[DOC] imported lots of internal documentations

Those documentations provide nothing to users nor contributors
but at least now I know where they are.
diff --git a/doc/internals/connection-scale.txt b/doc/internals/connection-scale.txt
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index 0000000..7c3d902
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+++ b/doc/internals/connection-scale.txt
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+Problème des connexions simultanées avec un backend
+Pour chaque serveur, 3 cas possibles :
+  - pas de limite (par défaut)
+  - limite statique (maxconn)
+  - limite dynamique (maxconn/(ratio de px->conn), avec minconn)
+On a donc besoin d'une limite sur le proxy dans le cas de la limite
+dynamique, afin de fixer un seuil et un ratio. Ce qui compte, c'est
+le point après lequel on passe d'un régime linéaire à un régime
+On a donc 3 phases :
+  - régime minimal  (0..srv->minconn)
+  - régime linéaire (srv->minconn..srv->maxconn)
+  - régime saturé (srv->maxconn..)
+Le minconn pourrait aussi ressortir du serveur ?
+En pratique, on veut :
+  - un max par serveur
+  - un seuil global auquel les serveurs appliquent le max
+  - un seuil minimal en-dessous duquel le nb de conn est
+    maintenu. Cette limite a un sens par serveur (jamais moins de X conns)
+    mais aussi en global (pas la peine de faire du dynamique en dessous de
+    X conns à répartir). La difficulté en global, c'est de savoir comment
+    on calcule le nombre min associé à chaque serveur, vu que c'est un ratio
+    défini à partir du max.
+Ca revient à peu près à la même chose que de faire 2 états :
+  - régime linéaire avec un offset (srv->minconn..srv->maxconn)
+  - régime saturé (srv->maxconn..)
+Sauf que dans ce cas, le min et le max sont bien par serveur, et le seuil est
+global et correspond à la limite de connexions au-delà de laquel on veut
+tourner à plein régime sur l'ensemble des serveurs. On peut donc parler de
+passage en mode "full", "saturated", "optimal". On peut également parler de
+la fin de la partie "scalable", "dynamique".
+=> fullconn 1000 par exemple ?
diff --git a/doc/internals/header-parser-speed.txt b/doc/internals/header-parser-speed.txt
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index 0000000..285e2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/internals/header-parser-speed.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+TEST 3:
+  printf "GET /\r\nbla: truc\r\n\r\n"
+WHL: hdr_st=0x00, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8071080, lr=0x8071080, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x01, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8071080, lr=0x8071080, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x32, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8071080, lr=0x8071086, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x8071087, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x8071091, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x8071092, lr=0x8071092, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x8071092, lr=0x8071093, r=0x8071094
+WHL: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x8071092, lr=0x8071093, r=0x8071094
+END: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x8071092, lr=0x8071094, r=0x8071094
+=> 9 trans
+WHL: hdr_st=0x00, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x806a770, lr=0x806a770, r=0x806a784
+WHL: hdr_st=0x32, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x806a770, lr=0x806a776, r=0x806a784
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x806a777, lr=0x806a777, r=0x806a784
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x806a777, lr=0x806a781, r=0x806a784
+WHL: hdr_st=0x26, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x806a782, lr=0x806a783, r=0x806a784
+END: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x806a782, lr=0x806a784, r=0x806a784
+=> 6 trans
+TEST 4:
+  printf "GET /\nbla: truc\n\n"
+WHL: hdr_st=0x00, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x80750d0, lr=0x80750d0, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x01, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x80750d0, lr=0x80750d0, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x02, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x80750d0, lr=0x80750d5, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x80750d6, lr=0x80750d6, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x04, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x80750d6, lr=0x80750df, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x80750e0, lr=0x80750e0, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x04, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x80750e0, lr=0x80750e0, r=0x80750e1
+WHL: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x80750e0, lr=0x80750e0, r=0x80750e1
+END: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x80750e0, lr=0x80750e1, r=0x80750e1
+=> 9 trans
+WHL: hdr_st=0x00, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8072010, lr=0x8072010, r=0x8072021
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8072016, lr=0x8072016, r=0x8072021
+END: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x8072020, lr=0x8072021, r=0x8072021
+=> 3 trans
+TEST 5:
+  printf "GET /\r\nbla: truc\r\n  truc2\r\n\r\n"
+WHL: hdr_st=0x00, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8071080, lr=0x8071080, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x01, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8071080, lr=0x8071080, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x32, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x8071080, lr=0x8071086, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x8071087, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x8071091, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x05, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x8071092, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x8071094, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x8071087, lr=0x807109a, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x807109b, lr=0x807109b, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x807109b, lr=0x807109c, r=0x807109d
+WHL: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x807109b, lr=0x807109c, r=0x807109d
+END: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x807109b, lr=0x807109d, r=0x807109d
+=> 12 trans
+WHL: hdr_st=0x00, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x806dfc0, lr=0x806dfc0, r=0x806dfdd
+WHL: hdr_st=0x32, hdr_used=1 hdr_tail=0 hdr_last=1, h=0x806dfc0, lr=0x806dfc6, r=0x806dfdd
+WHL: hdr_st=0x03, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x806dfc7, lr=0x806dfc7, r=0x806dfdd
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x806dfc7, lr=0x806dfd1, r=0x806dfdd
+WHL: hdr_st=0x34, hdr_used=2 hdr_tail=1 hdr_last=2, h=0x806dfc7, lr=0x806dfda, r=0x806dfdd
+WHL: hdr_st=0x26, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x806dfdb, lr=0x806dfdc, r=0x806dfdd
+END: hdr_st=0x06, hdr_used=3 hdr_tail=2 hdr_last=3, h=0x806dfdb, lr=0x806dfdd, r=0x806dfdd
+=> 7 trans
diff --git a/doc/internals/http-parsing.txt b/doc/internals/http-parsing.txt
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index 0000000..7e731c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/internals/http-parsing.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+--- Relevant portions of RFC2616 ---
+OCTET               = <any 8-bit sequence of data>
+CHAR                = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)>
+UPALPHA             = <any US-ASCII uppercase letter "A".."Z">
+LOALPHA             = <any US-ASCII lowercase letter "a".."z">
+ALPHA               = UPALPHA | LOALPHA
+DIGIT               = <any US-ASCII digit "0".."9">
+CTL                 = <any US-ASCII control character (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>
+CR                  = <US-ASCII CR, carriage return (13)>
+LF                  = <US-ASCII LF, linefeed (10)>
+SP                  = <US-ASCII SP, space (32)>
+HT                  = <US-ASCII HT, horizontal-tab (9)>
+<">                 = <US-ASCII double-quote mark (34)>
+CRLF                = CR LF
+LWS                 = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )
+TEXT                = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS>
+HEX                 = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F"
+                      | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | DIGIT
+separators          = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@"
+                    | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <">
+                    | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "="
+                    | "{" | "}" | SP | HT
+token               = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
+quoted-pair         = "\" CHAR
+ctext               = <any TEXT excluding "(" and ")">
+qdtext              = <any TEXT except <">>
+quoted-string       = ( <"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <"> )
+comment             = "(" *( ctext | quoted-pair | comment ) ")"
+4 HTTP Message
+4.1 Message Types
+HTTP messages consist of requests from client to server and responses from
+server to client. Request (section 5) and Response (section 6) messages use the
+generic message format of RFC 822 [9] for transferring entities (the payload of
+the message). Both types of message consist of :
+  - a start-line
+  - zero or more header fields (also known as "headers")
+  - an empty line (i.e., a line with nothing preceding the CRLF) indicating the
+    end of the header fields
+  - and possibly a message-body.
+HTTP-message        = Request | Response
+start-line          = Request-Line | Status-Line
+generic-message     = start-line
+                      *(message-header CRLF)
+                      CRLF
+                      [ message-body ]
+In the interest of robustness, servers SHOULD ignore any empty line(s) received
+where a Request-Line is expected. In other words, if the server is reading the
+protocol stream at the beginning of a message and receives a CRLF first, it
+should ignore the CRLF.
+4.2 Message headers
+- Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field
+  value.
+- Field names are case-insensitive.
+- The field value MAY be preceded by any amount of LWS, though a single SP is
+  preferred.
+- Header fields can be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra
+  line with at least one SP or HT.
+message-header      = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
+field-name          = token
+field-value         = *( field-content | LWS )
+field-content       = <the OCTETs making up the field-value and consisting of
+                       either *TEXT or combinations of token, separators, and
+                       quoted-string>
+The field-content does not include any leading or trailing LWS occurring before
+the first non-whitespace character of the field-value or after the last
+non-whitespace character of the field-value. Such leading or trailing LWS MAY
+be removed without changing the semantics of the field value. Any LWS that
+occurs between field-content MAY be replaced with a single SP before
+interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
+=> format des headers = 1*(CHAR & !ctl & !sep) ":" *(OCTET & (!ctl | LWS))
+=> les regex de matching de headers s'appliquent sur field-content, et peuvent
+   utiliser field-value comme espace de travail (mais de préférence après le
+   premier SP).
+(19.3) The line terminator for message-header fields is the sequence CRLF.
+However, we recommend that applications, when parsing such headers, recognize
+a single LF as a line terminator and ignore the leading CR.
+message-body    = entity-body
+                | <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>
+5 Request
+Request         = Request-Line
+                  *(( general-header
+                    | request-header
+                    | entity-header ) CRLF)
+                  CRLF
+                  [ message-body ]
+5.1 Request line
+The elements are separated by SP characters. No CR or LF is allowed except in
+the final CRLF sequence.
+Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
+(19.3) Clients SHOULD be tolerant in parsing the Status-Line and servers
+tolerant when parsing the Request-Line. In particular, they SHOULD accept any
+amount of SP or HT characters between fields, even though only a single SP is
+4.5 General headers
+Apply to MESSAGE.
+general-header  = Cache-Control
+                | Connection
+                | Date
+                | Pragma
+                | Trailer
+                | Transfer-Encoding
+                | Upgrade
+                | Via
+                | Warning
+General-header field names can be extended reliably only in combination with a
+change in the protocol version. However, new or experimental header fields may
+be given the semantics of general header fields if all parties in the
+communication recognize them to be general-header fields. Unrecognized header
+fields are treated as entity-header fields.
+5.3 Request Header Fields
+The request-header fields allow the client to pass additional information about
+the request, and about the client itself, to the server. These fields act as
+request modifiers, with semantics equivalent to the parameters on a programming
+language method invocation.
+request-header  = Accept
+                | Accept-Charset
+                | Accept-Encoding
+                | Accept-Language
+                | Authorization
+                | Expect
+                | From
+                | Host
+                | If-Match
+                | If-Modified-Since
+                | If-None-Match
+                | If-Range
+                | If-Unmodified-Since
+                | Max-Forwards
+                | Proxy-Authorization
+                | Range
+                | Referer
+                | TE
+                | User-Agent
+Request-header field names can be extended reliably only in combination with a
+change in the protocol version. However, new or experimental header fields MAY
+be given the semantics of request-header fields if all parties in the
+communication recognize them to be request-header fields. Unrecognized header
+fields are treated as entity-header fields.
+7.1 Entity header fields
+Entity-header fields define metainformation about the entity-body or, if no
+body is present, about the resource identified by the request. Some of this
+metainformation is OPTIONAL; some might be REQUIRED by portions of this
+entity-header   = Allow
+                | Content-Encoding
+                | Content-Language
+                | Content-Length
+                | Content-Location
+                | Content-MD5
+                | Content-Range
+                | Content-Type
+                | Expires
+                | Last-Modified
+                | extension-header
+extension-header = message-header
+The extension-header mechanism allows additional entity-header fields to be
+defined without changing the protocol, but these fields cannot be assumed to be
+recognizable by the recipient. Unrecognized header fields SHOULD be ignored by
+the recipient and MUST be forwarded by transparent proxies.
+---- The correct way to do it ----
+- one http_session
+  It is basically any transport session on which we talk HTTP. It may be TCP,
+  SSL over TCP, etc... It knows a way to talk to the client, either the socket
+  file descriptor or a direct access to the client-side buffer. It should hold
+  information about the last accessed server so that we can guarantee that the
+  same server can be used during a whole session if needed. A first version
+  without optimal support for HTTP pipelining will have the client buffers tied
+  to the http_session. It may be possible that it is not sufficient for full
+  pipelining, but this will need further study. The link from the buffers to
+  the backend should be managed by the http_request, provided that they are
+  serialized. Each http_session, has 0 to N http_requests. Each http_request
+  belongs to one and only one http_session.
+- each http_request has 1 request message, and 0 or 1 response message. Each of
+  them has 1 and only one http_request. An http_request holds informations such
+  as the HTTP method, the URI, the HTTP version, the transfer-encoding, the
+  HTTP status, the authorization, the req and resp content-length, the timers,
+  logs, etc... The backend and server which process the request are also known
+  from the http_request.
+- both request and response messages hold header and parsing informations, such
+  as the parsing state, start of headers, start of request, captures, etc...
diff --git a/doc/internals/repartition-be-fe-fi.txt b/doc/internals/repartition-be-fe-fi.txt
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index 0000000..261d073
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+++ b/doc/internals/repartition-be-fe-fi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+- session : ajouter ->fiprm et ->beprm comme raccourcis
+- px->maxconn: ne s'applique qu'au FE. Pour le BE, on utilise fullconn,
+  initialisé par défaut à la même chose que maxconn.
+     \ from:   proxy       session       server           actuellement
+field \
+rules          px->fiprm   sess->fiprm   -
+srv,cookies    px->beprm   sess->beprm   srv->px
+options(log)   px->        sess->fe      -
+options(fe)    px->        sess->fe      -
+options(be)    px->beprm   sess->beprm   srv->px
+captures       px->        sess->fe      -                ->fiprm
+logs           px->        sess->fe      srv->px
+errorloc       px->        sess->beprm|fe -
+maxconn        px->        sess->fe       -               ->be
+fullconn       px->        sess->beprm   srv->px          -
diff --git a/doc/internals/stats-v2.txt b/doc/internals/stats-v2.txt
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index 0000000..7d2ae76
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+++ b/doc/internals/stats-v2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+         Qcur  Qmax  Scur  Smax  Slim  Scum   Fin   Fout   Bin   Bout  Ereq  Econ  Ersp  Sts   Wght  Act   Bck   EChk  Down
+Frontend   -     -     X   maxX    Y   totX    I     O      I     O      Q     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
+Server     X   maxX    X   maxX    Y   totX    I     O      I     O      -     C     R     S     W     A     B     E     D
+Server     X   maxX    X   maxX    Y   totX    I     O      I     O      -     C     R     S     W     A     B     E     D
+Server     X   maxX    X   maxX    Y   totX    I     O      I     O      -     C     R     S     W     A     B     E     D
+Backend    X   maxX    X   maxX    Y   totX    I     O      I     O      -     C     R     S   totW  totA  totB  totE  totD
diff --git a/doc/internals/todo.cttproxy b/doc/internals/todo.cttproxy
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index 0000000..ad5bc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/internals/todo.cttproxy
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - check TPROXY_VERSION if lstchk_tproxy
+  - check capabilities for CAP_NET_ADMIN if lstchk_tproxy
+  - add capabilities support to the global conf (cap_bind_service)
+  - add support for non-local listen address