REORG: stats: dump the backend stats via the generic function
The code was simply moved as-is to the new function. There's no
functional change.
diff --git a/src/dumpstats.c b/src/dumpstats.c
index 83cd86a..6b7d32e 100644
--- a/src/dumpstats.c
+++ b/src/dumpstats.c
@@ -3731,6 +3731,157 @@
chunk_appendf(&trash, "<td class=ac>-</td></tr>\n");
+ else if (stats[ST_F_TYPE].u.u32 == STATS_TYPE_BE) {
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr class=\"backend\">");
+ if (admin) {
+ /* Column sub-heading for Enable or Disable server */
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<td></td>");
+ }
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ "<td class=ac>"
+ /* name */
+ "%s<a name=\"%s/Backend\"></a>"
+ "<a class=lfsb href=\"#%s/Backend\">Backend</a>"
+ "",
+ (flags & ST_SHLGNDS)?"<u>":"",
+ field_str(stats, ST_F_PXNAME), field_str(stats, ST_F_PXNAME));
+ if (flags & ST_SHLGNDS) {
+ /* balancing */
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<div class=tips>balancing: %s",
+ backend_lb_algo_str(px->lbprm.algo & BE_LB_ALGO));
+ /* cookie */
+ if (stats[ST_F_COOKIE].type) {
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, ", cookie: '");
+ chunk_initstr(&src, field_str(stats, ST_F_COOKIE));
+ chunk_htmlencode(&trash, &src);
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "'");
+ }
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "</div>");
+ }
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ "%s</td>"
+ /* queue : current, max */
+ "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td>"
+ /* sessions rate : current, max, limit */
+ "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td>"
+ "",
+ (flags & ST_SHLGNDS)?"</u>":"",
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_QCUR].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_QMAX].u.u32),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_RATE].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_RATE_MAX].u.u32));
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ /* sessions: current, max, limit, total */
+ "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
+ "<td><u>%s<div class=tips><table class=det>"
+ "<tr><th>Cum. sessions:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "",
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_SCUR].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_SCUR].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_SLIM].u.u32),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_STOT].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_STOT].u.u64));
+ /* http response (via hover): 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, other */
+ if (px->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) {
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ "<tr><th>Cum. HTTP requests:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>- HTTP 1xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>- HTTP 2xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th> Compressed 2xx:</th><td>%s</td><td>(%d%%)</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>- HTTP 3xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>- HTTP 4xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>- HTTP 5xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>- other responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>Intercepted requests:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th colspan=3>Avg over last 1024 success. conn.</th></tr>"
+ "",
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_REQ_TOT].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_1XX].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_2XX].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_RSP].u.u64),
+ stats[ST_F_HRSP_2XX].u.u64 ?
+ (int)(100 * stats[ST_F_COMP_RSP].u.u64 / stats[ST_F_HRSP_2XX].u.u64) : 0,
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_3XX].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_4XX].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_5XX].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_OTHER].u.u64),
+ U2H(px->be_counters.intercepted_req));
+ }
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Queue time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_QTIME].u.u32));
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Connect time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_QTIME].u.u32));
+ if (px->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP)
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Response time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_RTIME].u.u32));
+ chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Total time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_TTIME].u.u32));
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ "</table></div></u></td>"
+ /* sessions: lbtot, last */
+ "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
+ /* bytes: in */
+ "<td>%s</td>"
+ "",
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_LBTOT].u.u64),
+ human_time(stats[ST_F_LASTSESS].u.s32, 1),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_BIN].u.u64));
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ /* bytes:out + compression stats (via hover): comp_in, comp_out, comp_byp */
+ "<td>%s%s<div class=tips><table class=det>"
+ "<tr><th>Response bytes in:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>Compression in:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>Compression out:</th><td>%s</td><td>(%d%%)</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>Compression bypass:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>Total bytes saved:</th><td>%s</td><td>(%d%%)</td></tr>"
+ "</table></div>%s</td>",
+ (stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 || stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64) ? "<u>":"",
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_OUT].u.u64),
+ stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 ? (int)(stats[ST_F_COMP_OUT].u.u64 * 100 / stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64) : 0,
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 - stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64),
+ stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64 ? (int)((stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 - stats[ST_F_COMP_OUT].u.u64) * 100 / stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64) : 0,
+ (stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 || stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64) ? "</u>":"");
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ /* denied: req, resp */
+ "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
+ /* errors : request, connect */
+ "<td></td><td>%s</td>"
+ /* errors : response */
+ "<td><u>%s<div class=tips>Connection resets during transfers: %lld client, %lld server</div></u></td>"
+ /* warnings: retries, redispatches */
+ "<td>%lld</td><td>%lld</td>"
+ /* backend status: reflect backend status (up/down): we display UP
+ * if the backend has known working servers or if it has no server at
+ * all (eg: for stats). Then we display the total weight, number of
+ * active and backups. */
+ "<td class=ac>%s %s</td><td class=ac> </td><td class=ac>%d</td>"
+ "<td class=ac>%d</td><td class=ac>%d</td>"
+ "",
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_DREQ].u.u64), U2H(stats[ST_F_DRESP].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_ECON].u.u64),
+ U2H(stats[ST_F_ERESP].u.u64),
+ (long long)stats[ST_F_CLI_ABRT].u.u64,
+ (long long)stats[ST_F_SRV_ABRT].u.u64,
+ (long long)stats[ST_F_WRETR].u.u64, (long long)stats[ST_F_WREDIS].u.u64,
+ human_time(stats[ST_F_LASTCHG].u.u32, 1),
+ strcmp(field_str(stats, ST_F_STATUS), "DOWN") ? field_str(stats, ST_F_STATUS) : "<font color=\"red\"><b>DOWN</b></font>",
+ stats[ST_F_WEIGHT].u.u32,
+ stats[ST_F_ACT].u.u32, stats[ST_F_BCK].u.u32);
+ chunk_appendf(&trash,
+ /* rest of backend: nothing, down transitions, total downtime, throttle */
+ "<td class=ac> </td><td>%d</td>"
+ "<td>%s</td>"
+ "<td></td>"
+ "</tr>",
+ stats[ST_F_CHKDOWN].u.u32,
+ stats[ST_F_DOWNTIME].type ? human_time(stats[ST_F_DOWNTIME].u.u32, 1) : " ");
+ }
return 1;
@@ -4148,7 +4299,6 @@
static int stats_dump_be_stats(struct stream_interface *si, struct proxy *px, int flags)
struct appctx *appctx = __objt_appctx(si->end);
- struct chunk src;
if (!(px->cap & PR_CAP_BE))
return 0;
@@ -4222,155 +4372,10 @@
stats[ST_F_TTIME] = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(px->be_counters.t_time, TIME_STATS_SAMPLES));
if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_HTML) {
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr class=\"backend\">");
- if (px->srv && (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_ADMIN)) {
- /* Column sub-heading for Enable or Disable server */
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<td></td>");
- }
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- "<td class=ac>"
- /* name */
- "%s<a name=\"%s/Backend\"></a>"
- "<a class=lfsb href=\"#%s/Backend\">Backend</a>"
- "",
- (flags & ST_SHLGNDS)?"<u>":"",
- field_str(stats, ST_F_PXNAME), field_str(stats, ST_F_PXNAME));
- if (flags & ST_SHLGNDS) {
- /* balancing */
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<div class=tips>balancing: %s",
- backend_lb_algo_str(px->lbprm.algo & BE_LB_ALGO));
- /* cookie */
- if (stats[ST_F_COOKIE].type) {
- chunk_appendf(&trash, ", cookie: '");
- chunk_initstr(&src, field_str(stats, ST_F_COOKIE));
- chunk_htmlencode(&trash, &src);
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "'");
- }
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "</div>");
- }
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- "%s</td>"
- /* queue : current, max */
- "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td>"
- /* sessions rate : current, max, limit */
- "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td>"
- "",
- (flags & ST_SHLGNDS)?"</u>":"",
- U2H(stats[ST_F_QCUR].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_QMAX].u.u32),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_RATE].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_RATE_MAX].u.u32));
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- /* sessions: current, max, limit, total */
- "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
- "<td><u>%s<div class=tips><table class=det>"
- "<tr><th>Cum. sessions:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "",
- U2H(stats[ST_F_SCUR].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_SCUR].u.u32), U2H(stats[ST_F_SLIM].u.u32),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_STOT].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_STOT].u.u64));
- /* http response (via hover): 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, other */
- if (px->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) {
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- "<tr><th>Cum. HTTP requests:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>- HTTP 1xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>- HTTP 2xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th> Compressed 2xx:</th><td>%s</td><td>(%d%%)</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>- HTTP 3xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>- HTTP 4xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>- HTTP 5xx responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>- other responses:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>Intercepted requests:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th colspan=3>Avg over last 1024 success. conn.</th></tr>"
- "",
- U2H(stats[ST_F_REQ_TOT].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_1XX].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_2XX].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_RSP].u.u64),
- stats[ST_F_HRSP_2XX].u.u64 ?
- (int)(100 * stats[ST_F_COMP_RSP].u.u64 / stats[ST_F_HRSP_2XX].u.u64) : 0,
- U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_3XX].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_4XX].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_5XX].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_HRSP_OTHER].u.u64),
- U2H(px->be_counters.intercepted_req));
- }
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Queue time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_QTIME].u.u32));
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Connect time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_QTIME].u.u32));
- if (px->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP)
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Response time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_RTIME].u.u32));
- chunk_appendf(&trash, "<tr><th>- Total time:</th><td>%s</td><td>ms</td></tr>", U2H(stats[ST_F_TTIME].u.u32));
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- "</table></div></u></td>"
- /* sessions: lbtot, last */
- "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
- /* bytes: in */
- "<td>%s</td>"
- "",
- U2H(stats[ST_F_LBTOT].u.u64),
- human_time(stats[ST_F_LASTSESS].u.s32, 1),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_BIN].u.u64));
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- /* bytes:out + compression stats (via hover): comp_in, comp_out, comp_byp */
- "<td>%s%s<div class=tips><table class=det>"
- "<tr><th>Response bytes in:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>Compression in:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>Compression out:</th><td>%s</td><td>(%d%%)</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>Compression bypass:</th><td>%s</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>Total bytes saved:</th><td>%s</td><td>(%d%%)</td></tr>"
- "</table></div>%s</td>",
- (stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 || stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64) ? "<u>":"",
- U2H(stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_OUT].u.u64),
- stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 ? (int)(stats[ST_F_COMP_OUT].u.u64 * 100 / stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64) : 0,
- U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 - stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64),
- stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64 ? (int)((stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 - stats[ST_F_COMP_OUT].u.u64) * 100 / stats[ST_F_BOUT].u.u64) : 0,
- (stats[ST_F_COMP_IN].u.u64 || stats[ST_F_COMP_BYP].u.u64) ? "</u>":"");
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- /* denied: req, resp */
- "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
- /* errors : request, connect */
- "<td></td><td>%s</td>"
- /* errors : response */
- "<td><u>%s<div class=tips>Connection resets during transfers: %lld client, %lld server</div></u></td>"
- /* warnings: retries, redispatches */
- "<td>%lld</td><td>%lld</td>"
- /* backend status: reflect backend status (up/down): we display UP
- * if the backend has known working servers or if it has no server at
- * all (eg: for stats). Then we display the total weight, number of
- * active and backups. */
- "<td class=ac>%s %s</td><td class=ac> </td><td class=ac>%d</td>"
- "<td class=ac>%d</td><td class=ac>%d</td>"
- "",
- U2H(stats[ST_F_DREQ].u.u64), U2H(stats[ST_F_DRESP].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_ECON].u.u64),
- U2H(stats[ST_F_ERESP].u.u64),
- (long long)stats[ST_F_CLI_ABRT].u.u64,
- (long long)stats[ST_F_SRV_ABRT].u.u64,
- (long long)stats[ST_F_WRETR].u.u64, (long long)stats[ST_F_WREDIS].u.u64,
- human_time(stats[ST_F_LASTCHG].u.u32, 1),
- strcmp(field_str(stats, ST_F_STATUS), "DOWN") ? field_str(stats, ST_F_STATUS) : "<font color=\"red\"><b>DOWN</b></font>",
- stats[ST_F_WEIGHT].u.u32,
- stats[ST_F_ACT].u.u32, stats[ST_F_BCK].u.u32);
+ int admin;
- chunk_appendf(&trash,
- /* rest of backend: nothing, down transitions, total downtime, throttle */
- "<td class=ac> </td><td>%d</td>"
- "<td>%s</td>"
- "<td></td>"
- "</tr>",
- stats[ST_F_CHKDOWN].u.u32,
- stats[ST_F_DOWNTIME].type ? human_time(stats[ST_F_DOWNTIME].u.u32, 1) : " ");
+ admin = (px->cap & PR_CAP_BE) && px->srv && (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_ADMIN);
+ stats_dump_fields_html(stats, admin, flags, px);
else { /* CSV mode */
/* dump everything */