CLEANUP: peers: Remove useless statements.

When implementing peer_recv_msg() we added the statements reached with
a "goto imcomplete" at the end of this function. This statements
are executed only when co_getblk() returns something <0. So they
are useless for now on, and may be safely removed. The following
section wich was responsible of sending any peer protocol messages
were reached only when co_getblk() returned 0 (no more message to
read). In this case we replace the "goto impcomplete" statement by
a "goto send_msgs" to reach this only when peer_recv_msg() returns 0.

May be backported as far as 1.5.
diff --git a/src/peers.c b/src/peers.c
index 48faa9d..4a08dd5 100644
--- a/src/peers.c
+++ b/src/peers.c
@@ -2125,27 +2125,20 @@
 				if (reql <= 0) {
 					if (reql == -1)
 						goto switchstate;
-					goto incomplete;
+					goto send_msgs;
 				msg_end += msg_len;
 				if (!peer_treat_awaited_msg(appctx, curpeer, msg_head, &msg_cur, msg_end, msg_len, totl))
 					goto switchstate;
 				/* skip consumed message */
 				co_skip(si_oc(si), totl);
 				/* loop on that state to peek next message */
 				goto switchstate;
-				/* we get here when a co_getblk() returns <= 0 in reql */
-				if (reql < 0) {
-					/* there was an error */
-					appctx->st0 = PEER_SESS_ST_END;
-					goto switchstate;
-				}
+				/* we get here when a peer_recv_msg() returns 0 in reql */
 				repl = peer_send_msgs(appctx, curpeer);
 				if (repl <= 0) {
 					if (repl == -1)