REORG: ssl: move crtlist functions to src/ssl_crtlist.c

Move the crtlist functions to src/ssl_crtlist.c and their definitions to

The following functions were moved:

/* crt-list entry functions */
void ssl_sock_free_ssl_conf(struct ssl_bind_conf *conf);
char **crtlist_dup_filters(char **args, int fcount);
void crtlist_free_filters(char **args);
void crtlist_entry_free(struct crtlist_entry *entry);
struct crtlist_entry *crtlist_entry_new();

/* crt-list functions */
void crtlist_free(struct crtlist *crtlist);
struct crtlist *crtlist_new(const char *filename, int unique);

/* file loading */
int crtlist_parse_line(char *line, char **crt_path, struct crtlist_entry *entry, const char *file, int linenum, char **err);
int crtlist_parse_file(char *file, struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct proxy *curproxy, struct crtlist **crtlist, char **err);
int crtlist_load_cert_dir(char *path, struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct crtlist **crtlist, char **err);
4 files changed