TESTS: move tests/*.cfg to tests/config

These are a collection of test files for a variety of features (old or
more recent). 2 or 3 files were found lying there non-committed and
were moved at the same time. A few deprecated or obsolete keywords were
updated to their recent equivalent. Many of these configurations are
made to trigger different parsing errors so it is normal that plenty
of them fail.

Now the tests directory is cleaner and easier to navigate through.
diff --git a/tests/conf/test-fwlc.cfg b/tests/conf/test-fwlc.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4368294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/conf/test-fwlc.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This is a test configuration.
+# It makes use of a farm built from 4 active servers and 4 backup servers,
+# all listenening to different IP addresses on port 80. Health-checks are
+# TCP only on port 81 so that iptables rules permit easy selection of which
+# servers are enabled or disabled.
+# Create statistics counters this way :
+#   iptables -N http
+#   iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -j http
+#   for i in $(seq 1 8); do iptables -A http -d 127.0.0.$i; done
+#   iptables -A http -d
+# Consult the statistics using iptables this way:
+#   iptables --line-numbers -nxvL http
+#   iptables -Z http
+# Block individual servers like this :
+#   iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 81 -d -j DROP
+	maxconn    1000
+        stats socket /tmp/sock1 mode 600
+        stats timeout 3000
+        stats maxconn 2000
+listen  sample1
+        mode       tcp
+        retries    1
+        option redispatch
+        timeout connect 1000
+        timeout client 120000
+        timeout server 120000
+        maxconn    40000
+        bind       :8080
+        balance    leastconn
+	option     allbackups
+        server     act1 weight 10 maxconn 200 check inter 1000 fall 1
+        server     act2 weight 20 maxconn 200 check inter 1000 fall 1
+        server     act3 weight 30 maxconn 200 check inter 1000 fall 1
+        server     act4 weight 40 maxconn 200 check inter 1000 fall 1
+        server     bck1 weight 10 check inter 1000 fall 1 backup
+        server     bck2 weight 20 check inter 1000 fall 1 backup
+        server     bck3 weight 30 check inter 1000 fall 1 backup
+        server     bck4 weight 40 check inter 1000 fall 1 backup
+        option     httpclose
+listen  sample2
+        mode       http
+        timeout connect 1000
+        timeout client 50000
+        timeout server 50000
+        maxconn    40000
+        bind       :8081
+        balance    leastconn
+        option     httpclose
+	stats      uri /stats
+	stats      refresh 5