MEDIUM: acl: support IPv6 address matching

Make use of the new IPv6 pattern type so that acl_match_ip() knows how to
compare pattern and sample.

IPv6 may be entered in their usual form, with or without a netmask appended.
Only bit counts are accepted for IPv6 netmasks. In order to avoid any risk of
trouble with randomly resolved IP addresses, host names are never allowed in
IPv6 patterns.

HAProxy is also able to match IPv4 addresses with IPv6 addresses in the
following situations :
  - tested address is IPv4, pattern address is IPv4, the match applies
    in IPv4 using the supplied mask if any.
  - tested address is IPv6, pattern address is IPv6, the match applies
    in IPv6 using the supplied mask if any.
  - tested address is IPv6, pattern address is IPv4, the match applies in IPv4
    using the pattern's mask if the IPv6 address matches with 2002:IPV4::,
    ::IPV4 or ::ffff:IPV4, otherwise it fails.
  - tested address is IPv4, pattern address is IPv6, the IPv4 address is first
    converted to IPv6 by prefixing ::ffff: in front of it, then the match is
    applied in IPv6 using the supplied IPv6 mask.
diff --git a/include/types/acl.h b/include/types/acl.h
index 492e963..bf5537f 100644
--- a/include/types/acl.h
+++ b/include/types/acl.h
@@ -202,6 +202,10 @@
 			struct in_addr addr;
 			struct in_addr mask;
 		} ipv4;                         /* IPv4 address */
+		struct {
+			struct in6_addr addr;
+			unsigned char mask;     /* number of bits */
+		} ipv6;                         /* IPv6 address/mask */
 		struct acl_time time;           /* valid hours and days */
 		unsigned int group_mask;
 		struct eb_root *tree;           /* tree storing all values if any */