebfe0e5..03fca29 100644
--- a/src/server.c
+++ b/src/server.c
@@ -1183,41 +1183,44 @@
if ((!s->track || s->track->next_state != SRV_ST_STOPPED) &&
(!(s->agent.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) || (s->agent.health >= s->agent.rise)) &&
(!(s->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) || (s->check.health >= s->check.rise))) {
- if (s->proxy->srv_bck == 0 && s->proxy->srv_act == 0) {
- if (s->proxy->last_change < now.tv_sec) // ignore negative times
- s->proxy->down_time += now.tv_sec - s->proxy->last_change;
- s->proxy->last_change = now.tv_sec;
- }
- if (s->last_change < now.tv_sec) // ignore negative times
- s->down_time += now.tv_sec - s->last_change;
- s->last_change = now.tv_sec;
if (s->track && s->track->next_state == SRV_ST_STOPPING)
+ s->last_change = now.tv_sec;
s->next_state = SRV_ST_STOPPING;
else {
+ if (s->proxy->srv_bck == 0 && s->proxy->srv_act == 0) {
+ if (s->proxy->last_change < now.tv_sec) // ignore negative times
+ s->proxy->down_time += now.tv_sec - s->proxy->last_change;
+ s->proxy->last_change = now.tv_sec;
+ }
+ if (s->last_change < now.tv_sec) // ignore negative times
+ s->down_time += now.tv_sec - s->last_change;
+ s->last_change = now.tv_sec;
s->next_state = SRV_ST_STARTING;
if (s->slowstart > 0)
task_schedule(s->warmup, tick_add(now_ms, MS_TO_TICKS(MAX(1000, s->slowstart / 20))));
s->next_state = SRV_ST_RUNNING;
- }
- server_recalc_eweight(s);
+ server_recalc_eweight(s);
- /* If the server is set with "on-marked-up shutdown-backup-sessions",
- * and it's not a backup server and its effective weight is > 0,
- * then it can accept new connections, so we shut down all streams
- * on all backup servers.
- */
- !(s->flags & SRV_F_BACKUP) && s->next_eweight)
- srv_shutdown_backup_streams(s->proxy, SF_ERR_UP);
+ /* If the server is set with "on-marked-up shutdown-backup-sessions",
+ * and it's not a backup server and its effective weight is > 0,
+ * then it can accept new connections, so we shut down all streams
+ * on all backup servers.
+ */
+ !(s->flags & SRV_F_BACKUP) && s->next_eweight)
+ srv_shutdown_backup_streams(s->proxy, SF_ERR_UP);
+ /* check if we can handle some connections queued at the proxy. We
+ * will take as many as we can handle.
+ */
+ xferred = pendconn_grab_from_px(s);
+ }
- /* check if we can handle some connections queued at the proxy. We
- * will take as many as we can handle.
- */
- xferred = pendconn_grab_from_px(s);
if (mode & SRV_ADMF_FMAINT) {