MINOR: server/bind: add support of new prefixes for addresses.

Since the internal function str2sa_range is used to addresses
for different objects ('server', 'bind' but also 'log' or
'nameserver') we notice that some combinations are missing.

"ip@" is introduced to authorize the prefix "dgram+ip@" or
"stream+ip@" which dectects automatically IP version but
specify dgram or stream.

"tcp@" was introduced and is an alias for "stream+ip@".
"tcp6" and "tcp4" are now aliases for "stream+ipv6@" and

"uxst@" and "uxdg@" are now aliases for "stream+unix@" and

This patch also adds a complete section in documentation to
describe adresses and their prefixes.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index 6b52609..1ddf96b 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@
 10.2.     Default parameters
 10.3.     Limitations
+11.   Address formats
+11.1.     Address family prefixes
+11.2.     Socket type prefixes
+11.3.     Protocol prefixes
 1. Quick reminder about HTTP
@@ -21550,6 +21554,150 @@
 must not exceeds the size of a buffer. However, there is no reserve to respect
+11. Address formats
+Several statements as "bind, "server", "nameserver" and "log" requires an
+This address can be a host name, an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or '*'.
+The '*' is equal to the special address "" and can be used, in the case
+of "bind" or "dgram-bind" to listen on all IPv4 of the system.The IPv6
+equivalent is '::'.
+Depending of the statement, a port or port range follows the IP address. This
+is mandatory on 'bind' statement, optional on 'server'.
+This address can also begin with a slash '/'. It is considered as the "unix"
+family, and '/' and following characters must be present the path.
+Default socket type or transport method "datagram" or "stream" depends on the
+configuration statement showing the address. Indeed, 'bind' and 'server' will
+use a "stream" socket type by default whereas 'log', 'nameserver' or
+'dgram-bind' will use a "datagram".
+Optionally, a prefix could be used to force the address family and/or the
+socket type and the transport method.
+11.1 Address family prefixes
+'abns@<name>' following <name> is an abstract namespace (Linux only).
+'fd@<n>'      following address is a file descriptor <n> inherited from the
+              parent. The fd must be bound and may or may not already be
+              listening.
+'ip@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4 or
+                               IPv6 address depending on the syntax. Depending
+                               on the statement using this address, a port or
+                               a port range may or must be specified.
+'ipv4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as
+                                 an IPv4 address. Depending on the statement
+                                 using this address, a port or a port range
+                                 may or must be specified.
+'ipv6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as
+                                 an IPv6 address. Depending on the statement
+                                 using this address, a port or a port range
+                                 may or must be specified.
+'sockpair@<n>' following address is the file descriptor of a connected unix
+               socket or of a socketpair. During a connection, the initiator
+               creates a pair of connected sockets, and passes one of them
+               over the FD to the other end. The listener waits to receive
+               the FD from the unix socket and uses it as if it were the FD
+               of an accept(). Should be used carefully.
+'unix@<path>'  following string is considered as a UNIX socket <path>. this
+               prefix is useful to declare an UNIX socket path which don't
+               start by slash '/'.
+11.2 Socket type prefixes
+Previous "Address family prefixes" can also be prefixed to force the socket
+type and the transport method. The default depends of the statement using
+this address but in some cases the user may force it to a different one.
+This is the case for "log" statement where the default is syslog over UDP
+but we could force to use syslog over TCP.
+Those prefixes were designed for internal purpose and users should
+instead use aliases of the next section "11.5.3 Protocol prefixes".
+If users need one those prefixes to perform what they expect because
+they can not configure the same using the protocol prefixes, they should
+report this to the maintainers.
+'stream+<family>@<address>' forces socket type and transport method
+                            to "stream"
+'dgram+<family>@<address>'  forces socket type and transport method
+                            to "datagram".
+11.3 Protocol prefixes
+'tcp@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4
+                                or IPv6 address depending of the syntax but
+                                socket type and transport method is forced to
+                                "stream". Depending on the statement using
+                                this address, a port or a port range can or
+                                must be specified. It is considered as an alias
+                                of 'stream+ip@'.
+'tcp4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as
+                                 an IPv4 address but socket type and transport
+                                 method is forced to "stream". Depending on the
+                                 statement using this address, a port or port
+                                 range can or must be specified.
+                                 It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ipv4@'.
+'tcp6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as
+                                 an IPv6 address but socket type and transport
+                                 method is forced to "stream". Depending on the
+                                 statement using this address, a port or port
+                                 range can or must be specified.
+                                 It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ipv4@'.
+'udp@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4
+                                or IPv6 address depending of the syntax but
+                                socket type and transport method is forced to
+                                "datagram". Depending on the statement using
+                                this address, a port or a port range can or
+                                must be specified. It is considered as an alias
+                                of 'dgram+ip@'.
+'udp4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as
+                                 an IPv4 address but socket type and transport
+                                 method is forced to "datagram". Depending on
+                                 the statement using this address, a port or
+                                 port range can or must be specified.
+                                 It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ipv4@'.
+'udp6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as
+                                 an IPv6 address but socket type and transport
+                                 method is forced to "datagram". Depending on
+                                 the statement using this address, a port or
+                                 port range can or must be specified.
+                                 It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ipv4@'.
+'uxdg@<path>'    following string is considered as a unix socket <path> but
+                 transport method is forced to "datagram". It is considered as
+                 an alias of 'dgram+unix@'.
+'uxst@<path>'    following string is considered as a unix socket <path> but
+                 transport method is forced to "stream". It is considered as
+                 an alias of 'stream+unix@'.
+In future versions, other prefixes could be used to specify protocols like
+QUIC which proposes stream transport based on socket of type "datagram".
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