DOC: Add a section to document the internal sample fetches

The section 7.3.7. is now dedicated to internal sample fetches. For now, only
HTX sample fetches are referenced in this section. But it should contain the
documentation of all sample fetches reserved to an internal use, for debugging
or testing purposes.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index a13364e..24ba9bd 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 7.3.4.        Fetching samples at Layer 5
 7.3.5.        Fetching samples from buffer contents (Layer 6)
 7.3.6.        Fetching HTTP samples (Layer 7)
+7.3.7.        Fetching samples for developers
 7.4.      Pre-defined ACLs
 8.    Logging
@@ -16369,6 +16370,111 @@
   the source address family. This can be used to track per-IP, per-URL counters.
+7.3.7. Fetching samples for developers
+This set of sample fetch methods is reserved to developers and must never be
+used on a production environment, except on developer demand, for debugging
+purposes. Moreover, no special care will be taken on backwards compatibility.
+There is no warranty the following sample fetches will never change, be renamed
+or simply removed. So be really careful if you should use one of them. To avoid
+any ambiguity, these sample fetches are placed in the dedicated scope "internal",
+for instance "internal.strm.is_htx".
+ : integer
+  Returns the size in bytes used by data in the HTX message associated to a
+  channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.
+ : integer
+  Returns the free space (size - used) in bytes in the HTX message associated
+  to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.
+internal.htx.free_data : integer
+  Returns the free space for the data in bytes in the HTX message associated to
+  a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.
+internal.htx.has_eom : boolean
+  Returns true if the HTX message associated to a channel contains an
+  end-of-message block (EOM). Otherwise, it returns false. The channel is
+  chosen depending on the sample direction.
+internal.htx.nbblks : integer
+  Returns the number of blocks present in the HTX message associated to a
+  channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.
+internal.htx.size : integer
+  Returns the total size in bytes of the HTX message associated to a
+  channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.
+internal.htx.used : integer
+  Returns the total size used in bytes (data + metadata) in the HTX message
+  associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample
+  direction.
+internal.htx_blk.size(<idx>) : integer
+  Returns the size of the block at the position <idx> in the HTX message
+  associated to a channel or 0 if it does not exist. The channel is chosen
+  depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one
+  of the special value :
+    * head  : The oldest inserted block
+    * tail  : The newest inserted block
+    * fisrt : The first block where to (re)start the analysis
+internal.htx_blk.type(<idx>) : string
+  Returns the type of the block at the position <idx> in the HTX message
+  associated to a channel or "HTX_BLK_UNUSED" if it does not exist. The channel
+  is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive
+  integer or one of the special value :
+    * head  : The oldest inserted block
+    * tail  : The newest inserted block
+    * fisrt : The first block where to (re)start the analysis
+<idx>) : binary
+  Returns the value of the DATA block at the position <idx> in the HTX message
+  associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if it is
+  not a DATA block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.
+  <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :
+    * head  : The oldest inserted block
+    * tail  : The newest inserted block
+    * fisrt : The first block where to (re)start the analysis
+internal.htx_blk.hdrname(<idx>) : string
+  Returns the header name of the HEADER block at the position <idx> in the HTX
+  message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if
+  it is not an HEADER block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample
+  direction.  <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :
+    * head  : The oldest inserted block
+    * tail  : The newest inserted block
+    * fisrt : The first block where to (re)start the analysis
+internal.htx_blk.hdrval(<idx>) : string
+  Returns the header value of the HEADER block at the position <idx> in the HTX
+  message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if
+  it is not an HEADER block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample
+  direction.  <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :
+    * head  : The oldest inserted block
+    * tail  : The newest inserted block
+    * fisrt : The first block where to (re)start the analysis
+internal.htx_blk.start_line(<idx>) : string
+  Returns the value of the REQ_SL or RES_SL block at the position <idx> in the
+  HTX message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist
+  or if it is not a SL block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample
+  direction.  <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :
+    * head  : The oldest inserted block
+    * tail  : The newest inserted block
+    * fisrt : The first block where to (re)start the analysis
+internal.strm.is_htx : boolean
+  Returns true if the current stream is an HTX stream. It means the data in the
+  channels buffers are stored using the internal HTX representation. Otherwise,
+  it returns false.
 7.4. Pre-defined ACLs