BUG/MINOR: cache: Wrong usage of shctx_init().

With this patch we check that shctx_init() does not returns 0.
This is possible if the maxblocks argument, which is passed as an
int, is negative due to an implicit conversion.

Must be backported to 1.8.
diff --git a/src/cache.c b/src/cache.c
index 9070e99..77986fb 100644
--- a/src/cache.c
+++ b/src/cache.c
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@
 		ret_shctx = shctx_init(&shctx, tmp_cache_config->maxblocks, CACHE_BLOCKSIZE,
 		                       tmp_cache_config->maxobjsz, sizeof(struct cache), 1);
-		if (ret_shctx < 0) {
+		if (ret_shctx <= 0) {
 			if (ret_shctx == SHCTX_E_INIT_LOCK)
 				ha_alert("Unable to initialize the lock for the cache.\n");