BUG/MEDIUM: http-ana: Reset channels analysers when returning an error

When an error is returned to the client, via a call to
http_reply_and_close(), the request channel is flushed and shut down and
HTTP analysis on both direction is finished. So it is safer to centralize
reset of channels analysers at this place. It is especially important when a
filter is attached to the stream when a client abort is detected. Because,
otherwise, the stream remains blocked because request analysers are not

This bug was hidden for a while. But since the fix 6fcd2d328 ("BUG/MINOR:
stream: Don't release a stream if FLT_END is still registered"), it is
possible to trigger it.

This patch must be backported everywhere the above commit was backported.

(cherry picked from commit 2d56500826d54fca445de2c0170384763b1cfdb1)
Signed-off-by: Christopher Faulet <cfaulet@haproxy.com>
1 file changed