DEV: flags: fix usage message to reflect available options

The proposed decoding options were not updated after the changes in 2.6,
let's fix that by taking the names from the existing declaration. This
should be backported to 2.6.
diff --git a/dev/flags/flags.c b/dev/flags/flags.c
index 733113d..711f451 100644
--- a/dev/flags/flags.c
+++ b/dev/flags/flags.c
@@ -406,7 +406,14 @@
 void usage_exit(const char *name)
-	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ana|chn|conn|sc|si|sierr|strm|task|txn]* { [+-][0x]value* | - }\n", name);
+	int word, nbword;
+	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [", name);
+	nbword = sizeof(show_as_words) / sizeof(*show_as_words);
+	for (word = 0; word < nbword; word++)
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", word ? "|" : "", show_as_words[word]);
+	fprintf(stderr, "]* { [+-][0x]value* | - }\n");