* released 1.1.16
* implement HTTP health checks when option "httpchk" is specified.
* put the changelog into a new CHANGELOG file
* updated the Formilux init script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d93a8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * ChangeLog :
+ *
+ * 2002/09/01 : 1.1.16
+ *   - implement HTTP health checks when option "httpchk" is specified.
+ * 2002/08/07 : 1.1.15
+ *   - replaced setpgid()/setpgrp() with setsid() for better portability, because
+ *     setpgrp() doesn't have the same meaning under Solaris, Linux, and OpenBSD.
+ * 2002/07/20 : 1.1.14
+ *   - added "postonly" cookie mode
+ * 2002/07/15 : 1.1.13
+ *   - tv_diff used inverted parameters which led to negative times !
+ * 2002/07/13 : 1.1.12
+ *   - fixed stats monitoring, and optimized some tv_* for most common cases.
+ *   - replaced temporary 'newhdr' with 'trash' to reduce stack size
+ *   - made HTTP errors more HTML-fiendly.
+ *   - renamed strlcpy() to strlcpy2() because of a slightly difference between
+ *     their behaviour (return value), to avoid confusion.
+ *   - restricted HTTP messages to HTTP proxies only
+ *   - added a 502 message when the connection has been refused by the server,
+ *     to prevent clients from believing this is a zero-byte HTTP 0.9 reply.
+ *   - changed 'Cache-control:' from 'no-cache="set-cookie"' to 'private' when
+ *     inserting a cookie, because some caches (apache) don't understand it.
+ *   - fixed processing of server headers when client is in SHUTR state
+ * 2002/07/04 :
+ *   - automatically close fd's 0,1 and 2 when going daemon ; setpgrp() after
+ *     setpgid()
+ * 2002/06/04 : 1.1.11
+ *   - fixed multi-cookie handling in client request to allow clean deletion
+ *     in insert+indirect mode. Now, only the server cookie is deleted and not
+ *     all the header. Should now be compliant to RFC2109.
+ *   - added a "nocache" option to "cookie" to specify that we explicitly want
+ *     to add a "cache-control" header when we add a cookie.
+ *     It is also possible to add an "Expires: <old-date>" to keep compatibility
+ *     with old/broken caches.
+ * 2002/05/10 : 1.1.10
+ *   - if a cookie is used in insert+indirect mode, it's desirable that the
+ *     the servers don't see it. It was not possible to remove it correctly
+ *     with regexps, so now it's removed automatically.
+ * 2002/04/19 : 1.1.9
+ *   - don't use snprintf()'s return value as an end of message since it may
+ *     be larger. This caused bus errors and segfaults in internal libc's
+ *     getenv() during localtime() in send_log().
+ *   - removed dead insecure send_syslog() function and all references to it.
+ *   - fixed warnings on Solaris due to buggy implementation of isXXXX().
+ * 2002/04/18 : 1.1.8
+ *   - option "dontlognull"
+ *   - fixed "double space" bug in config parser
+ *   - fixed an uninitialized server field in case of dispatch
+ *     with no existing server which could cause a segfault during
+ *     logging.
+ *   - the pid logged was always the father's, which was wrong for daemons.
+ *   - fixed wrong level "LOG_INFO" for message "proxy started".
+ * 2002/04/13 :
+ *   - http logging is now complete :
+ *     - ip:port, date, proxy, server
+ *     - req_time, conn_time, hdr_time, tot_time
+ *     - status, size, request
+ *   - source address
+ * 2002/04/12 : 1.1.7
+ *   - added option forwardfor
+ *   - added reqirep, reqidel, reqiallow, reqideny, rspirep, rspidel
+ *   - added "log global" in "listen" section.
+ * 2002/04/09 :
+ *   - added a new "global" section :
+ *     - logs
+ *     - debug, quiet, daemon modes
+ *     - uid, gid, chroot, nbproc, maxconn
+ * 2002/04/08 : 1.1.6
+ *   - regex are now chained and not limited anymore.
+ *   - unavailable server now returns HTTP/502.
+ *   - increased per-line args limit to 40
+ *   - added reqallow/reqdeny to block some request on matches
+ *   - added HTTP 400/403 responses
+ * 2002/04/03 : 1.1.5
+ *   - connection logging displayed incorrect source address.
+ *   - added proxy start/stop and server up/down log events.
+ *   - replaced log message short buffers with larger trash.
+ *   - enlarged buffer to 8 kB and replace buffer to 4 kB.
+ * 2002/03/25 : 1.1.4
+ *   - made rise/fall/interval time configurable
+ * 2002/03/22 : 1.1.3
+ *   - fixed a bug : cr_expire and cw_expire were inverted in CL_STSHUT[WR]
+ *     which could lead to loops.
+ * 2002/03/21 : 1.1.2
+ *   - fixed a bug in buffer management where we could have a loop
+ *     between event_read() and process_{cli|srv} if R==BUFSIZE-MAXREWRITE.
+ *     => implemented an adjustable buffer limit.
+ *   - fixed a bug : expiration of tasks in wait queue timeout is used again,
+ *     and running tasks are skipped.
+ *   - added some debug lines for accept events.
+ *   - send warnings for servers up/down.
+ * 2002/03/12 : 1.1.1
+ *   - fixed a bug in total failure handling
+ *   - fixed a bug in timestamp comparison within same second (tv_cmp_ms)
+ * 2002/03/10 : 1.1.0
+ *   - fixed a few timeout bugs
+ *   - rearranged the task scheduler subsystem to improve performance,
+ *     add new tasks, and make it easier to later port to librt ;
+ *   - allow multiple accept() for one select() wake up ;
+ *   - implemented internal load balancing with basic health-check ;
+ *   - cookie insertion and header add/replace/delete, with better strings
+ *     support.
+ * 2002/03/08
+ *   - reworked buffer handling to fix a few rewrite bugs, and
+ *     improve overall performance.
+ *   - implement the "purge" option to delete server cookies in direct mode.
+ * 2002/03/07
+ *   - fixed some error cases where the maxfd was not decreased.
+ * 2002/02/26
+ *   - now supports transparent proxying, at least on linux 2.4.
+ * 2002/02/12
+ *   - soft stop works again (fixed select timeout computation).
+ *   - it seems that TCP proxies sometimes cannot timeout.
+ *   - added a "quiet" mode.
+ *   - enforce file descriptor limitation on socket() and accept().
+ * 2001/12/30 : release of version 1.0.2 : fixed a bug in header processing
+ * 2001/12/19 : release of version 1.0.1 : no MSG_NOSIGNAL on solaris
+ * 2001/12/16 : release of version 1.0.0.
+ * 2001/12/16 : added syslog capability for each accepted connection.
+ * 2001/11/19 : corrected premature end of files and occasional SIGPIPE.
+ * 2001/10/31 : added health-check type servers (mode health) which replies OK then closes.
+ * 2001/10/30 : added the ability to support standard TCP proxies and HTTP proxies
+ * 		with or without cookies (use keyword http for this).
+ * 2001/09/01 : added client/server header replacing with regexps.
+ * 		eg:
+ *			cliexp ^(Host:\ [^:]*).* Host:\ \1:80
+ *			srvexp ^Server:\ .* Server:\ Apache
+ * 2000/11/29 : first fully working release with complete FSMs and timeouts.
+ * 2000/11/28 : major rewrite
+ * 2000/11/26 : first write
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 9723680..7d8ef74 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   matchée dans la "session" pour accélérer les regex.
 - gestion keep-alive
-- handle parametrable HTTP health-checks replies
++ handle parametrable HTTP health-checks replies
 - differentiate http headers and http uris
 - support environment variables in config file
 - support keep-alive
diff --git a/doc/haproxy.txt b/doc/haproxy.txt
index b9b0aee..06ed2f9 100644
--- a/doc/haproxy.txt
+++ b/doc/haproxy.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
          		     H A - P r o x y
-         		      version 1.1.14
+         		      version 1.1.16
 			      willy tarreau
-			       2002/07/20
+			       2002/09/01
 | Introduction |
@@ -556,10 +556,9 @@
 3.1) Surveillance des serveurs
-A cette date, l'état des serveurs n'est testé que par établissement de connexion
-TCP toutes les 2 secondes, avec 3 essais pour déclarer un serveur en panne, 2
-pour le déclarer utilisable. Un serveur hors d'usage ne sera pas utilisé dans le
-processus de répartition de charge interne. Pour activer la surveillance,
+Il est possible de tester l'état des serveurs par établissement de connexion TCP
+ou par envoi d'une requête HTTP. Un serveur hors d'usage ne sera pas utilisé
+dans leprocessus de répartition de charge interne. Pour activer la surveillance,
 ajouter le mot clé 'check' à la fin de la déclaration du serveur. Il est
 possible de spécifier l'intervalle (en millisecondes) séparant deux tests du
 serveur par le paramètre "inter", le nombre d'échecs acceptés par le paramètre
@@ -569,13 +568,32 @@
  - rise  : 2
  - fall  : 3
+Le mode par défaut consiste à établir des connexions TCP uniquement. Dans
+certains cas de pannes, des serveurs peuvent continuer à accepter les connexions
+sans les traiter. Depuis la version 1.1.16, haproxy est en mesure d'envoyer des
+requêtes HTTP courtes et très peu coûteuses : "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0". Elles
+présentent l'avantage d'être facilement extractibles des logs, et de ne pas
+induire d'accès aux fichiers côté serveur. Seules les réponses 2xx et 3xx sont
+considérées valides, les autres (y compris non-réponses) aboutissent à un échec.
+Le temps maximal imparti pour une réponse est égal à l'intervalle entre deux
+tests (paramètre "inter"). Pour activer ce mode, spécifier l'option "httpchk".
 Exemples :
-# même que précédemment avec surveillance
+# même que précédemment avec surveillance TCP
+    listen http_proxy
+	mode http
+	cookie SERVERID
+	balance roundrobin
+	server web1 cookie server01 check
+	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
+# même que précédemment avec surveillance HTTP
     listen http_proxy
 	mode http
 	cookie SERVERID
 	balance roundrobin
+	option httpchk
 	server web1 cookie server01 check
 	server web2 cookie server02 check inter 500 rise 1 fall 2
diff --git a/examples/examples.cfg b/examples/examples.cfg
index b3bff69..8bec828 100644
--- a/examples/examples.cfg
+++ b/examples/examples.cfg
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
-	server nc cookie cookie1 check
+	option httpchk
+	server test cookie cookie1 check inter 300
+#	server nc cookie cookie1 check inter 300
 #	server tuxlocal0 cookie cookie1 check
 #	server tuxlocal1 cookie cookie1 check
 #	server tuxlocal2 cookie cookie2 check
diff --git a/examples/haproxy.cfg b/examples/haproxy.cfg
index 4e8b434..97ef70b 100644
--- a/examples/haproxy.cfg
+++ b/examples/haproxy.cfg
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 	mode	http
 	option	httplog
 	option	dontlognull
+	option	httpchk
 	balance	roundrobin
 	cookie	SERVERID insert indirect nocache
 	server	inst1 cookie server01 check inter 2000 fall 3
diff --git a/haproxy.c b/haproxy.c
index d51ea2d..0dfa46e 100644
--- a/haproxy.c
+++ b/haproxy.c
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
  * ChangeLog :
+ * 2002/09/01 : 1.1.16
+ *   - implement HTTP health checks when option "httpchk" is specified.
  * 2002/08/07 : 1.1.15
  *   - replaced setpgid()/setpgrp() with setsid() for better portability, because
  *     setpgrp() doesn't have the same meaning under Solaris, Linux, and OpenBSD.
@@ -147,7 +149,6 @@
  * TODO:
  *   - handle properly intermediate incomplete server headers. Done ?
- *   - log proxies start/stop
  *   - handle hot-reconfiguration
@@ -176,8 +177,8 @@
 #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
-#define HAPROXY_VERSION "1.1.15"
-#define HAPROXY_DATE	"2002/08/07"
+#define HAPROXY_VERSION "1.1.16"
+#define HAPROXY_DATE	"2002/09/01"
 /* this is for libc5 for example */
 #ifndef TCP_NODELAY
@@ -342,6 +343,7 @@
 #define PR_O_NULLNOLOG	512	/* a connect without request will not be logged */
 #define PR_O_COOK_NOC	1024	/* add a 'Cache-control' header with the cookie */
 #define PR_O_COOK_POST	2048	/* don't insert cookies for requests other than a POST */
+#define PR_O_HTTP_CHK	4096	/* use HTTP 'OPTIONS' method to check server health */
 /* various session flags */
@@ -2061,10 +2063,11 @@
  * This function is used only for server health-checks. It handles
- * the connection acknowledgement and returns 1 if the socket is OK,
+ * the connection acknowledgement. If the proxy requires HTTP health-checks,
+ * it sends the request. In other cases, it returns 1 if the socket is OK,
  * or -1 if an error occured.
-int event_srv_hck(int fd) {
+int event_srv_chk_w(int fd) {
     struct task *t = fdtab[fd].owner;
     struct server *s = t->context;
@@ -2073,9 +2076,64 @@
     getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
     if (skerr)
 	s->result = -1;
-    else
-	s->result = 1;
+    else {
+	if (s->proxy->options & PR_O_HTTP_CHK) {
+	    int ret;
+	    /* we want to check if this host replies to "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0"
+	     * so we'll send the request, and won't wake the checker up now.
+	     */
+	    ret = send(fd, "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", 22, MSG_DONTWAIT);
+	    ret = send(fd, "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", 22, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+	    if (ret == 22) {
+		FD_SET(fd, StaticReadEvent);   /* prepare for reading reply */
+		FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent);  /* nothing more to write */
+		return 0;
+	    }
+	    else
+		s->result = -1;
+	}
+	else {
+	    /* good TCP connection is enough */
+	    s->result = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    task_wakeup(&rq, t);
+    return 0;
+ * This function is used only for server health-checks. It handles
+ * the server's reply to an HTTP request. It returns 1 if the server replies
+ * 2xx or 3xx (valid responses), or -1 in other cases.
+ */
+int event_srv_chk_r(int fd) {
+    char reply[64];
+    int len;
+    struct task *t = fdtab[fd].owner;
+    struct server *s = t->context;
+    int skerr, lskerr;
+    lskerr = sizeof(skerr);
+    getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr);
+    s->result = -1;
+    if (!skerr) {
+	len = recv(fd, reply, sizeof(reply), 0);
+	len = recv(fd, reply, sizeof(reply), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+	if ((len >= sizeof("HTTP/1.0 000")) &&
+	    !memcmp(reply, "HTTP/1.", 7) &&
+	    (reply[9] == '2' || reply[9] == '3')) /* 2xx or 3xx */
+		s->result = 1;
+    }
+    FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent);
     task_wakeup(&rq, t);
     return 0;
@@ -3277,8 +3335,8 @@
 		    s->curfd = fd; /* that's how we know a test is in progress ;-) */
 		    fdtab[fd].owner = t;
-		    fdtab[fd].read  = NULL;
-		    fdtab[fd].write = &event_srv_hck;
+		    fdtab[fd].read  = &event_srv_chk_r;
+		    fdtab[fd].write = &event_srv_chk_w;
 		    fdtab[fd].state = FD_STCONN; /* connection in progress */
 		    FD_SET(fd, StaticWriteEvent);  /* for connect status */
@@ -3981,6 +4039,10 @@
 	    /* don't log empty requests */
 	    curproxy->options |= PR_O_NULLNOLOG;
+	else if (!strcmp(args[1], "httpchk")) {
+	    /* use HTTP request to check servers' health */
+	    curproxy->options |= PR_O_HTTP_CHK;
+	}
 	else {
 	    Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : unknown option <%s>.\n", file, linenum, args[1]);
 	    return -1;
diff --git a/init.d/haproxy b/init.d/haproxy
index 3849d70..89e3b83 100644
--- a/init.d/haproxy
+++ b/init.d/haproxy
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 # ulimit -c unlimited
 # soft stop
-function dostop {
+function do_stop {
    pids=`pidof -o $$ -- $PNAME`
    if [ ! -z "$pids" ]; then
       echo "Asking $PNAME to terminate gracefully..."