BUG: 51d: Changes to the buffer API in 1.9 were not applied to the 51Degrees code.

The code using the deprecated 'buf->p' has been updated to use
'ci_head(buf)' as described in section 5 of
A compile time switch on 'BUF_NULL' has also been added to enable the
same source code to be used with pre and post API change HAProxy.

This should be backported to 1.9, and is compatible with previous
diff --git a/src/51d.c b/src/51d.c
index 4f49421..20760d6 100644
--- a/src/51d.c
+++ b/src/51d.c
@@ -233,7 +233,13 @@
 		ctx.idx = 0;
 		if (http_find_full_header2((global_51degrees.header_names + i)->area,
 					   (global_51degrees.header_names + i)->data,
-					   msg->chn->buf->p, idx, &ctx) == 1) {
+#ifndef BUF_NULL
+		                           msg->chn->buf->p,
+		                           ci_head(msg->chn),
+		                           idx,
+		                           &ctx) == 1) {
 			ws->importantHeaders[ws->importantHeadersCount].header = ws->dataSet->httpHeaders + i;
 			ws->importantHeaders[ws->importantHeadersCount].headerValue = ctx.line + ctx.val;
 			ws->importantHeaders[ws->importantHeadersCount].headerValueLength = ctx.vlen;
@@ -260,7 +266,14 @@
 		ctx.idx = 0;
 		if (http_find_full_header2((global_51degrees.header_names + index)->area,
 					   (global_51degrees.header_names + index)->data,
-					   msg->chn->buf->p, idx, &ctx) == 1) {
+#ifndef BUF_NULL
+		                           msg->chn->buf->p,
+		                           ci_head(msg->chn),
+		                           idx,
+		                           &ctx) == 1) {
 			(offsets->firstOffset + offsets->size)->httpHeaderOffset = *(global_51degrees.header_offsets + index);
 			(offsets->firstOffset + offsets->size)->deviceOffset = fiftyoneDegreesGetDeviceOffset(&global_51degrees.data_set, ctx.line + ctx.val);